
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

You know what? The other day, when I went to the nearby library to borrow a mystery novel for entertainment, I was just shocked and disappointed to find out that the criminal’s name was explicitly handwritten by some jerk guy who had read it before me—and that on the very first page of the story, of all things. Shit! An extremity of a spoiler alert!

But, come to think of it, if the name had been written in the middle of the story, that might have been even more upsetting…

Well, well…, good buddies, never be a copycat criminal! And never say, “Sheesh! Understood the assignment!” either!





sheesh /ʃiːʃ/
━exclamation (informal)
used to express the feeling of being extremely annoyed or finding it hard to believe sth
● I mean, sheesh, get back to work, Frankie!
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition

