The following photo, once posted at the SNS “ボケて(bokete)—写真で一言ボケて大喜利・面白ネタ”, is my favorite one with amusing commentary.
It goes:
My translation:
I can’t find the bread I was eating.
How I like it:
Hey, the guy who fell upon this stuff—a masterpiece of fun! You are a genius! And I can’t imagine how you managed to put the bread around the cat’s head! Right on!… But you seem to have got carried away a bit 😁!
Hey, pussycat! You poor lovable kitty! You look innocent indeed! But kitty, you seem too obedient—even willing to turn the other cheek? You might as well rise and revolt now and again, you know!
fall on 〜 / fall upon 〜:(ここでは)〜<考えなど>を(ふと)思いつく (≒ come upon 〜)
masterpiece: 傑作、名作
genius: 天才、鬼才、奇才
Right on!: よーし、いいぞ!、いいぞ、いいぞ!その調子!
be carried away:(持って行かれる→)夢中になる、我を忘れる
be/get carried away
to get very excited or lose control of your feelings
● I got carried away and started shouting at the television.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition
lovable: 愛らしい、愛すべき、かわいい
innocent: 無邪気な、あどけない、善意の、悪意のない、罪のない
obedient: 従順な、すなおな、言うことをよく聞く
be willing to do:
turn the other cheek:(仕返しをせずに)人の仕打ちをうける、<ひどい仕打ちに対して>仕返しをしようとしない、(攻撃されても)報復しない《マタイによる福音書5章39節、ルカによる福音書6章29節》
to make a deliberate decision to remain calm and not to act in an aggressive way when sb has hurt you or made you angry
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition
may [might] (just) as well do (as…):(…するくらいなら)〜したがよろしい、(まあ)〜するのも悪くはない[してもよい]、〜するも同然だ、(…するくらいなら)いっそ〜した方がましだ、〜して(くれて)もよいだろう
may/might (just) as well do sth
1 used to say that sth seems the best thing to do in the situation that you are in, although you may not really want to do it
● If no one else wants it, we might as well give it to him.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition
rise and revolt: 奮起して抵抗する(頭韻(alliteration)を踏ませてある:rise 〜 revolt)
now and again ≒ (every) now and then: 時々、時おり、時には、場合によっては