
Dialects are Fun! (1)

【今日のDaily Diary】‬ ☕


In my dialect, the greeting ‘Good evening/こんばんは’ can be, among others, ‘Oban-desu’―literally, ‘evening (お晩) is (です).’ It’s a kind of beautiful wording, isn’t it? Well, there is, in fact, a local TV news magazine program named ‘Oh! バンデス’, which used to be just ‘おばんです’ some time ago.

But sorry to say, this nice-sounding greeting could be misleading now and then, as in:

Case 1.
A: Oban-desu!
B: まあ、あなた。まだお若いのに自分のこと「オバン」だなんて……。

Case 2.
A: Oban-desu!
B: 「オバンです」ですって!?まあ、失礼な!私はオバンなんかじゃないわ!!

See? 😉

Me? Well, I’m eighteen till I die!!! Haha…

