
Asian Miracle - Why I think Stay home "favor"only works in Japan 日本が法整備もないのに自粛できたのは奇跡だと思う

When I was little, my grandma told me "The God is watching you", whenever I did something bad. This partly the reason why I feel like someone's watching me whenever I do (or about to do) something bad. Perhaps it is just my nature, but it is amazing how my grandma's preach stays with me. (Note, here she meant god as any gods, as she believes in multiple gods, not in one god particular) .


I am genuinely amazed by how "stay home favor" is somewhat working in Japan and I believe this is the only country that could work. Singapore has serious punishment for people who do not obey stay home order. Police have issued 14,000 fined for lockdown breaches.


Now, Japan is a pandemic outlier without having criminal repercussions. This is reasoned by Japanese collectivism and old rituals which work as passive enforcement.


Japan has a long-standing ritual  known as  "Murahachibu"(It originally was a way to punish people who did things against the rules), and likelihood  to punish those who act contrary to groups. (This stance is also evident in strong illegal drug enforcement). That is why the media particularly targets politicians and celebrities do not follow stay home favor, and the Japanese society blames individuals rather than the government for not enforcing stricter sanctions. The fact that media particularly targeted celebrities who had affair and publically shamed them before the spread of Coronavirus.


Murahachibu is negative enforcement that prevents people from committing acts that are against social norms. In other words, individuals may not act upon "good deeds" if they know that nobody is watching or there is no punishment associated with it. The problem of "stay home favor" is that it is not legally binding. If there is no punishment, no action will be taken. This is the reason why many people are publically shaming people who do not act upon order by enforcing self-control.

村八分は、人々が社会的規範に反する行動をとることを防ぐ「否定的」な取り組みだ。 言い換えれば、誰も見ていなかったり、それに対する罰則がない場合、個人は個人の「善意」に基づいて行動することができない。 日本の外出自粛という「お願い」は、法的拘束力と全く持たない。 罰がない以上は人は守らなくなる。 これが、多くの人々が「自制を強制すること」によって秩序に従って行動しない人々を公然に辱めている理由だ。

In reality, public shaming only has a negative connotation and negative enforcement does not work as well as positive enforcement. If you go to Japanese public toilets, you will find a poster saying "Thank you for keeping it clean" rather than "please do not litter". The former feels much better as a user and hence enforces people to use it right.

実際には、公然な辱めは否定的な意味合いしかなく、否定的な抑制は肯定的な抑制と相反し、全くその機能を果たさない。 日本の公衆トイレに行くと、「汚くつかわないでください」ではなく「清潔に使ってくれてありがとう」というポスターが貼ってある。 前者は使用者にとってははるかに気分が良いので、人々にトイレを正しく使用するよう促してくれる。


Unfortunately, public execution of self-restraint does not lead to a positive outcome neither from a social nor public health perspective. Perhaps blaming stay home violation is no different from bashing a corona infected person. As long as it is transmitted from person to person, it is not enough to rely on "individual responsibility". This is the reason why many countries are taking WAY serious measures to suppress the virus with legal enforcement and quarantine orders. We should not forget it is the virus that we are fighting against, not the person. As my grandma wisely said before, it doesn't matter what others do, each person should think and take the best action possible because "somebody" is watching you, and that somebody is you.

