
Diary 20240822-20240828



Extremely hot, but my mom and sister and I went out to Gojo city to go to a renewed market and cafe. It wasn’t as big as I expected, but it felt nice to try a new place.

It’s not easy to keep my feeling up or relaxed all the time.. Little things can push it down, (like a typhoon is approaching and it might hit our area on the day I’m planning to go to Wakayama) but now I know it’s me who do it to myself, so I try to remind it to myself and noticing it is just enough.


Very hot day today as well.

Had a great day overall. One of our regular customers told us that he started going to a swimming pool. It sounded very nice.

I might have to cancel our trip to Wakayama, which is disappointing, but now I feel like I can take it well. Sometimes it’s not easy, but it’s about how I take it and I know I can take it as something that brings even better thing. So “How can I make this or my feeling better?” would be a good question to start with.


Had fun talking about numerology (didn’t know English has a word for “suhijutsu”) with S-san. We don’t know anything about what the number means, but we kept sorting people out according to it (Mine is 5, btw).

Now I know I can be happy whether I have to cancel the trip to Wakayama or not. And this applies to anything else, I guess.


Today is my sister’s 35th birthday. Went to shopping mall, ate sushi for lunch, bought multiple kinds of grapes, bought some cakes and went back home to eat them (all on her request). It’s nice to open a day (almost) completely for someone. It might’ve been nicer to plan everything for her, but I prefer doing what she wants together and enjoy it.

The direction of the typhoon is still uncertain, but I would go to a local pool park in sunny Nara rather than going to cloudy or rainy Wakayama..


I feel happy when I know I’m going to work at the cafe whenever I have a shift, which is very good. We laughed a lot today as well, which is very good, too.

Now the typhoon isn’t a big problem. I’ve been wavering whether I go to the hotel in Wakayama or to the pool near us. I guess I can experience what I want more certainly if I go to the pool. It might be refreshing to go a bit far place like Wakayama and see the ocean, though. Either way, it’s gonna be nice and what’s important is how I make myself feel satisfied whichever I choose.


Swam in a pool for the fist time in over 20 years! The pool we went was full of kids and families, but it was good to experience an outdoor pool with a vibrant atmosphere. Felt good in water, so I want to swim regularly. It must be feel good to swim a long distance at a slow, constant pace.

Keep practicing changing my mood when I notice it getting down by changing the focus.


I went to a city pool for the first time. It’s not like a water park but a gym pool, but it felt nice to try swimming as much as I can. I tired swam with crawl strokes. It might not be a beautiful form, but it felt good to feel that I move forward faster.

The drum class was even more fun, leaning a new technique and apply it to a song as much as I can.

What a nice day with swimming and music. Oh I did a clerical work in the morning, too, which I give a good job to myself.

I like my room and my (parents’) house, but it would be nice to have a small but clean and quiet room to myself. I won’t do anything in particular, but will enjoy imagining it and look forward to it.




