Diary 20241107-20241113
また半年ぐらいほったらかしになっていた自転車の空気をうまく入れられて嬉しかった昨日。医療系のドラマ(The Resident)を毎日見ていると、自分の体(臓器)が機能しているのがすごいことのように思えます。昔に比べると暖かすぎるのかもしれないけど、今がちょうどいいのでこれ以上寒くなってほしくない。反芻するより目の前のことに意識を持っていきたい。でも嬉しくなることなら反芻してもいいか。そんな1週間。
I finished reading “Life of Tsuyukusa Natsuko” by Miri Masuda. It captures what a life is and got me feeling the wonder of my life. Made me cry a little. It’s nice to remember how it’s wonderful to just exist. It’s not like I’m denying doing something or wanting something, but it’s simple as that, and I think everything starts from there.
Went to a place called cafe Himiko to have lunch with E. It was run by an old couple and the food the wife makes was good, and the husband who serves was charming. Glad we had a good time.
After that, I went to Hitomi Coffee to have a coffee. Met some familiar faces. I guess because I read the book in the morning, I was grateful for people who spent nice time together.
I got something on the side of my tongue and it hurts and is annoying a little. I guess it’s a caner sore.
There were some errands to run, but those can wait. I slowly made my final Shibukawani in the morning and went for a walk in the park in the afternoon.
Drove to Nijo Spice to get takeout curry for dinner. Nice seeing and chatting with him again. I ran into one of his kids who seemed to be a junior high students and got to remember they have four kids…?
Before noticing, I get easily into a self-talk. It’s not bad, but I kinda want to be in the moment more..
On the way home, I thought that we can put any label on “eating dinner with mom and sister”. Whatever it is, we’ve gotta choose the one that make ourselves feel easier and happier.
The staff of the real estate agent texted and it seems like I can start renting the house from January. I’m going to see the house again before I make a contract, but I’m pretty excited.
Nicely busy at the cafe. Happy to see some familiar faces and it was interesting that family members of a temple master from Yakushiji and Saidaiji came. Felt strangely blessed!
I went to Osaka to see some exhibitions. It’s been quite a while that I went to an exhibition to another and I was a little nervous, but it ended up being a very nice day.
I’ve been following some of those artists for years, and it’s inspiring to see them keep pursuing their art in their own ways. Maybe that’s why I like to go see exhibitions and talk to them.
That applies to those who runs small shops and galleries, too. They’re also pursuing something or doing what they love in their own ways, even if that’s not always easy.
A-san, the owner of iTohen said, “Having fun (or enjoying what you do) is the best”, which I think is a win at the end of the day at any circumstances and resonated with me quite much.
It was another nice day. Always happy to see people being happy spending time at the cafe. Also I like to package baked goods thinking how they make people happy. It becomes a bit difficult to feel that when I’m in a rush or feel pressured, and just knowing the fact helps, so I’m good.
The sable I bought at “escalgot” yesterday tasted very good. It’s fun to discover what I like more.
I think about how I want to be after all by achieving what I desire.
Went to “shiro biru” in Naramachi to get an obento of Yama-no-table with S-san. It was a quick stop, just about one-hour lunch time, but we enjoyed each food in the bento with nice chat and also enjoyed looking around the new shop started at the place where Mia’s bread was used to be. Happy to see N-san, whose smile always makes me happy. I was able to enjoy classes in the afternoon even more.
I got a text from my student in the morning asking me if we could change the date of her class or start it earlier because she needed to take her kid to a clinic.
We rearranged our schedule very quickly and managed to have her class earlier.
We were supposed to go on a picnic and to a cafe but my sister told us she would rather go to a Starbucks in Nara city. Her attitude wasn’t very communicative and wasn’t clear if she really wants to go or how she wants to do what (as she always is), so she ended up not going anywhere.
It’s a shame she didn’t join the picnic and it would’ve been fun if we had gone to the Starbucks, but it was also nice that I was able to have a coffee break in my room watching a movie after a while.
But I admit that I got stiff-minded when she wanted to go to the Starbucks, which I regret a little.