AIにゃんこ英単語 英検準1級レベル 1~200(テキストのみ)
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Accentuation: /ˈbæk.boʊn/
Japanese Translation: 脊椎 (せきつい)、根幹
English-English Definition: The main support or major sustaining factor of something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old cat, known as the backbone of the neighborhood watch, vigilantly guarded the alleyways each night.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その古い猫は、近所の見守りの中心として、毎晩細い路地をしっかりと守っていた。
Accentuation: /veɪl/
Japanese Translation: ベール、覆い
English-English Definition: A piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face; or figuratively, something that serves to cover or conceal something else.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In the misty morning, the stray cat's figure was like a shadow behind a veil, barely visible to the watchful eye.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 霧の濃い朝に、その野良猫の姿はベールの後ろの影のようで、注意深い目にかろうじて見える程度だった。
Accentuation: /ˌrɛstəˈreɪʃən/
Japanese Translation: 復元、復旧
English-English Definition: The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After many years, the old cat cafe underwent a complete restoration, bringing back its original charm and the cats' favorite sunny spots.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 長年の後、その古い猫カフェは完全に復元され、元の魅力と猫たちのお気に入りの日当たりの良い場所が戻ってきた。
Accentuation: /ˈvaɪ.brənt/
Japanese Translation: 鮮やかな、活気のある
English-English Definition: Full of energy and life; bright and striking.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The vibrant calico cat danced through the garden, her fur shimmering in the sunlight like a lively painting come to life.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その鮮やかな三毛猫は、庭を踊るように駆け巡り、日光の中でその毛皮が生き生きとした絵画のように輝いていた。
Accentuation: /rɪˈfrɛʃmənt/
Japanese Translation: 軽食・飲み物、気分転換
English-English Definition: A small amount of food or drink that is provided or consumed to give one energy and make one feel more awake; also, the act of refreshing oneself.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After a long afternoon nap in the sun, the little kitten sought refreshment in a small bowl of cool water, feeling rejuvenated.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 長い午後の日向ぼっこから目覚めた小さな子猫は、クールな水の入った小さなボウルでリフレッシュを求め、元気を取り戻した気分だった。
Accentuation: /əˈveɪl/
Japanese Translation: 利用する、役立つ
English-English Definition: To use or take advantage of an opportunity or available resource; to help or benefit.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat availed itself of the open window to sneak into the warm house, finding a cozy spot away from the cold.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、暖かい家に忍び込むために開いていた窓を利用し、寒さから離れた居心地の良い場所を見つけた。
Accentuation: /ˈvæl.ɪd/
Japanese Translation: 有効な、妥当な
English-English Definition: Legally or officially acceptable; logically sound, well-founded.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old cat's claim to the sunniest spot in the house was valid, for she had discovered it first and always napped there.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その古い猫が家の中で最も日当たりの良い場所を主張するのは妥当だった、なぜなら彼女がそれを最初に見つけ、いつもそこで昼寝をしていたからだ。
Accentuation: /ɪˈkɒn.ə.mɪst/ or /ēˌkän-əˈmist/
Japanese Translation: 経済学者
English-English Definition: A specialist in economics, particularly in the study of how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The neighborhood's renowned cat economist had a theory: more catnip plants in the gardens would increase happiness and reduce stress for all the local felines.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その地域で有名な猫の経済学者は理論を持っていた:庭にもっとネコハーブの植物を増やせば、地元の全てのネコの幸福度が上がり、ストレスが減少するだろう。
Accentuation: /ˈɒp.ə.reɪt/
Japanese Translation: 操作する、運営する
English-English Definition: To control the functioning of a machine or process; to manage or run an organization or activity.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat learned to operate the automatic feeder, ensuring it never missed a meal.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は自動給餌器の操作方法を学び、食事を逃すことがないようにした。
Accentuation: /ɪnˈdʒɛk.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: 注射
English-English Definition: The act of putting a liquid, especially a drug, into someone's body using a needle and syringe.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite her usual bravery, the small kitten whimpered softly during her vaccination injection, but soon after, she was back to her playful self.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 通常の勇敢さにもかかわらず、小さな子猫は予防接種の注射の間、静かに鳴いたが、すぐにいつもの遊び好きな自分に戻った。
Accentuation: /ˈpræk.tɪs/
Japanese Translation: 練習、実践
English-English Definition: The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories about such application or use; the repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Every morning, the young cat would practice her hunting skills on the unsuspecting toys scattered around the living room, perfecting her pounce with each attempt.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 毎朝、若い猫はリビングルームに散らばった気が付かないおもちゃで狩猟スキルを練習し、試みる度に彼女の飛びかかりを完璧にしていった。
Accentuation: /ˈɔː.ɡən/
Japanese Translation: 臓器、器官
English-English Definition: A part of the body of a living thing that performs a specific function, such as the heart or liver in humans; also, a large musical instrument with pipes, played by keys.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's keen sense of smell is thanks to its highly developed olfactory organ, allowing it to detect even the faintest scents.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の鋭い嗅覚は、非常に発達した嗅覚器官のおかげで、最もかすかな匂いでも感知することができる。
Accentuation: /ɪˈlæb.ə.reɪt/
Japanese Translation: 精巧な、詳細に述べる
English-English Definition: Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning. When used as a verb, it means to explain something in more detail or add more information.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's plan to sneak into the pantry was elaborate, involving a series of stealthy movements and distractions for the humans.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 食料品室に忍び込むための猫の計画は精巧で、人間をそらすための一連の隠密行動を含んでいた。
Accentuation: /səbˈskrɪp.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: 定期購読、加入
English-English Definition: The arrangement to receive something, typically a publication, regularly by paying in advance; also, the action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat was thrilled with its new subscription to the monthly gourmet fish box, eagerly awaiting the delivery each time.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は毎月届くグルメな魚のボックスの新しい定期購読に大喜びし、毎回配達を心待ちにしていた。
Accentuation: /ˈrɛd.i.nəs/
Japanese Translation: 準備ができていること
English-English Definition: The state of being fully prepared for something; willingness or eagerness to do something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: With her tail twitching in readiness, the cat eyed the dangling string, poised to leap at any moment.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 尻尾を準備ができているサインとしてピクピクさせながら、猫はぶら下がっている紐を見つめ、いつでも飛びかかる態勢をとっていた。
Accentuation: /əˌkɒm.əˈdeɪ.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: 宿泊施設、適応
English-English Definition: A place where people can live, stay, or work, usually temporarily; the process of adapting or adjusting to someone or something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To accommodate her growing family of felines, Mrs. Whiskerson expanded her home, adding cozy beds and climbing towers for their comfort and entertainment.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 成長する猫の家族に対応するために、ウィスカーソン夫人は自宅を拡張し、彼らの快適さと娯楽のために居心地の良いベッドと登るための塔を追加した。
Accentuation: /əˈwɛə.nəs/
Japanese Translation: 意識、認識
English-English Definition: Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact; consciousness or recognition of something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The streetwise cat had an exceptional awareness of its surroundings, always alert to the slightest sound or movement.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 街に詳しいその猫は、周囲の状況に対する非常に優れた意識を持っており、最小の音や動きにも常に警戒していた。
Accentuation: /ˈliː.ʒər/ or /ˈleʒ.ər/
Japanese Translation: 余暇
English-English Definition: Free time spent away from business, work, domestic chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and sleeping.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In her leisure time, the fluffy cat enjoyed lounging in the sun-drenched window sill, watching the world go by.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 余暇の時間に、そのふわふわの猫は日差しが降り注ぐ窓辺で寛ぎ、世界が過ぎ去るのを見るのを楽しんだ。
Accentuation: /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/
Japanese Translation: 合理的な、理にかなった
English-English Definition: Being in accordance with reason; not extreme or excessive; fair and sensible.
Cat-themed English Sentence: It was only reasonable for the cat to expect a treat after performing all her tricks flawlessly in front of the guests.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ゲストの前で彼女の芸を完璧に披露した後でおやつを期待するのは、その猫にとって全く合理的だった。
Accentuation: /bloʊ/
Japanese Translation: 吹く、打撃
English-English Definition: (1) To move and create a current of air; (2) To forcefully expel air through the mouth; (3) An act of hitting someone or something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat used its paw to gently blow the feather across the floor, mesmerized by its floating dance.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は羽を床の上で優しく吹き飛ばすために自分の肉球を使い、その浮遊するダンスに魅了された。
Accentuation: /əˌveɪ.ləˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/
Japanese Translation: 利用可能性
English-English Definition: The quality of being able to be used or obtained; the state of being otherwise unoccupied and therefore able to do something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite her busy schedule, the cat always made her availability known for cuddle time with her human.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 忙しいスケジュールにもかかわらず、その猫はいつも人間との抱擁タイムのために自分が利用可能であることを知らせていた。
Accentuation: /kənˈfaɪd/
Japanese Translation: 秘密を打ち明ける
English-English Definition: To trust someone enough to tell them of a secret or private matter.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old cat would often confide in her favorite plush toy, whispering her day's adventures before settling down for the night.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その年老いた猫はよく、一日の冒険を囁きながら、お気に入りのぬいぐるみに秘密を打ち明けてから夜に落ち着いた。
Accentuation: /kənˈfɛʃ.ən/
Japanese Translation: 告白
English-English Definition: The act of admitting that you have done something wrong or illegal; also, the act of disclosing one's thoughts or feelings.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After the vase shattered, the guilty cat finally made a confession, meowing softly beside the evidence of its mischievous act.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 花瓶が割れた後、罪悪感を感じている猫はついに告白し、いたずらの証拠のそばで静かに鳴いた。
Accentuation: /ˌhɒr.ɪˈzɒn.təl/
Japanese Translation: 水平の
English-English Definition: Parallel to the ground or to the bottom or top edge of something; not vertical.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat stretched out in a perfectly horizontal position across the sofa, taking up as much space as possible.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はソファの上で完全に水平な姿勢で伸びをし、できるだけ多くのスペースを占めた。
Accentuation: /ˈstɔː.rɪdʒ/
Japanese Translation: 保管、貯蔵
English-English Definition: The action or method of storing something for future use; the space available for storing something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat found a new storage space for her toys under the bed, hiding them away for later play.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、後で遊ぶためにおもちゃを隠しておく新しい保管場所をベッドの下に見つけた。
Accentuation: /rɪˈstrɪkt/
Japanese Translation: 制限する
English-English Definition: To limit the size, number, or range of something; to control something by rules or regulations.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The family decided to restrict the cat's outdoor adventures to daytime only, ensuring her safety at night.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家族は猫の屋外での冒険を日中のみに制限することに決め、夜間の安全を確保した。
Accentuation: /paɪl/
Japanese Translation: 積み重ね
English-English Definition: A heap or stack of material or objects, typically arranged so that the newest items are on top of the older ones.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The playful kitten created a pile of autumn leaves in the backyard, joyfully diving into it over and over again.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び心のある子猫は裏庭で秋の葉っぱの山を作り、何度も喜んでその中に飛び込んだ。
Accentuation: /bʌmp/
Japanese Translation: ぶつかる、こぶ
English-English Definition: (1) To come into contact with something with force; (2) A small raised area on a surface.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The curious kitten took a misstep and bumped into the side table, sending a vase teetering on the edge.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な子猫が踏み外し、サイドテーブルにぶつかって花瓶を端に揺らがせた。
Accentuation: /ˈspɪr.ɪ.tʃu.əl/
Japanese Translation: 精神的な、霊的な
English-English Definition: Relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs; not concerned with material values or pursuits.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old cat seemed to have a spiritual connection with the garden, sitting serenely among the flowers, as if meditating.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その老猫は庭と霊的なつながりを持っているようで、まるで瞑想しているかのように、花の間に静かに座っていた。
Accentuation: /ˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/
Japanese Translation: 触れられる、具体的な
English-English Definition: Perceptible by touch; clear and definite; real.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The tangible joy of the cat was evident as she purred loudly, nuzzling against her human's hand.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫が大きな声でゴロゴロと喉を鳴らし、人間の手に鼻をすり寄せるときの具体的な喜びは明らかだった。
Accentuation: /ˌhɛz.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: ためらい
English-English Definition: The action of pausing before saying or doing something because you are nervous or not sure.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The kitten showed a moment of hesitation before jumping onto the high shelf, gauging the distance with her eyes.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その子猫は高い棚に飛び乗る前に一瞬ためらい、目で距離を測っていた。
Accentuation: /ɔːˈθɛn.tɪk/
Japanese Translation: 本物の、真正の
English-English Definition: Of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's authentic purr of contentment filled the room, proving her genuine happiness.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫の満足のゴロゴロという本物の鳴き声が部屋に響き渡り、彼女の真の幸福を証明した。
Accentuation: /ˈluː.nər/
Japanese Translation: 月の、月に関する
English-English Definition: Of, determined by, relating to, or resembling the moon.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Under the lunar glow, the cat's eyes shone like two bright jewels in the night.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 月の輝きの下で、その猫の目は夜に輝く二つの明るい宝石のようだった。
Accentuation: /ˈɛs.kə.leɪt/
Japanese Translation: 段階的に増加する、エスカレートする
English-English Definition: To increase or intensify step by step; to become or make something become greater or more serious.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The playful skirmish between the two kittens began to escalate, turning the quiet afternoon into a whirlwind of paws and purrs.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 二匹の子猫の間の遊び心のある小競り合いが段階的にエスカレートし、静かな午後を爪とゴロゴロいう音の旋風に変えた。
Accentuation: /oʊˈbiː.sɪ.ti/
Japanese Translation: 肥満
English-English Definition: A condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body, leading to health risks.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Concerned about obesity, the owner adjusted the cat's diet and introduced more playtime to ensure a healthy lifestyle.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 肥満を心配して、飼い主は猫の食事を調整し、健康的な生活を保証するためにもっと遊び時間を導入した。
Accentuation: /ˈhæb.ɪ.tæt/
Japanese Translation: 生息地
English-English Definition: The natural environment in which an animal, plant, or other organism lives; the place where a species normally lives and grows.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The house cat's habitat extended beyond the cozy indoors to the sunny backyard, where it loved to bask and explore.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その家の猫の生息地は、居心地の良い室内を越えて、日当たりの良い裏庭まで広がっており、そこで日光浴をしたり探検したりするのが大好きだった。
Accentuation: /ˈmeɪnˌlændər/
Japanese Translation: 本土の住人
English-English Definition: A person who lives on the main land, as opposed to an island or other detached territory.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The mainlander cat, unfamiliar with the island's customs, was curious about the local felines' unique fishing techniques.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その本土の猫は、島の習慣に慣れていなかったため、地元の猫たちのユニークな釣り技術に興味を持った。
Accentuation: /ˌstɛr.i.əˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/ or /ˌstɪər-/
Japanese Translation: ステレオタイプの、典型的な
English-English Definition: Relating to a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The stereotypical image of cats being aloof was contradicted by the affectionate behavior of the neighborhood's felines.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫がよそよそしいというステレオタイプのイメージは、近所の猫たちの愛情深い行動によって否定された。
Accentuation: /ˈfɜː
Japanese Translation: しっかりと、断固として
English-English Definition: In a strong, steady, or secure manner; with little possibility of movement or change.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat sat firmly at the doorstep, refusing to move despite the pouring rain.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は土砂降りの雨にもかかわらず、玄関先にしっかりと座り、動こうとしなかった。
Accentuation: /saɪt/
Japanese Translation: 場所、サイト
English-English Definition: A location or area of ground where something was, is, or is to be located; also, a website on the internet.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The garden became the favorite site for the neighborhood cats to gather and share their tales under the moonlight.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その庭は月明かりの下で話を共有する地域の猫たちが集まるお気に入りの場所になった。
Accentuation: /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/
Japanese Translation: しわ
English-English Definition: A small line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin; often associated with aging or being compressed.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Even in her old age, the cat's fur showed few wrinkles, remaining as smooth and sleek as when she was a kitten.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 高齢になっても、その猫の毛皮にはしわがほとんどなく、子猫の頃と同じように滑らかでつややかだった。
Accentuation: /ˌpɒl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/
Japanese Translation: 政治家
English-English Definition: A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In the world of backyard politics, the old ginger cat was considered the seasoned politician, mediating disputes among the neighborhood felines with wisdom and grace.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 裏庭の政治の世界では、その年配のジンジャーキャットは経験豊富な政治家とみなされ、地域の猫たちの間の紛争を知恵と優雅さで仲介した。
Accentuation: /diːd/
Japanese Translation: 行為、業績
English-English Definition: An action that is performed intentionally or consciously; a notable act or achievement.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The heroic deed of the cat, who saved her kittens from a high tree, was talked about in whispers among the neighborhood cats.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 高い木から子猫を救った猫の英雄的な行為は、地域の猫たちの間でささやかれていた。
Accentuation: /druːp/
Japanese Translation: うなだれる、たるむ
English-English Definition: To hang or bend downwards; to become saggy or to sag, often as a sign of weakness or exhaustion.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After hours of play, the kitten's energy began to droop, and she nestled into a soft blanket, ready for a nap.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 長時間遊んだ後、子猫のエネルギーがたるみ始め、彼女は柔らかい毛布に寄り添って、昼寝の準備ができた。
Accentuation: /ɪkˈskluː.sɪv/
Japanese Translation: 排他的な、独占的な
English-English Definition: Restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned; not shared with others.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The sunbeam spot by the window became an exclusive lounge for the cat, where no other pet dared to intrude.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 窓際の日差しのスポットは猫のための排他的なラウンジとなり、他のペットはそこに侵入することを敢えてしなかった。
Accentuation: /suːˈpɜː.flu.əs/
Japanese Translation: 余分な、不必要な
English-English Definition: Exceeding what is sufficient or necessary; not required for the purpose at hand.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To the cat, all the fancy toys were superfluous compared to a simple cardboard box that brought endless joy.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫にとって、高価なおもちゃはすべて余分であり、単なるダンボール箱がもたらす無限の喜びに比べれば不必要だった。
Accentuation: /θɛft/
Japanese Translation: 盗み、窃盗
English-English Definition: The act of stealing; the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods or property of another.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The nightly theft of fish from the kitchen counter was finally solved when the cat was caught in the act, paw reaching for the prize.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: キッチンカウンターからの魚の夜間の窃盗は、猫が現行犯で捕まり、賞品に手を伸ばしているところを見つかった時にようやく解決された。
Accentuation: /ˈseɪ.vɪŋ/
Japanese Translation: 節約、貯蓄
English-English Definition: The act of keeping money instead of spending it, usually in a bank; it also refers to the act of preventing waste or loss of resources.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat had a habit of saving her treats, hiding them in secret spots around the house for future enjoyment.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫はおやつを節約する習慣があり、将来の楽しみのために家の中の隠し場所にそれらを隠していた。
Accentuation: /kənˈsoʊl/
Japanese Translation: 慰める
English-English Definition: To give comfort or sympathy to someone who is unhappy or disappointed.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After the storm passed, the gentle cat came to console her frightened kitten, purring softly to soothe its fears.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 嵐が過ぎ去った後、優しい猫が怖がっている子猫を慰めるためにやってきて、その恐怖を和らげるために静かにゴロゴロと鳴いた。
Accentuation: /ˈskɒl.ər.ʃɪp/
Japanese Translation: 奨学金、学問
English-English Definition: Financial support awarded to a student, based on academic achievement or other criteria that may include financial need, for the purpose of schooling; the academic study or achievement; learning at a high level.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat received a scholarship for her exceptional mouse-catching skills, earning her a place at the prestigious Academy of Feline Prowess.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は卓越したネズミ捕りのスキルにより奨学金を受け取り、猫の優れた能力のアカデミーでの場所を獲得した。
Accentuation: /ˈkɒn.kriːt/
Japanese Translation: コンクリート、具体的な
English-English Definition: A building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water, which can be spread or poured into molds and forms a stone-like mass on hardening; also refers to something that is real or solid, not abstract.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat enjoyed the cool sensation of lying on the concrete floor during the hot summer days, finding relief from the heat.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は暑い夏の日にコンクリートの床に横になる冷たい感触を楽しんでおり、暑さからの解放を見つけた。
Accentuation: /ˈsɜː.kjʊ.lə.tɔː.ri/
Japanese Translation: 循環の
English-English Definition: Relating to the circulation of blood through the body.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's circulatory system worked efficiently, even as she sprinted across the backyard, her heart pumping vigorously.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の循環系は、裏庭を激しく駆け抜ける間も効率よく機能しており、心臓が活発にポンプ運動をしていた。
Accentuation: /ˈtwaɪ.laɪt/
Japanese Translation: 薄明かり、夕暮れ
English-English Definition: The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays from the atmosphere; the period of the day after sunset and before night.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In the twilight, the cat's silhouette moved gracefully across the rooftop, blending perfectly with the dimming sky.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 薄明かりの中で、猫のシルエットが屋根の上を優雅に移動し、暗くなる空と完璧に調和した。
Accentuation: /pɪˈkjuːl.jər/
Japanese Translation: 特有の、変わった
English-English Definition: Strange or unusual; belonging exclusively to.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat had a peculiar habit of chasing its tail only under the full moon, captivating the family with its mysterious behavior.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫には満月の下でのみ自分の尾を追いかけるという特有の習慣があり、その神秘的な行動で家族を魅了した。
Accentuation: /ədˈmɪt.ɪ
Japanese Translation: 認めざるを得ないが、正直に言うと
English-English Definition: Used to admit something is true, especially something unpleasant or negative; conceding a point in an argument or discussion.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Admittedly, the cat's fascination with knocking over vases did lead to a few too many broken pieces, much to the dismay of her owners.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 認めざるを得ないが、猫が花瓶を倒すことに夢中になってしまった結果、所有者が落胆するほど多くの破片が生じてしまった。
Accentuation: /ˈpæm.pər/
Japanese Translation: 甘やかす
English-English Definition: To treat with excessive care and attention; to indulge with every comfort or kindness, often more than is good for them.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The family loved to pamper their cat, providing her with gourmet treats and a plush bed by the fireplace.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家族は猫を甘やかすのが好きで、彼女にグルメなおやつと暖炉のそばのふかふかのベッドを提供していた。
Accentuation: /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪ.tɪd/
Japanese Translation: 孤立した、隔離された
English-English Definition: Far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote; separated from others.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The isolated cat on the farm enjoyed its solitude, wandering through the vast fields with no one else in sight.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 農場の孤立した猫は、その孤独を楽しんでおり、誰もいない広大な畑を歩き回っていた。
Accentuation: /ɪnˈkaʊn.tər/ or /enˈkaʊn.tər/
Japanese Translation: 遭遇する、出会う
English-English Definition: An unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: During her nightly stroll, the cat had a surprising encounter with an owl, both pausing to curiously observe each other before going their separate ways.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 夜の散歩中、猫はフクロウと驚くべき遭遇をした。お互いに好奇心を持って観察した後、それぞれの道を行った。
Accentuation: /ˈpɪl.ɡrɪm/
Japanese Translation: 巡礼者
English-English Definition: A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons; a traveler on a journey to a holy place.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat, regarded as the pilgrim of the garden, made daily visits to the ancient tree, treating it as a sacred sanctuary.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は庭の巡礼者とみなされ、古い木への毎日の訪問を聖地として扱っていた。
Accentuation: /ˈmem.ər.ə.bəl/
Japanese Translation: 記憶に残る
English-English Definition: Worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's first encounter with snow was a memorable moment, as she tentatively stepped into the white blanket, her curiosity piqued.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫が雪と初めて出会った瞬間は記憶に残るものであり、好奇心をそそられながら白い雪の毛布の中に躊躇しながら一歩踏み出した。
Accentuation: /ɪnˈtɜːrnəl/
Japanese Translation: 内部の
English-English Definition: Located on the inside; inner; relating to or happening within a country, organization, or system.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's internal clock was incredibly accurate, always waking her human precisely at sunrise for breakfast.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫の内部時計は信じられないほど正確で、常に正確に日の出の時間に人間を起こして朝食の時間にしていた。
Accentuation: /ˈpreɡ.nənt/
Japanese Translation: 妊娠している
English-English Definition: (Of a female) having a child or young developing in the uterus.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The family noticed their cat was pregnant when she started seeking more quiet and secluded spots around the house to rest.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家族は、彼女が家の中で静かで人目につかない場所を休むために探し始めた時に、猫が妊娠していることに気づいた。
Accentuation: /ˈliː.θəl/
Japanese Translation: 致死の、命に関わる
English-English Definition: Sufficient to cause death; deadly.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite her small size, the cat's hunting skills were lethal, ensuring the safety of her territory from any unwelcome visitors.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 彼女の小さなサイズにもかかわらず、その猫の狩猟スキルは致死的であり、望ましくない訪問者から自分の領域の安全を確保した。
Accentuation: /ɪmˈpæs.ɪv/
Japanese Translation: 無表情の、冷静な
English-English Definition: Not showing any feeling or emotion; expressionless.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Even as the storm raged outside, the cat remained impassive, calmly watching the chaos from the window.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 嵐が外で激しく吹き荒れる中でも、その猫は冷静に窓から混乱を眺めており、無表情を保っていた。
Accentuation: /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/
Japanese Translation: 侵害する
English-English Definition: To actively break the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; to violate or encroach upon someone's rights or privileges.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The mischievous kitten infringed on the older cat's territory, sparking a brief but spirited chase around the living room.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: いたずら好きな子猫は、年上の猫の領域を侵害し、リビングルームを一回りする短くも活気のある追いかけっこを引き起こした。
Accentuation: /rɪˈpeɪ/
Japanese Translation: 返済する、恩返しする
English-English Definition: To pay back money that is owed; to make a return for a service, favor, or investment.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After being rescued from the shelter, the cat always found ways to repay her human's kindness with endless affection and purring companionship.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: シェルターから救出された後、その猫は常に人間の親切に対して絶え間ない愛情とゴロゴロとした仲間意識で恩返しをする方法を見つけていた。
Accentuation: /rɪˈleɪt/
Japanese Translation: 関連づける、共感する
English-English Definition: To find or show a connection between two or more things; to understand and have sympathy for someone or something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The older cat could relate to the kitten's initial fear of water, remembering her own first hesitant steps into the bath.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 年上の猫は、子猫の最初の水恐怖を理解し共感できた。自分自身の風呂への最初の躊躇いの一歩を思い出して。
Accentuation: /ˈkɜː.tə.si/
Japanese Translation: 礼儀、親切
English-English Definition: The showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others; a polite gesture or remark.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat showed unexpected courtesy by gently nudging the door open for her fellow feline friend who was carrying a toy in her mouth.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は、口におもちゃを持っている猫の友達のために優しくドアを開けることで予期せぬ礼儀を示した。
Accentuation: /blɒˈkeɪd/
Japanese Translation: 封鎖
English-English Definition: An act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving; a barrier.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat created a playful blockade at the bottom of the stairs, challenging anyone who dared to pass to a game of tag.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は階段の下に遊び心のある封鎖を作り、通り過ぎようとする者全員に鬼ごっこの挑戦を提起した。
Accentuation: /ˈæl.i/
Japanese Translation: 路地、小道
English-English Definition: A narrow passageway between or behind buildings.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The alley cat moved stealthily through the shadowy alley, her eyes glowing in the dim light.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 路地猫は影のある路地を忍び足で移動し、薄暗い光の中で目が輝いていた。
Accentuation: /ˈmɜː.tʃən.daɪz/
Japanese Translation: 商品
English-English Definition: Goods that are bought and sold; products available for sale.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The local pet store unveiled a new line of cat merchandise, featuring everything from toys to cozy beds, much to the delight of cat owners.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 地元のペットショップは、おもちゃから快適なベッドまで、猫用商品の新ラインを発表し、猫の飼い主たちを大いに喜ばせた。
Accentuation: /wɪðˈdrɔː.əl/ or /wɪθˈdrɔː.əl/
Japanese Translation: 引き出し、撤退
English-English Definition: The action of withdrawing something; the process of stopping participation in an activity, or stopping the use of a substance.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After the catnip was gone, the cat showed signs of withdrawal, spending more time alone and less interested in play.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: キャットニップがなくなった後、その猫は引き出しの兆候を示し、一人で過ごす時間が増え、遊ぶことに対する興味が減少した。
Accentuation: /ˈær.ə.ɡənt/
Japanese Translation: 傲慢な
English-English Definition: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The arrogant cat strutted through the garden, tail high, as if she owned the whole place.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 傲慢な猫は、まるでその場所全体を所有しているかのように、尾を高くして庭を闊歩した。
Accentuation: /ˈaʊ.tə.məʊst/
Japanese Translation: 最も外側の
English-English Definition: Farthest away from the center or from a specified point; situated at the outer edge.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat always chose the outermost cushion on the sofa, keeping a watchful eye on the entire room.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は常にソファの最も外側のクッションを選び、部屋全体を注意深く見守っていた。
Accentuation: /ˌedʒ.uˈkeɪ.ʃən.əl/
Japanese Translation: 教育的な
English-English Definition: Relating to the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university; intended or serving to educate or enlighten.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The documentary about the life of street cats was highly educational, providing insights into their survival strategies and social behaviors.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 野良猫の生活に関するドキュメンタリーは非常に教育的であり、彼らの生存戦略と社会的行動についての洞察を提供した。
Accentuation: /rɪˈtriːt/
Japanese Translation: 退避、撤退
English-English Definition: The act of moving back or withdrawing, often to a quiet or secluded place.
Cat-themed English Sentence: As the thunderstorm approached, the small cat retreated to her favorite hiding spot under the porch, finding solace in its shelter.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 雷雨が近づくにつれ、その小さな猫はポーチの下のお気に入りの隠れ場所に退避し、その避難所で慰めを見つけた。
Accentuation: /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃən/
Japanese Translation: 義務、責任
English-English Definition: A duty or commitment; something that one is bound to do by moral or legal necessity.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite her desire to explore the outdoors, the caring mother cat felt a strong obligation to stay close and watch over her sleeping kittens.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 外を探検したいという願望があったにもかかわらず、その優しい母猫は、眠っている子猫たちを見守り続ける強い義務感を感じていた。
Accentuation: /ˈɪn.saɪt/
Japanese Translation: 洞察力
English-English Definition: The ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way; an understanding of the true nature of something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The wise old cat's insight into the best sunny spots for napping was highly regarded among the younger kittens.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 若い子猫たちの間で、昼寝に最適な日向の場所を見つけることについてのその賢い老猫の洞察力は非常に評価されていた。
Accentuation: /ˈæs.trə.nɔːt/
Japanese Translation: 宇宙飛行士
English-English Definition: A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The adventurous cat imagined herself as an astronaut, exploring vast, unknown galaxies with her trusty space helmet.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その冒険好きな猫は、信頼できる宇宙ヘルメットを身につけて、広大で未知の銀河を探検する宇宙飛行士として自分を想像した。
Accentuation: /ɪˈnɔː.mə
Japanese Translation: 莫大に、非常に
English-English Definition: To a very great degree or extent; hugely.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The tiny kitten grew enormously over the summer, becoming the biggest cat in the neighborhood.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その小さな子猫は夏の間に莫大に成長し、近所で最も大きな猫になった。
Accentuation: /ɪkˈstɔːrt/
Japanese Translation: 強要する、ゆすり取る
English-English Definition: To obtain something by force, threats, or other unfair means.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In a humorous twist, the cheeky kitten attempted to extort extra treats from her owner by meowing incessantly until she relented.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ユーモラスな展開で、その生意気な子猫は、飼い主から余分なおやつをゆすり取ろうと、彼女が折れるまで絶え間なく鳴き続けることで試みた。
Accentuation: /ˈhɒl.oʊ/
Japanese Translation: 空洞の、うつろな
English-English Definition: Having a hole or empty space inside; without real significance or value.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The curious kitten found a hollow log in the forest and decided it was the perfect hideout.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な子猫は森で空洞のある丸太を見つけ、それが完璧な隠れ家だと決めた。
Accentuation: /splæʃ/
Japanese Translation: はねる、飛び散る
English-English Definition: To cause liquid to scatter in drops or small quantities, hitting or falling on something in a noisy or messy way.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The playful kitten made a splash in the puddle, sending droplets flying everywhere as she joyfully hopped around.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び好きな子猫は水たまりで飛び跳ねてはねることで、喜んで周りを跳ね回るときに至る所に水滴を飛ばした。
Accentuation: /klɔːz/
Japanese Translation: 条項
English-English Definition: A particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat added a clause to her adoption contract stating that she would receive a fresh fish every day.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、毎日新鮮な魚を受け取るという条項を自分の養子縁組契約に追加した。
Accentuation: /kənˈkluː.sɪv/
Japanese Translation: 決定的な、断定的な
English-English Definition: Serving to prove something without doubt; definitive or decisive.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After hours of playful investigation, the cat's behavior provided conclusive evidence that the mysterious noise was just a leaf blowing in the wind.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び心のある調査の数時間後、猫の行動はその謎の音がただの風に吹かれる葉っぱだったことを決定的に証明した。
Accentuation: /ˈkwɔː.tər/
Japanese Translation: 四半期、4分の1
English-English Definition: One of four equal parts into which something is divided; a period of three months, especially as a division of the duration of a financial year.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Every quarter, the cat café hosts a special event where cats and their owners can enjoy new toys and treats together.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 毎四半期、猫カフェでは猫とその飼い主が一緒に新しいおもちゃやおやつを楽しめる特別なイベントを開催している。
Accentuation: /ˈpɒp.jʊ.leɪt/
Japanese Translation: 人口を構成する、充填する
English-English Definition: To inhabit or live in a place; to fill or be present in an area or environment.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The mysterious island was populated by cats of all colors and sizes, each with their own unique personality.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その神秘的な島は、それぞれが独自の個性を持つ、あらゆる色や大きさの猫たちで人口を構成されていた。
Accentuation: /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.faɪ/
Japanese Translation: 拡大する、強調する
English-English Definition: To make something appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope; to increase the importance or intensity of something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The curious kitten used a magnifying glass to magnify the tiny insects in the garden, fascinated by the details she could now see.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な子猫は、庭の小さな虫を拡大するために拡大鏡を使用し、今見ることができる詳細に魅了された。
Accentuation: /toʊl/
Japanese Translation: 通行料、損失
English-English Definition: A charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road; the extent of loss, damage, or suffering.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Every morning, the playful cat demanded a toll of cuddles before letting anyone pass through the hallway.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 毎朝、遊び心のある猫は、誰かが廊下を通る前に抱擁の通行料を要求した。
Accentuation: /prəˈpɔːr.ʃə.nəl/
Japanese Translation: 比例する、釣り合った
English-English Definition: Corresponding in size, degree, or intensity to something else; having a consistent relationship in quantity, amount, or size to another thing.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The amount of food the cat received was proportional to the tricks she performed, earning more treats with each successful flip.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫が受け取る食べ物の量は、彼女が行った芸に比例しており、成功するたびにより多くのおやつを獲得した。
Accentuation: /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ (verb), /ˈɛksplɔɪt/ (noun)
Japanese Translation: 活用する、搾取する (動詞); 偉業、功績 (名詞)
English-English Definition: (Verb) To make use of resourcefully or unethically; (Noun) A notable or heroic deed.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat exploited the gap in the fence to explore the neighbor's garden, marking it as another exploit in her adventures.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、隣の庭を探検するためにフェンスの隙間を活用し、彼女の冒険での別の偉業としてそれを記録した。
Accentuation: /əˈvɔɪ.dəns/
Japanese Translation: 回避
English-English Definition: The action of keeping away from or not doing something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To express her avoidance of the noisy vacuum cleaner, the cat would silently disappear into the shadows whenever it was turned on.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 騒がしい掃除機を避けるために、猫はそれがオンになるたびに静かに影に消えていった。
Accentuation: /kənˈtæm.ɪ.neɪt/
Japanese Translation: 汚染する
English-English Definition: To make something impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something unclean, bad, etc.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The mischievous kitten accidentally contaminated the kitchen floor by knocking over a flower pot, spreading soil everywhere.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: いたずら好きな子猫が誤って花瓶を倒し、土を至る所に広げてキッチンの床を汚染した。
Accentuation: /ˈwɜːk.fɔːs/
Japanese Translation: 労働力
English-English Definition: The group of people who work in a company, industry, or area; the total number of workers.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The local cat café boasted a unique workforce: a team of friendly cats that greeted customers and offered cuddles on demand.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 地元の猫カフェは、顧客を迎え、要求に応じて抱擁を提供するフレンドリーな猫のチームというユニークな労働力を誇っていた。
Accentuation: /kəˈmænd/
Japanese Translation: 命令、指揮
English-English Definition: The authority to control; the act of giving orders, or a specific order given.
Cat-themed English Sentence: At her command, the well-trained cat performed an impressive leap, showcasing her agility and obedience.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 彼女の命令で、訓練された猫は印象的な跳躍を行い、その敏捷性と従順さを披露した。
Accentuation: /ˈfreʃ.mən/
Japanese Translation: 新入生
English-English Definition: A student in the first year of high school, college, or university.
Cat-themed English Sentence: On her first day as a freshman, the young cat eagerly explored every corner of the cat academy, full of curiosity and excitement.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新入生としての最初の日に、若い猫は好奇心と興奮に満ちて、猫アカデミーの隅々を熱心に探検した。
Accentuation: /ˈdep.jʊ.ti/
Japanese Translation: 代理人、副官
English-English Definition: A person appointed or elected to act on behalf of another or others, often in a specific role or office.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat, appointed as the deputy of the house, took her duties seriously, patrolling the premises every evening.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家の副官として任命された猫は、その任務を真剣に受け止め、毎晩敷地内を巡回した。
Accentuation: /ʌnˈrest/
Japanese Translation: 不安、騒乱
English-English Definition: A state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation in a group of people, typically involving public demonstrations or disorder.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The household experienced a brief period of unrest when a new kitten was introduced, as the older cats adjusted to the newcomer.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しい子猫が紹介されたとき、古い猫たちが新参者に慣れるまで、家庭内は短期間の不安を経験した。
Accentuation: /poʊz/
Japanese Translation: ポーズをとる、提起する
English-English Definition: To assume a particular attitude or stance, especially with the intent of being photographed; to present or constitute (a problem, danger, challenge, etc.).
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat posed majestically on the windowsill, as if she were a model for a famous painter.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は、まるで有名な画家のモデルであるかのように、窓辺で威風堂々としたポーズをとった。
Accentuation: /ˈdaɪ.ət/
Japanese Translation: 食事制限、ダイエット
English-English Definition: The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats; a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After the vet recommended a special diet, the cat begrudgingly swapped her treats for healthier options, dreaming of tuna.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 獣医が特別な食事を推奨した後、猫は不承不承でおやつをより健康的な選択肢と交換し、ツナの夢を見た。
Accentuation: /mɪˈkæn.ɪks/
Japanese Translation: 力学、メカニクス
English-English Definition: The branch of applied mathematics and physics that deals with the motion and forces of objects; the machinery or working parts of something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Intrigued by the mechanics of her new toy, the cat spent hours figuring out how to make it spin and bounce.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しいおもちゃのメカニクスに魅了された猫は、それをどうやって回転させ、跳ねさせるかを見極めるのに数時間を費やした。
Accentuation: /ɪnˈtjuː.ɪ.tɪ
Japanese Translation: 直感的に
English-English Definition: In a way that is based on feelings rather than facts or proof; effortlessly understanding or grasping something without the need for conscious reasoning.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat intuitively knew where to find the warmest spot in the house, curling up in a sunbeam on the windowsill.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は直感的に家の中で最も暖かい場所を見つける方法を知っており、窓辺の日差しの中で丸まっていた。
Accentuation: /stɒk/
Japanese Translation: 株式、在庫
English-English Definition: The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution; the capital raised by a company or corporation through the issue and subscription of shares.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat boutique had an impressive stock of luxury cat toys, each carefully selected to please the most discerning felines.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫専門店には、最も選り好みする猫をも満足させるために慎重に選ばれた高級猫用おもちゃの素晴らしい在庫があった。
Accentuation: /vɔːlt/
Japanese Translation: 金庫室、跳ぶ
English-English Definition: A secure room where money or other valuable things are kept; or the act of jumping over something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The agile cat managed to vault over the garden fence with ease, landing gracefully on the other side.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 敏捷な猫は容易に庭のフェンスを跳び越えて、反対側に優雅に着地した。
Accentuation: /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/
Japanese Translation: 強調する
English-English Definition: To give special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing; to make something more clearly defined.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The teacher cat used her tail to emphasize the important points on the chalkboard, ensuring her kitten students were paying attention.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 先生である猫は、子猫の生徒たちが注意を払っていることを確認するために、黒板の重要な点を強調するために自分の尾を使った。
Accentuation: /ˈwɒr.ənt/
Japanese Translation: 令状、正当な理由
English-English Definition: An official document that allows the police or another authorized body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice; justification or authority for an action, belief, or feeling.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat believed she had all the warrant she needed to investigate the mysterious noises coming from the kitchen at night.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その賢い猫は、夜に台所から聞こえてくる謎の音を調査するために必要な全ての正当な理由を持っていると信じていた。
Accentuation: /ˈbʊl.i/
Japanese Translation: いじめっ子
English-English Definition: A person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The neighborhood bully cat finally learned his lesson after the smaller cats banded together to stand up against him.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 地域のいじめっ子猫は、小さな猫たちが団結して彼に立ち向かった後、ついに教訓を得た。
Accentuation: /ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt/
Japanese Translation: 明白な、露骨な
English-English Definition: Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt; often also refers to content that is graphically sexual or violent.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The instructions for the new cat toy were so explicit that even the most confused kitten could figure out how to play with it.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しい猫用おもちゃの説明書は非常に明白で、最も戸惑う子猫でもどのように遊ぶかを理解できた。
Accentuation: /dɪˈpɑːrt/
Japanese Translation: 出発する
English-English Definition: To leave, especially to start a journey to another place.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The adventurous cat decided it was time to depart on another journey, leaving paw prints in the snow as she ventured into the unknown.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 冒険好きな猫は、また別の旅に出る時が来たと決め、未知の世界へと足を踏み入れる際に雪の上に足跡を残した。
Accentuation: /staʊt/
Japanese Translation: がっしりとした、頑丈な
English-English Definition: (Of a person) somewhat fat or of heavy build; strong and thick.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The stout cat prided herself on her robust build, confidently navigating through the backyard with ease.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: がっしりとした体格を持つ猫は、自分の頑丈な体を誇りに思い、裏庭を自信を持って楽々と歩き回った。
Accentuation: /rɪˈtaɪə.mənt/
Japanese Translation: 退職、引退
English-English Definition: The action or fact of leaving one's job and ceasing to work, typically upon reaching a certain age; a period of one's life after retiring from work.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After years of loyalty, the old cat enjoyed her retirement by napping in the sun and watching the world go by from her favorite windowsill.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 長年の忠誠の後、その老猫は退職して日なたで昼寝を楽しみ、お気に入りの窓辺から世界が過ぎ去るのを眺めていた。
Accentuation: /kənˈfaɪn/
Japanese Translation: 制限する、閉じ込める
English-English Definition: To keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or time).
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite being confined to the house during the rain, the cat found numerous ways to entertain herself, from chasing shadows to exploring the attic.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 雨の間、家の中に閉じ込められていたにもかかわらず、猫は影を追いかけたり、屋根裏を探検したりと、自分を楽しませる多くの方法を見つけた。
Accentuation: /ˈstɪk.i/
Japanese Translation: 粘着性の、べたべたする
English-English Definition: Tending to adhere to objects upon contact; adhesive and difficult to remove.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After an unfortunate encounter with a honey jar, the cat found herself in a rather sticky situation.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ハチミツの瓶との不幸な出会いの後、猫はかなりべたべたする状況に自分自身を見つけた。
Accentuation: /ˌdiː.kəmˈpoʊz/
Japanese Translation: 分解する
English-English Definition: To decay or cause to decay and separate into simpler substances or constituent elements, especially through the process of rotting.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In the garden, the curious cat watched as leaves began to decompose, turning into nutrient-rich soil that would nourish the plants.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 庭で、好奇心旺盛な猫は葉が分解し始め、植物を栄養で豊かにする栄養豊富な土に変わるのを見守った。
Accentuation: /dɪˈspjuːt/
Japanese Translation: 紛争、論争
English-English Definition: A disagreement, argument, or debate, especially one that is prolonged or public.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The dispute over the best sunspot in the house led to a spirited debate among the cats, each presenting their case with fervent meows.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家の中で最高の日向の場所を巡る紛争は、熱心な鳴き声で自分の主張を提示する猫たちの間で活発な論争につながった。
Accentuation: /twɪtʃ/
Japanese Translation: ピクピク動く、ひきつる
English-English Definition: To make a sudden small movement with a part of the body, usually without intending to.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's tail began to twitch with excitement as she spotted a bird outside the window.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 窓の外に鳥を見つけたとき、猫の尾は興奮してピクピクと動き始めた。
Accentuation: /klæʃ/
Japanese Translation: 衝突する、対立する
English-English Definition: To come into conflict or disagreement; a violent confrontation or a sharp disagreement.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The two cats clashed over the last piece of tuna, each asserting their claim with fierce growls and swipes.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 2匹の猫は最後のツナの一切れを巡って衝突し、激しい唸り声と爪を使った攻撃でそれぞれの主張を力強く示した。
Accentuation: /kæpˈsaɪz/
Japanese Translation: 転覆する
English-English Definition: (Of a boat) to overturn in the water.
Cat-themed English Sentence: During their adventurous voyage at sea, the small toy boat capsized, but the brave cat sailors quickly righted it and continued their journey.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 海での冒険的な航海中に、小さなおもちゃのボートが転覆したが、勇敢な猫の船員たちはすぐにそれを立て直し、旅を続けた。
Accentuation: /trænzˈmɪt.ər/, /trænsˈmɪt.ər/
Japanese Translation: 送信機
English-English Definition: A device used to send out signals or messages as radio waves, television broadcasts, etc.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The inventive cat built a makeshift transmitter out of spare parts, hoping to broadcast her meows to cats across the neighborhood.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 発明好きな猫は、予備の部品から簡易送信機を組み立て、自分の鳴き声を近所の猫たちに放送することを願っていた。
Accentuation: /sɪˈkjʊər/
Japanese Translation: 安全な、確保する
English-English Definition: Fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost; protected against attack or other criminal activity.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To keep her kittens safe, the mother cat secured a cozy nook under the porch where they could sleep without fear.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 子猫たちを安全に保つために、母猫は彼らが恐れることなく眠れるよう、ポーチの下に居心地の良い隠れ場所を確保した。
Accentuation: /ˈkɒm.ɪt/
Japanese Translation: 彗星
English-English Definition: A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a ‘tail’ of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The curious cat watched in awe as the comet streaked across the night sky, its tail glowing brightly against the stars.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は、彗星が夜空を横切るのを畏敬の念を持って見守った。その尾は星々に対して明るく輝いていた。
Accentuation: /ˈspɛkjʊleɪt/
Japanese Translation: 推測する、投機する
English-English Definition: To form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence; to invest in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cats would often speculate about the mysteries of the red dot, devising various theories about its origins and purpose.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫たちはよく赤い点の謎について推測し、その起源や目的について様々な理論を考え出した。
Accentuation: /rɪˈkɜːr.ənt/
Japanese Translation: 反復する、再発する
English-English Definition: Occurring often or repeatedly over a period of time.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat experienced a recurrent dream of chasing a mysterious shadow, waking up each time just before the catch.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は、捕まえる直前に毎回目を覚ます、謎の影を追いかける反復する夢を経験した。
Accentuation: /ˈlænd.mɑːrk/
Japanese Translation: 目印、ランドマーク
English-English Definition: A prominent or conspicuous object or feature serving as a guide; a building or place that has historical, cultural, or architectural significance and is recognized for its importance.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The tall oak tree in the park, beloved by all the neighborhood cats, served as a landmark for their daily gatherings.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 公園の高いオークの木は、地域の猫たち全員に愛され、彼らの日常の集まりのランドマークとして機能した。
Accentuation: /ˈpɒt.ər/
Japanese Translation: 陶芸家
English-English Definition: A person who makes pottery, such as bowls, vases, dishes, and other articles out of clay.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The creative cat became a potter, shaping clay into beautiful bowls and vases, each adorned with paw prints as her signature.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 創造的な猫は陶芸家になり、粘土を形作って美しいボウルや花瓶を作り、それぞれに彼女のサインとしての肉球の跡を飾った。
Accentuation: /ˈmæs.ɪv/
Japanese Translation: 巨大な
English-English Definition: Large and heavy or solid; exceptionally large, heavy, or extensive.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The massive cat tower stood tall in the living room, offering endless adventures for the curious kittens.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 巨大なキャットタワーがリビングルームにそびえ立ち、好奇心旺盛な子猫たちに終わりなき冒険を提供していた。
Accentuation: /ˈɪɡ.nər.əns/
Japanese Translation: 無知
English-English Definition: The lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In her ignorance, the young cat tried to catch the flickering shadows on the wall, not realizing they were just reflections of moving leaves outside.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 無知のために、若い猫は壁のちらつく影を捕まえようと試みたが、それが外の動く葉の反射であることに気づかなかった。
Accentuation: /ˈsɪm.pə.θaɪz/
Japanese Translation: 同情する
English-English Definition: To share or understand the feelings or ideas of another; to express sympathy or compassion towards someone.
Cat-themed English Sentence: When the new kitten felt lost and scared, the older cats gathered around to sympathize, offering gentle purrs and comforting nuzzles.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しい子猫が迷って怖がっているとき、年上の猫たちは同情を示すために集まり、優しいゴロゴロと心地よい鼻づけを提供した。
Accentuation: /ˌkɒn.stɪˈtjuː.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: 憲法、体質
English-English Definition: The system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, corporation, or the like, is governed; the physical character of the body as to strength and health.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite her small size, the cat's sturdy constitution allowed her to leap and play tirelessly throughout the day.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 彼女の小さなサイズにも関わらず、その猫の頑丈な体質は、一日中疲れることなく跳ねたり遊んだりすることを可能にした。
Accentuation: /prɪˈkluːd/
Japanese Translation: 排除する、妨げる
English-English Definition: To prevent something from happening; to make it impossible for a particular action or event to take place.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The sudden rain precluded the cats from enjoying their afternoon adventure in the garden.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 突然の雨が、猫たちが庭での午後の冒険を楽しむことを妨げた。
Accentuation: /ˌkɔː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: 企業、法人
English-English Definition: A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The feline corporation, "Paws and Play," specialized in innovative cat toys, becoming a beloved brand among cat owners.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 「Paws and Play」という猫の企業は、革新的な猫用おもちゃを専門としており、猫の飼い主たちの間で愛されるブランドになった。
Accentuation: /ɪmˈprɒp.ər/
Japanese Translation: 不適切な
English-English Definition: Not suitable or appropriate in the circumstances.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The young cat learned it was improper to sleep on the freshly laundered clothes, after being gently scolded by her owner.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 若い猫は、飼い主に優しく叱られた後、洗いたての服の上で寝ることが不適切であることを学んだ。
Accentuation: /pəˈdɛs.tri.ən/
Japanese Translation: 歩行者
English-English Definition: A person walking along a road or in a developed area; lacking inspiration or excitement; dull.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat watched from the window as pedestrians strolled by, curious about their daily routines.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は窓から歩行者が通り過ぎるのを見て、彼らの日常のルーティンについて好奇心を持った。
Accentuation: /ˈvɪɡ.ər.əs/
Japanese Translation: 精力的な
English-English Definition: Strong, healthy, and full of energy; characterized by or involving physical strength, effort, or energy.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The vigorous kitten dashed around the house, chasing imaginary foes and leaping over obstacles with boundless energy.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 精力的な子猫は、家の中を駆け回り、想像上の敵を追いかけ、障害物を飛び越える無限のエネルギーを持っていた。
Accentuation: /fɔːls/
Japanese Translation: 偽の、誤った
English-English Definition: Not true or correct; erroneous or misleading.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's false alarm about an empty food bowl caused her owners to rush home, only to find it was a clever ploy for more attention.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 空の食器の偽の警報は、彼女の飼い主を急いで家に帰らせたが、それはより多くの注意を引くための巧妙な策略だったことが判明した。
Accentuation: /ˌoʊ.vɚˈpleɪ/
Japanese Translation: やり過ぎる
English-English Definition: To exaggerate or place too much emphasis on something, often resulting in a negative effect; to act or perform with excessive force or emotion.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In her excitement to show her new trick, the cat overplayed her leap, tumbling over the other side of the couch in a dramatic fashion.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しいトリックを見せるための興奮で、猫は飛び跳ねをやり過ぎて、劇的な形でソファーの反対側に転がってしまった。
Accentuation: /kəmˈpɑːrt.mənt/
Japanese Translation: 区画、仕切り
English-English Definition: A separate section or part of a structure or container, usually designed to hold something specific or keep things organized.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat found the new compartment in the cat tree to be the perfect hideaway for her afternoon naps.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は、猫の木に新しくできた区画を、午後の昼寝にぴったりの隠れ家として見つけた。
Accentuation: /ˈtrɪv.i.əl/
Japanese Translation: 些細な、取るに足らない
English-English Definition: Of little value or importance; superficial or minor.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat found the humans' obsession with trivial matters amusing, preferring to focus on the simple joys of sunbathing and playing.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は、人間が些細なことに夢中になるのを面白がり、日光浴や遊びといった単純な喜びに焦点を当てることを好んだ。
Accentuation: /nʌm/
Japanese Translation: 無感覚の、麻痺した
English-English Definition: Deprived of the power of sensation; not feeling, or unable to feel, anything in a particular part of the body.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After a long nap on the chilly windowsill, the cat's paws felt numb, taking a few moments to regain their usual sensitivity.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 寒い窓辺での長い昼寝の後、猫の肉球は無感覚になり、いつもの感覚を取り戻すのに少し時間がかかった。
Accentuation: /θrɛt/
Japanese Translation: 脅威
English-English Definition: A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done; a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Sensing a threat from the newcomer in the yard, the cat arched her back and hissed, ready to defend her territory.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 庭に現れた新参者から脅威を感じ取り、猫は背中を丸めて威嚇の嘶き声をあげ、自分の領域を守る態勢を整えた。
Accentuation: /ɪˈkwɪv.ə.lənt/
Japanese Translation: 同等のもの
English-English Definition: Equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To the cat, a warm sunny spot on the windowsill was equivalent to a luxurious vacation.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫にとって、窓辺の暖かな日当たりの良い場所は、豪華な休暇に匹敵するものだった。
Accentuation: /rɪˈɡrɛtəbl/
Japanese Translation: 残念な、遺憾な
English-English Definition: Causing or deserving regret; unfortunate or disappointing.
Cat-themed English Sentence: It was a regrettable moment when the cat accidentally knocked over her favorite vase while chasing a shadow.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 影を追いかけている最中に、猫がお気に入りの花瓶を誤って倒してしまったのは、残念な瞬間だった。
Accentuation: /ˈʃɔː.tɪdʒ/
Japanese Translation: 不足
English-English Definition: A situation in which there is not enough of something that is needed.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Due to a sudden catnip shortage, the cats in the neighborhood started a collective effort to grow their own.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 突然のキャットニップの不足のため、近所の猫たちは自分たちで栽培するための共同努力を始めた。
Accentuation: /rɪˈwɔː.dɪŋ/
Japanese Translation: やりがいのある
English-English Definition: Offering satisfaction, happiness, or benefit, especially over a long period.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Volunteering at the cat shelter proved to be a rewarding experience, as it filled her heart with joy every time she helped a cat find a new home.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫シェルターでのボランティア活動は、新しい家を見つけるために猫を助けるたびに彼女の心を喜びで満たしたので、やりがいのある経験となった。
Accentuation: /ˈɪm.plɪ.ment/
Japanese Translation: 実行する、道具
English-English Definition: To put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure; an instrument, tool, or utensil used for a particular purpose.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The family decided to implement a new feeding schedule for the cat, ensuring she received a balanced diet throughout the day.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家族は猫に一日を通してバランスの取れた食事を提供することを確実にするため、新しい給餌スケジュールを実行することに決めた。
Accentuation: /ˈves.əl/
Japanese Translation: 容器、船
English-English Definition: A hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl or cask; a ship or large boat.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The adventurous cat imagined herself as the captain of a mighty vessel, sailing the high seas in search of treasure.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 冒険好きな猫は自分を強力な船の船長と想像し、宝を探しに大海原を航海していると想像した。
Accentuation: /səbˈmɪt/
Japanese Translation: 提出する、服従する
English-English Definition: To present (something) for consideration, judgment, or use; to yield or surrender oneself to the authority or will of another.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The young cat finally decided to submit to the bath, sitting quietly as her owner gently washed her.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 若い猫はついに風呂に服従することを決め、飼い主が優しく洗う間、静かに座っていた。
Accentuation: /məˈriːn/
Japanese Translation: 海の、海洋の
English-English Definition: Relating to the sea; found in or produced by the sea.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The marine cat dreamed of swimming with the dolphins, exploring the colorful coral reefs beneath the waves.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 海洋の猫は、イルカと泳ぎ、波の下のカラフルなサンゴ礁を探検することを夢見ていた。
Accentuation: /ˈkɜː.ti.əs/
Japanese Translation: 礼儀正しい
English-English Definition: Polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The courteous cat always waited for her siblings to start eating before she would take her share of the meal.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 礼儀正しい猫は、いつも自分の分の食事を取る前に兄弟が食べ始めるのを待っていた。
Accentuation: /ˈæs.ɪd/
Japanese Translation: 酸
English-English Definition: A chemical substance that is sour to the taste, can turn litmus red, and reacts with some metals to produce hydrogen gas; substances of this kind are found in things like vinegar and lemons.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's curiosity was piqued when she accidentally tasted a drop of lemon juice, her first encounter with the sharp tang of an acid.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の好奇心は、レモンジュースの一滴を偶然舐めたときに刺激された、酸の鋭い風味との最初の遭遇だった。
Accentuation: /ˌpaɪ.əˈnɪər/
Japanese Translation: 開拓者
English-English Definition: A person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area; someone who initiates or helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The adventurous cat became a pioneer of the neighborhood, exploring uncharted gardens and alleyways with fearless curiosity.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 冒険好きな猫は、恐れを知らず好奇心旺盛に未知の庭や路地を探検し、地域の開拓者となった。
Accentuation: /ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn/
Japanese Translation: 衛生
English-English Definition: Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat meticulously groomed her fur every day, practicing good hygiene to keep herself clean and healthy.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は毎日入念に自分の毛皮を手入れし、清潔で健康を保つために良好な衛生習慣を実践していた。
Accentuation: /nɪˈɡoʊ.ʃi.eɪt/
Japanese Translation: 交渉する
English-English Definition: To discuss something in an attempt to reach agreement, especially in business or politics.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The clever cat had to negotiate with the dog for more space on the sofa, using her persuasive purrs and strategic positioning.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、ソファでのスペースをもっと確保するために犬と交渉しなければならず、説得力のあるゴロゴロと戦略的な位置取りを使った。
Accentuation: /ˈvɪʃ.əs/
Japanese Translation: 悪意のある、凶暴な
English-English Definition: Deliberately cruel or violent; malicious.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Despite her small size, the cat's defense against the intruding raccoon was unexpectedly vicious, protecting her territory with fierce determination.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫の小さなサイズにも関わらず、侵入してきたアライグマに対する防御は予想外に凶暴で、彼女の領域を激しい決意で守った。
Accentuation: /ˈdwel.ər/
Japanese Translation: 住人、居住者
English-English Definition: A person or animal that lives in or at a specified place.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old warehouse, now a cozy home, had become a haven for a community of alley cat dwellers.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 古い倉庫は今では居心地の良い家となり、路地の猫の住人たちの避難所となっていた。
Accentuation: /dred/
Japanese Translation: 恐れる、恐怖
English-English Definition: To anticipate with great apprehension or fear.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat dreaded the annual visit to the vet, hiding under the bed at the first sight of her carrier.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は年に1度の獣医への訪問を非常に恐れており、キャリアを見るやいなやベッドの下に隠れた。
Accentuation: /əˈplaɪ.əns/
Japanese Translation: 家電製品
English-English Definition: A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat was fascinated by the new robotic vacuum appliance, following it around the house with curious eyes.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は新しいロボット掃除機の家電製品に魅了され、好奇心旺盛な目で家中を追いかけた。
Accentuation: /əbˈdʒɛk.tɪv/
Japanese Translation: 客観的な、目標
English-English Definition: (adj.) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts; (n.) A goal or aim.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's objective was clear: to reach the top of the towering cat tree and survey her kingdom from the highest point.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の目標は明確だった:高くそびえるキャットツリーの頂上に到達し、最も高い地点から自分の王国を見渡すこと。
Accentuation: /ˈhoʊl.doʊ.vər/
Japanese Translation: 残留物、継続
English-English Definition: Something or someone remaining from a previous time; something that has continued from an earlier period.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old scratching post, a holdover from her kitten days, still held a special place in the cat's heart.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 彼女の子猫の頃からの残留物である古い爪とぎは、猫の心の中で依然として特別な場所を占めていた。
Accentuation: /səbˈdʒɛk.tɪv/
Japanese Translation: 主観的な
English-English Definition: Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions rather than external facts.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To the cat, the best spot in the house was subjectively chosen as the sunny windowsill, a perfect place for her afternoon naps.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫にとって、家の中で最も良い場所は主観的に選ばれた日当たりの良い窓辺であり、午後の昼寝にぴったりの場所だった。
Accentuation: /dɪˈstɜː.bəns/
Japanese Translation: 騒動、乱れ
English-English Definition: The interruption of a settled and peaceful condition; a disruption of normal activities.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The sudden disturbance of a vacuum cleaner starting up sent the cat dashing under the couch for safety.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 掃除機が急に始動したことによる突然の騒動で、猫は安全を求めてソファの下に急いで隠れた。
Accentuation: /ˈfɔːrθˌkʌm.ɪŋ/
Japanese Translation: 今度の、間近に控えた
English-English Definition: About to happen or appear; readily available or approachable.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat awaited the forthcoming event of her birthday with visible excitement, hoping for a new batch of catnip toys.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は新しい一握りのキャットニップのおもちゃを期待して、明らかな興奮をもって自分の誕生日という間近に控えたイベントを待っていた。
Accentuation: /ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwəns/
Japanese Translation: 結果、影響
English-English Definition: A result or effect of an action or condition; significance or importance.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The consequence of leaving the catnip out was a room full of overly excited cats, tumbling and playing without end.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: キャットニップを出しっぱなしにした結果、興奮しすぎた猫たちでいっぱいの部屋になり、終わりなく転がり回って遊んだ。
Accentuation: /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/
Japanese Translation: 予算
English-English Definition: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time; a plan for managing money.
Cat-themed English Sentence: To ensure there were always enough treats and toys, the cat's owner created a monthly budget dedicated to her feline friend's needs.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 常に十分なおやつとおもちゃがあるようにするため、猫の飼い主は彼女の猫の友達のニーズに捧げられた月間の予算を作成した。
Accentuation: /ˈfɔːr.mə
Japanese Translation: 以前は
English-English Definition: In the past; in earlier times.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat, formerly a shy kitten, had grown into a confident explorer of every nook and cranny in her home.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は、以前は内気な子猫だったが、家の隅々を自信を持って探検する探検家に成長した。
Accentuation: /ˈɔːr.tʃərd/
Japanese Translation: 果樹園
English-English Definition: A piece of land planted with fruit trees.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat loved to spend her afternoons lounging in the sun-dappled orchard, watching the birds flit from tree to tree.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その猫は、鳥が木から木へと飛び移るのを見ながら、日差しの差し込む果樹園で午後を過ごすのが大好きだった。
Accentuation: /ˈheɪ.sti/
Japanese Translation: 急ぎの、性急な
English-English Definition: Done or acting with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In a hasty attempt to catch the laser dot, the cat scrambled across the room, causing a minor chaos among the furniture.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: レーザーポイントを捕まえようとして急いで、猫は部屋を駆け回り、家具の間で小さな混乱を引き起こした。
Accentuation: /skæn/
Japanese Translation: スキャンする
English-English Definition: To look at something carefully in order to detect some feature; to examine closely.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat scanned the garden with sharp eyes, searching for any sign of her elusive prey.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は鋭い目で庭をスキャンし、その見えない獲物の兆候を探した。
Accentuation: /ɪˈrekt/
Japanese Translation: 建てる、直立する
English-English Definition: To build or construct something; to be in or put into an upright position.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After much effort, the cat managed to erect a tower of cardboard boxes, standing tall and proud atop her creation.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 多大な努力の後、猫は段ボール箱の塔を建てることに成功し、自分の作品の上に背筋を伸ばして誇らしげに立っていた。
Accentuation: /ˈplʊə.rəl/
Japanese Translation: 複数形
English-English Definition: Relating to or denoting more than one, or (in grammar) relating to a form of a noun, pronoun, or verb that refers to more than one person or thing.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The kittens' playful antics were the highlight of the day, making the word "joy" take on a plural meaning in their owner's heart.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 子猫たちの楽しいいたずらは一日のハイライトであり、飼い主の心の中で「喜び」という言葉に複数形の意味を持たせた。
Accentuation: /ˈwɪz.dəm/
Japanese Translation: 知恵
English-English Definition: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The old cat shared her wisdom with the kittens, teaching them the safest paths through the garden and the best spots for sunbathing.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 年老いた猫は子猫たちに知恵を分かち合い、庭を通る最も安全な道と日光浴に最適な場所を教えた。
Accentuation: /ˈpʌn.ɪʃ/
Japanese Translation: 罰する
English-English Definition: To impose a penalty or sanction on someone for (an offense, fault, etc.) as a way of enforcing obedience or discouraging behavior.
Cat-themed English Sentence: When the cat accidentally knocked over the vase, her owner didn't punish her but instead used it as a teaching moment to encourage more careful behavior.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫が誤って花瓶を倒したとき、飼い主は彼女を罰する代わりに、より慎重な行動を促す教育の機会としてそれを利用した。
Accentuation: /slæp/
Japanese Translation: 平手打ち
English-English Definition: To hit quickly and with force using the flat of the hand; a sharp blow given with the open hand.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The playful kitten gave a gentle slap to the rolling ball, sending it bouncing across the room.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び好きな子猫は転がるボールに優しく平手打ちをして、それを部屋の中で跳ねさせた。
Accentuation: /ɪˈliː.ɡəl/
Japanese Translation: 違法な
English-English Definition: Not allowed by law; unlawful.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's late-night escapades to the kitchen, sneaking treats, were considered highly illegal according to the house rules.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家のルールによれば、夜遅くキッチンへの忍び込みおやつをこっそりと食べる猫の冒険は、非常に違法とされていた。
Accentuation: /oʊˈmɪt/
Japanese Translation: 省略する
English-English Definition: To leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In her haste to explore outside, the cat omitted to check if the dog was sleeping, leading to a sudden and unexpected chase.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 外を探検する急ぎで、猫は犬が寝ているかどうかを確認するのを省略し、突然かつ予期せぬ追いかけっこにつながった。
Accentuation: /ˈprɪz.ən.ər/
Japanese Translation: 囚人
English-English Definition: A person legally held in prison as a punishment for crimes they have committed or while awaiting trial.
Cat-themed English Sentence: After being caught sneaking into the pantry, the cat became a "prisoner" in the living room, with her owner playfully ensuring she stayed out of trouble.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 食料品室に忍び込んでいるところを捕まえられた後、猫は「囚人」となり、飼い主が遊び心で彼女がトラブルに巻き込まれないようにリビングルームに留め置かれた。
Accentuation: /ˈkɜːr.ə
Japanese Translation: 通貨
English-English Definition: A system of money in general use in a particular country.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In the world of cats, the currency wasn't coins or paper, but treats and toys, valuable for trade and rewards.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の世界では、通貨はコインや紙幣ではなく、取引や報酬に価値のあるおやつやおもちゃだった。
Accentuation: /ˈnoʊ.tɪ.sə.bəl/
Japanese Translation: 目立つ、顕著な
English-English Definition: Easily seen or noticed; clear or apparent.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The noticeable difference in the cat's behavior after adopting a new kitten was heartwarming, as she became more playful and affectionate.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しい子猫を迎え入れた後の猫の行動の顕著な違いは心温まるもので、彼女はより遊び好きで愛情深いものになった。
Accentuation: /ˈhɒs.taɪl/
Japanese Translation: 敵対的な
English-English Definition: Showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's initial reaction to the vacuum cleaner was fiercely hostile, hissing and arching her back in defense.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の掃除機に対する最初の反応は非常に敵対的で、威嚇して背中を丸めて防御した。
Accentuation: /ˈrek.ən/
Japanese Translation: 思う、考える
English-English Definition: To think or believe; to consider or have the opinion that something is as stated.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat reckoned the sunny spot on the windowsill was the best place in the house for a nap, a thought shared by all her feline friends.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は窓辺の日当たりの良い場所が家で一番の昼寝場所だと考えており、その思いは彼女の猫の友達全員に共有されていた。
Accentuation: /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl.i/
Japanese Translation: 最初は
English-English Definition: At the beginning; at first.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Initially, the cat was wary of the new scratching post, but she quickly grew to love it, using it multiple times a day.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 最初は、猫は新しい爪とぎに警戒していたが、すぐにそれを気に入り、一日に何度も使うようになった。
Accentuation: /ˌæp.əˈræt.əs/
Japanese Translation: 器具、装置
English-English Definition: The equipment needed for a particular activity or purpose; a complex structure within an organization or system.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat viewed the new automated feeder as a mysterious apparatus, cautiously approaching it before realizing it dispensed her meals.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は新しい自動給餌器を不思議な装置と見なし、それが彼女の食事を配ることに気づく前に慎重に近づいた。
Accentuation: /ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bəl/
Japanese Translation: 避けられない
English-English Definition: Certain to happen; unavoidably.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The inevitable confrontation between the cat and the curious squirrel in the garden ended with a swift chase up the tree.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 庭での猫と好奇心旺盛なリスの間の避けられない対決は、木の上への素早い追いかけっこで終わった。
Accentuation: /jɜːrn/
Japanese Translation: 切望する
English-English Definition: To have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat would yearn for her owner's return each day, sitting by the window until she saw the familiar car pull into the driveway.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は毎日飼い主の帰りを切望し、見慣れた車がドライブウェイに入るのを窓辺で座って待っていた。
Accentuation: /fəˈnæt.ɪ.kəl.i/
Japanese Translation: 熱狂的に
English-English Definition: With excessive and single-minded zeal or enthusiasm.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat fanatically chased the laser pointer, her focus unwavering and her movements swift, demonstrating her intense enthusiasm for the game.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はレーザーポインターを熱狂的に追いかけ、彼女の焦点は揺るぎなく、動きは迅速で、ゲームへの強い熱意を示した。
Accentuation: /dɪˈspaɪz/
Japanese Translation: 軽蔑する
English-English Definition: To feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat despised being disturbed during her afternoon naps, glaring at anyone who dared to interrupt her peaceful slumber.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は午後の昼寝中に邪魔されることを軽蔑し、平和な眠りを邪魔する勇気のある者には睨みを利かせた。
Accentuation: /əˈkweɪnt/
Japanese Translation: 知らせる、慣れさせる
English-English Definition: To make someone aware of or familiar with; to introduce someone to (something).
Cat-themed English Sentence: The older cat took it upon herself to acquaint the new kitten with the rules of the house, including the best lounging spots and the forbidden areas.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 年上の猫は、最高のくつろぎスポットと禁止エリアを含む家のルールを新しい子猫に知らせることを自らに課した。
Accentuation: /ˌmed.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/
Japanese Translation: 瞑想
English-English Definition: The practice of focusing one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
Cat-themed English Sentence: In the quiet of the morning, the cat seemed to be in a state of meditation, sitting serenely with her eyes closed and purring softly.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 朝の静けさの中で、猫は瞑想の状態にあるようで、目を閉じて静かに座り、そっとゴロゴロと鳴っていた。
Accentuation: /ˈpʌb.lɪ.ʃər/
Japanese Translation: 出版社
English-English Definition: A person or company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works for sale.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat decided to become a publisher, curating a collection of tales about the adventures of felines across the world.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は出版社になることを決め、世界中の猫たちの冒険についての話のコレクションを厳選した。
Accentuation: /ˈder.ɪŋ/
Japanese Translation: 大胆な
English-English Definition: Adventurous or audaciously bold.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The daring cat leapt from the rooftop to the tree branch, her agility and courage leaving her human spectators in awe.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 大胆な猫は屋根から木の枝へと跳び移り、その敏捷性と勇気で人間の観客を驚嘆させた。
Accentuation: /ˈlænd.fɪl/
Japanese Translation: 埋立地
English-English Definition: A site for the disposal of waste materials by burial and is the oldest form of waste treatment.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The community cat, known for her environmental advocacy, launched a campaign to clean up the local landfill and turn it into a green space for all to enjoy.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 環境保護の提唱者として知られる地域の猫は、地元の埋立地を清掃し、皆が楽しめる緑地に変えるためのキャンペーンを開始した。
Accentuation: /ˈprɒd.ɪ.dʒi/
Japanese Translation: 神童、驚異
English-English Definition: A person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities; an impressive or outstanding example of a particular quality.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The young cat, a prodigy in agility, amazed everyone with her ability to navigate complex obstacle courses with ease.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 敏捷性において神童である若い猫は、複雑な障害物コースを容易にナビゲートする能力で皆を驚かせた。
Accentuation: /ˈæənt/
Japanese Translation: 裕福な
English-English Definition: Having a great deal of money; wealthy.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The affluent cat owned a vast collection of luxurious cat towers and beds, each more lavish than the last.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 裕福な猫は、豪華なキャットタワーやベッドの広大なコレクションを所有しており、一つ一つが前のものよりも豪華だった。
Accentuation: /əˈkwaɪər/
Japanese Translation: 獲得する
English-English Definition: To buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself; to learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality).
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat quickly acquired a taste for gourmet fish, refusing to eat anything less after her first indulgent meal.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はすぐにグルメな魚の味を獲得し、最初の贅沢な食事の後はそれ以下のものを食べることを拒否した。
Accentuation: /vɪˈsɪn.ɪ.ti/
Japanese Translation: 近辺、付近
English-English Definition: The area near or surrounding a particular place.
Cat-themed English Sentence: Every morning, the cat would patrol the vicinity of her home, ensuring all was well in her domain.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 毎朝、猫は自宅の近辺を巡回し、自分の領域が全て順調であることを確認していた。
Accentuation: /kəmˈpel.ɪŋ/
Japanese Translation: 説得力のある、魅力的な
English-English Definition: Evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's compelling gaze, full of depth and mystery, always managed to convince her owner to give in to her whims.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 深みと謎に満ちた猫の魅力的なまなざしは、いつも飼い主を説得して彼女の気まぐれに屈するようにさせた。
Accentuation: /ˈskrɪb.əl/
Japanese Translation: 走り書きする
English-English Definition: To write or draw something quickly or carelessly.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat seemed to scribble her own version of art across the living room wall with her paw prints, creating a unique masterpiece.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は自分の肉球の跡でリビングルームの壁に独自の芸術作品を走り書きするかのように描き、ユニークな傑作を作り上げた。
Accentuation: /ˈmeʒ.ər/
Japanese Translation: 測定する
English-English Definition: To ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something by using an instrument or device marked in standard units or by comparing it with an object of known size.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat attempted to measure the distance to the top of the refrigerator, calculating her jump with precision.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は冷蔵庫の上までの距離を測定しようと試み、跳躍を精密に計算した。
Accentuation: /pərˈsuː/
Japanese Translation: 追求する
English-English Definition: To follow or chase (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them; to strive to gain or accomplish something.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat pursued the elusive red dot with unmatched zeal, darting across the room in a frenzy of motion.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は匹敵することのない熱意で逃げる赤い点を追いかけ、部屋中を動き回る熱狂の中で素早く動いた。
Accentuation: /prəˈɡres.ɪv/
Japanese Translation: 進歩的な
English-English Definition: Happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
Cat-themed English Sentence: The cat's progressive approach to conquering her fear of water involved slowly getting accustomed to being near it, then gradually dipping her paws in.
Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 水への恐怖を克服するための猫の進歩的なアプローチには、まず水の近くに慣れることから始まり、次第に自分の足を水に浸すことが含まれていた。