BBC英語ニュースmemo | 1歳半の男の子、世界最年少の男性画家に認定 ガーナ
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ take the art world by storm | 美術界を席巻する
「take ~ by storm」〜に嵐を巻き起こす、強襲して~を奪う、聴衆をとりこにする、の意。
The mother of the Ghanaian toddler officially recognised as the world's youngest male painter has told the BBC of her pride in her son's artistic ability, and hopes he can take the art world by storm.
■ colours (that) complement each other | 色相
"He already knows what colours complement each other," said his mother Chantelle Kuukua Eghan, who has been an artist herself for eight years.
■ break down | 泣き崩れる
break downはたくさんの意味を持つ単語で、基本イメージは「壊れる」ですが、人に使うとがっくりする、気落ちする、健康を害する、ノイローゼになる、などの意味を持ちます。
"When I opened the email I just broke down and thanked God," Ms Eghan told the BBC.