BBC英語ニュースmemo | 伊シチリア沖で豪華ヨットが沈没、英実業家など6人が行方不明
オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan
■ waterspout | ウォータースパウト
a tornado (= violently spinning column of air) filled with water that forms over the sea. 水上を通過して、水や霧の柱を発生させる竜巻。
A waterspout is similar to a tornado and can form over oceans, seas or large lakes.
■ first mate | 一等航海士
the second most important officer on a ship that is not part of the navy. 船の船長(captain)に次ぐ立場で、船長の右腕。
"We saw a red flare, so my first mate and I went to the position, and we found this life raft drifting," he told Reuters.
■ cumulonimbus | 積乱雲
a large, tall type of cumulus cloud that is often dark and brings heavy rain or a thunderstorm. 下記は私訳。
"They can form during intense storms, on the base of cumulonimbus/thunder clouds.