
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【解説】 英騒乱で明らかになった根深い怒り……しかし沸点には達していない

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ thuggery | 暴力

violent behaviour that is criminal or antisocial.
In Sunderland on Friday night, I watched a wave of criminality and thuggery engulf a proud city. 暴行。殺人。

■ racial strife | 人種間抗争

人種闘争。民族間の対立。strifeはviolent or angry disagreement. conflictやdiscordよりも激しく暴力的。
Is he right? Are we set for a summer of racial strife, with mosques hunkering down, police preparing for the worst and deepening community tensions?

■ tinderbox | 火種

a dangerous and uncontrolled situation in which violence is likely to happen. 一触即発の危険な地域・人物。powder kegとも。
The community centre regularly delivers food parcels and other supplies to those struggling to make ends meet. Time after time people from a range of backgrounds came up to me to say the idea that the town was a racial tinderbox was ridiculous. They spoke of a close-knit community in which people from all backgrounds looked out for each other.


