ちょっと長浜まで(3)北国街道 Let’s go to Nagahama! #3: Hokkoku Kaido
Although Japanese modern road networks for automobiles are well designed and arranged, old routes for walkers still remain in many locations in Japan, with glimpses of the historical residues. Hokkoku Kaido is one of them, which separates from Nakasendo in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture. It goes north through Kinomoto to Imajo, Fukui Prefecture, and functioned mainly in Ohmi region, linking to Hokuriku region. One post station along Hokkoku Kaido was located around the Nagahama downtown area, close to the railway station. As a tourist, I visited this area several times over years; however, surprisingly, it was very recent that I recognized the overlap of this area with Hokkoku Kaido.
Why did I overlook this fact so long, who visited many post stations of old walking routes all over Japan? One of the reasons might be its activeness with flourished airs, which is quite rare. A typical post station along an old walking route currently has a standing sign which tells us its historical note and involves a few scattered shops like souvenir sellers, coffee shops and traditional sweet stores which some intermittent guests visit. However, in this area of Nagahama, many shops like these are aligned on both sides of the street without vacancies, and we also find glass art shops with manufacturing services; glass arts around here are famous as a local specialty. We also enjoy foods and drinks in modernized restaurants which keeps an old-fashioned style as its outlook. I am one of the tourists who has no idea about its details of historical efforts by the local people, but naively attracted by the vivid contrasts between the past and the current activeness, between industry and commercial outcomes both of which are basis of the local tourism, and between many visiting guests and local welcoming hosts, with slightly randomized mixing to form a gently unified scene.