
instagramer美女 体型維持の秘訣

reffred: @kubo_perle


morning: cafelatte or tea latte for waking up
lunch: seven eleven cabbage, smoke salmon, mct oil
snack: protein, unglazed nuts
dinner:eat what she wants as much as she likes

Drinking Sayu after waking up and before the bed
Drinking water 2.5L/day


at least 3 hours to exercise per week
go to personal training twice a week
Walking in the night or moring
Sun salutation in the morning (imitating Youtube)
Easy stretch for the night(she recommends cockroarch exercise)


adjusting period is 3 days 
If she eats too much, adjust within 3 days

When she gets hungry, she drinks protein and washes her teeth.

She avoids buying things that makes her fat.

To lose 3 kg, rather than to buy three thousand yen cloth.
