Reflections on The Uses of Argument『論述の技法』省察録(8)
さて、『論述の技法』でトゥールミンは何を主張していたのか、を詳しくみていきたい。テキストとしてはPreface to the Updated Edition 2002年の後半を使う。
In no way had I set out to expound a theory of rhetoric or argumentation: my concern was with twentieth-century epistemology, not informal logic.(viii)
インフォーマル・ロジックとはStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyによると、
The study of logic has often fostered the idea that its methods might be used in attempts to understand and improve thinking, reasoning, and argument as they occur in real life contexts: in public discussion and debate; in education and intellectual exchange; in interpersonal relations; and in law, medicine and other professions.
加えて、インフォーマル・ロジックは、この目的に適した論理学を構築する試みである、論述、証拠、証明、正当化に関する説明を、現実の議論の分析における有用性を強調する道具的な展望と組み合わせる。とある。倉田剛さんがわかりやすい教科書『論証の教室 Introductory lectures on Argumentation』を出している。ガチガチの論理学者の出している文章の書き方よりは柔軟だが、それでも論理学の話である。ちなみに論理学とrationalityを考慮すると、この本の日本語は 『論述行為技法の教室 入門編』となるが実際の内容は論理学への入門である。
Informal logic is an attempt to build a logic suited to this purpose. It combines accounts of argument, evidence, proof and justification with an instrumental outlook which emphasizes their usefulness in the analysis of real life arguing. Blair 2015 identifies two key tasks for the informal logician: (i) the attempt to develop ways to identify (and “extract”) arguments from the exchanges in which they occur; and (ii) the attempt to develop methods and guidelines that can be used to assess their strength and cogency.
Blair, J. Anthony 2015. “What Is Informal Logic?” Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation (Argumentation Library, Volume 28), Frans H. van Eemeren and Bart Garssen (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer.
Still less had I in mind an analytical model like that which, among scholars of Communication, came to be called ‘the Toulmin model’. Many readers in fact gave me an historical background that consigned me to a premature death. When my fiance was reading Law, for instance, a fellow student remarked on her unusual surname: his girlfriend [he explained] had come across it in one of her textbooks, but when he reported that Donna was marrying the author, she replied, ‘That’s impossible: He's dead!’
Still less had I in mind an analytical model like that which, among scholars of Communication, came to be called ‘the Toulmin model’.
私の婚約者が法律の勉強をしていたとき、と続く。reading Lawというのは、英米法の国で、ロースクールに行かなくても、弁護士などの事務所で働くこと弁護士試験を受ける資格ができるところがある。亜米利加合衆国のカリフォルニア州などがそうした場所だ。で、勉強仲間が彼女の珍しい名字(Tumlin)に気がついた。すると、仲間のガールフレンドが読んでいたテキストにその名前があるという。そこで、勉強仲間がフィアンセのDonnaが、この本の著者と結婚するよ、と彼のガールフレンドに言ったら、「それは無理だわ。彼はもう死んでるから」と答えたという。
My reaction to being (so to say) ‘adopted’ by the Communication Community was, I confess, less inquisitive than it should have been.
Even the fact that the late Gilbert Ryle gave the book to Qtto Bird to review, and Dr Bird wrote of it as being a “revival of the Topics" made no impression on me.
Only when I started working in Medical Ethics, and I reread Aristotle with greater understanding, did the point of this commentary sink in. (The book, The Abuse of Casuistry, the scholarly research for which was largely the work of my fellow-author, Albert R. Jonsen, was the first solid product of that change of mind.)
Taking all things together, our collaboration, first on the National Commission for the Protection of Human Research Subjects, and subsequently on the book, left us with a picture of Aristotle as more of a pragmatist, and less of a formalist than historians of thought have tended to assume since the High Middle Ages.
True, the earliest books of Aristotle’s Organon are still known as the Prior and Posterior Analytics, but this was, of course, intended to contrast them with the later books on Ethics, Politics, Aesthetics, and Rhetoric. (The opening of the Rhetoric in fact takes up arguments that Aristotle had included in the Nicomachean Ethics.) So, after all, Quo Bird had made an important point. If I were rewriting this book today, I would point to Aristotle’s contrast between ‘general’ and ‘special’ topics as a way of throwing clearer light on the varied kinds of ‘backing’ relied on in different fields of practice and argument.
It was, in the event, to my great advantage that The Uses of Argument found a way so quickly into the world of Speech Communication. The rightly named ‘analytical’ philosophers in the Britain and America of the late 1950s quickly smelled an enemy.
さて、Speech Communicationとは口頭で自分の主張を述べ、聞き手に理解してもらう、というコミュニケーションについて研究し、実践する活動である。いわゆるスピーチをするときにトッピックとして何を選ぶか、どのようにそれを口頭で伝えるかを検討する領域で、Warren Weaver と Claude Shannon によって開発された線形パブリックスピーキングモデルを採用していると言われる。以下のような図である。
Yet the book continued to sell abroad, and the reasons became clear to me only when I visited the United States in the early 1960s. As a result, it would be churlish of me to disown the notion of ‘the Toulmin model’, which was one of the unforeseen by-products of The Uses of Argument, has kept it in print since it first appeared in 1958, and justifies the new edition for which this Preface is written, more than 40 years on.
Some people will remember David Hume’s description of his Treatise of Human Nature—stung by its similarly hostile early reception—as having ‘fallen still-born from the press’. One could hardly ask for better company.
ヒュームがTreatise of Human Nature『人間本性論』を出したときに、誰も相手にしないか敵対的な反応だった。それにたいしてヒュームは「出版社からまだ生まれたばかり as having ‘fallen still-born from the press’.」と評した。ヒュームが『自伝』の中で、評判の悪かった『人間本性論』について論じながら、この本を「信奉者の間でざわめきを起こすこともなく、出版界から死蔵されてしまった」と書いていることに、『論述の技法』をなぞらえている。実は、ヒュームの述べたこともトゥールミンの主張したことも同じである。哲学は論理学だけではなく、rationalityについても考えを及ぼさなくてはいけない学問なのだ。ではrationalityと論述がどのように関係していくのか。次回から本書のイントロダクションの詳細な読みに進みながらこの問題を学んでいきたい。