さて、第一巻 第2章の解釈をChatGPTにお願いしてみた。
this is volume one chapter 2 the first paragraph. Please analyze:
If, then, there is some end of things doable in action that we wish for because of itself, and the others because of it, and we do not choose everything because of something else (since if that is the case, it will go on without limit | so that the desire will be empty and pointless), it is clear that this will be the good—that is, the best good. Hence regarding our life as well, won’t knowing the good have great influence and—like archers with a target—won’t we be better able to hit what we should? If so, we should try to grasp in outline, at least, what the good is and to which of the sciences or capacities it properly belongs.
This passage comes from the beginning of Aristotle's work, "Nicomachean Ethics," where he attempts to establish the ultimate aim of human life, which he refers to as the "good." Let's break down this passage:
1: "If, then, there is some end of things doable in action that we wish for because of itself, and the others because of it, and we do not choose everything because of something else (since if that is the case, it will go on without limit so that the desire will be empty and pointless)":
Here, Aristotle asserts that there must be a final end or "good" that is desirable for its own sake. If there wasn't such an end, and everything was pursued as a means to something else, then it would lead to an infinite regression, making our desires futile and meaningless.
解釈: ここでアリストテレスは、最終的な終点または「善」が、それ自体のために望ましいものでなければならないと主張しています。そうでない終点がなく、すべてが何か他のものへの手段として追求されたならば、それは無限回帰につながり、私たちの欲望を無益で無意味なものにするでしょう。
2: "it is clear that this will be the good—that is, the best good.": Aristotle proposes that this final end, the thing desired for its own sake and not as a means to anything else, is the ultimate good or the "best good."
解釈: アリストテレスは、この最終的な終点、つまりそれ自体のため、そして何か他のものへの手段としてではなく、望まれるものが究極の善、または「最善の善」であると提案しています。
3: "Hence regarding our life as well, won’t knowing the good have great influence and—like archers with a target—won’t we be better able to hit what we should?": Aristotle suggests that understanding what the ultimate good is has significant implications for our lives. Like archers who can aim better when they know their target, knowing the good can guide our actions and decisions.
4: "If so, we should try to grasp in outline, at least, what the good is and to which of the sciences or capacities it properly belongs.": Aristotle acknowledges that while it may be challenging to fully understand and define the ultimate good, we should still attempt to outline its nature and identify the fields (sciences or capacities) that it most directly pertains to. This sets the stage for his further discussion on the topic.
In conclusion, this passage lays the foundation for Aristotle's moral philosophy by presenting the concept of the ultimate good that all our actions should aim towards. It also underscores the importance of understanding the good for leading a fulfilling life and indicates his intention to explore this concept in more depth.
this is volume one chapter 2 the second paragraph. Please analyze the paragraph:
It would seem to be the one with the most control, and the most architectonic one. And politics seems to be like this, since it is the one that prescribes which of the sciences need to exist in cities and which ones each group in cities should learn and up to what point. Indeed, we see that even the capacities that are generally most honored are under it—for example, generalship, household management, and rhetoric. And since it uses the other practical sciences and, furthermore, legislates about what must be done and what avoided, its end will circumscribe those of the others, so that it will be the human good.
This passage continues Aristotle's exploration of the "good" as it relates to human life, focusing specifically on how it might be related to different sciences or fields of knowledge. Let's analyze it in sections:
"It would seem to be the one with the most control, and the most architectonic one.": Aristotle proposes that the "good" should be associated with the field or capacity that has the most control or is "architectonic". An "architectonic" field, in Aristotle's philosophy, is one that provides guidance or principles to other fields.
"And politics seems to be like this, since it is the one that prescribes which of the sciences need to exist in cities and which ones each group in cities should learn and up to what point.": Aristotle identifies politics as a likely candidate for this architectonic science. Politics, in his view, has a guiding role in determining which fields of knowledge (sciences) are necessary in cities and how far individuals should go in learning them.
"Indeed, we see that even the capacities that are generally most honored are under it—for example, generalship, household management, and rhetoric.": To further emphasize the central role of politics, Aristotle points out that even highly esteemed fields like generalship (military strategy), household management, and rhetoric (the art of persuasion) are under the jurisdiction of politics.
"And since it uses the other practical sciences and, furthermore, legislates about what must be done and what avoided, its end will circumscribe those of the others, so that it will be the human good.": Here, Aristotle argues that because politics makes use of other practical sciences and sets rules about what actions should be taken or avoided, it effectively determines the ends of these other sciences. This comprehensive role that politics plays makes it the field most closely associated with the "human good" that Aristotle is seeking to define.
In conclusion, this passage presents politics as the architectonic science that guides all other fields, making it the closest associated with the human good. It's an important part of Aristotle's argument for the role of politics in achieving the highest good in human life.
「それは最もコントロールがきき、最も建築的なもの(architectonic 注を参照)であると思われます。」:アリストテレスは、「善」は最もコントロールがきく、または「建築的architectonic」な分野や能力に関連づけられるべきであると提案しています。「建築的architectonic」な分野とは、アリストテレスの哲学において、他の分野に指導または原理を提供するものを指します。
実はここ "architectonic" を建築的、と訳すと、話が見えなくなる。architectonicの言葉の解釈が実はかなり大事になる。そこで
Aristotle Ethicsにおいて、architectonicとは何かを聞いてみた。
In Aristotle's philosophy, the term "architectonic" is used to describe a field or capacity that guides or provides principles to other fields. An architectonic field is seen as more comprehensive and authoritative, setting the goals or ends for other fields.
For Aristotle, "Politics" is considered the architectonic science. This is because he believes that it is the role of politics to determine which fields of knowledge are necessary in cities, how individuals should learn them, and how they should be applied for the welfare of the community. In this sense, politics organizes, guides, and directs all other fields of knowledge. It is the master science under which other sciences fall.
注 修了
「実際、一般的に最も尊敬される能力でさえもそれ(the architectonic science)の下にあると見ています。たとえば、将軍職、家庭経営、修辞学などです。」:政治の中心的な役割をさらに強調するために、アリストテレスは、将軍職(軍事戦略)、家庭経営、修辞学(説得の技術)などの高く評価される分野でさえも、政治学(the architectonic science)の管轄下にあることを指摘しています。
解釈: ここでアリストテレスは、政治学が他の実践的な科学を利用し、どの行動を取るべきか、避けるべきかについての規則を設定するため、他の科学の目的を実質的に決定すると主張しています。政治が果たすこの包括的な役割により、アリストテレスが定義しようとしている「人間の善」に最も密接に関連している分野となります。
Okude: this is volume one chapter 2 the third paragraph. Please analyze the paragraph: For even if the good is the same for an individual and for a city, that of a city is evidently a greater and, at any rate, a more complete good to acquire and preserve. For while it should content us to acquire and preserve this for an individual alone, it is nobler and more divine to do so for a nation and city. And so our method of inquiry seeks the good of these things, since it is a sort of politics.
In this passage, Aristotle is continuing his discussion of the 'good' with respect to the individual and the city (or polis, which can also be interpreted as a state or community). He is setting up the stage for his argument that the study of politics is supreme because it concerns itself with the highest good achievable by a community. Here's a breakdown:
この一節では、アリストテレスは個人と都市(またはポリス、これは国家や共同体とも解釈できる。(奥出注)つまりは、the architectonic science)に関する「善」の議論を続けています。彼は、政治の研究が最高であるという主張のための舞台を設定しています。なぜなら、それは共同体によって達成可能な最高の善について関与しているからです。以下に詳細を説明します。
1: "For even if the good is the same for an individual and for a city, that of a city is evidently a greater and, at any rate, a more complete good to acquire and preserve.":
Aristotle states that even if the concept of 'good' is the same for both an individual and a city, achieving and maintaining this 'good' for a city is greater and more complete. This suggests that Aristotle places a higher value on collective well-being over individual well-being.
「個人と都市のための善が同じであっても、都市the architectonic scienceの善は明らかにより大きなものであり、少なくとも、より完全な善を獲得し保持するものである。」:
解説: アリストテレスは、'善'の概念が個人と都市の両方にとって同じであっても、この'善'を都市で達成し保持することがより大きく、より完全であると述べています。これは、アリストテレスが個々の福祉よりも集団の福祉を高く評価していることを示しています。
2: "For while it should content us to acquire and preserve this for an individual alone, it is nobler and more divine to do so for a nation and city.":
This sentence further develops the idea mentioned earlier. Aristotle argues that although achieving and preserving 'good' for an individual is satisfactory, it's even more noble and divine to do so for a community or a nation. This is because achieving the 'good' on a larger scale involves considering the welfare of many people rather than just one.
2: 「個人だけのためにこれを獲得し、保持することが私たちを満足させるべきである一方、国家や都市のためにそうすることはより高貴であり、より神聖です。」:
解釈: この文は前述の考えをさらに発展させています。アリストテレスは、個人のための「善」を達成し、保持することが満足であるとしても、コミュニティや国家のためにそうすることがさらに高貴で神聖であると主張しています。これは、より大きなスケールでの「善」の達成は、一人だけではなく多くの人々の福祉を考慮することを意味するからです。
3: "And so our method of inquiry seeks the good of these things, since it is a sort of politics.": Aristotle concludes the passage by saying that their inquiry is aimed at discovering this 'good' - for the individual and the community - because this is essentially what politics is about. This line reinforces his argument for the supremacy of politics, as politics is concerned with the 'good' at the largest scale.
In summary, Aristotle is arguing that the pursuit of the 'good' for a community or city is the highest and noblest pursuit, and because politics is concerned with this, it is the most important of all fields. This forms the foundation for his political philosophy.
3: 「したがって、私たちの研究方法はこれらのものの善を求めています、なぜならそれはある種の政治だからです。」:
解釈: アリストテレスは、彼らの研究がこの「善」- 個人とコミュニティのための - を発見することを目指していると結論付けています。これは本質的に政治の内容です。この行は、最大のスケールでの「善」に関与しているため、政治の最上位性に関する彼の議論を補強しています。
第2章を理解 comprehend するためにChatGPT に再び質問を作ってもらうことにした。
To comprehend the chapter 2, please make questions.
Certainly, here are some questions to guide your understanding of Chapter 2:
What does Aristotle mean when he says that the 'good' is the same for both an individual and a city?
How does Aristotle differentiate between the 'good' for an individual and the 'good' for a city?
Why does Aristotle believe that achieving and preserving 'good' for a city is a greater and more complete goal than doing so for an individual?
According to Aristotle, why is achieving and preserving 'good' for a nation or city more noble and divine than doing so for an individual?
How does Aristotle define the role of politics in relation to the pursuit of 'good'?
What argument does Aristotle make for the supremacy of politics in this chapter?
How does this chapter contribute to Aristotle's overall argument about the nature of the 'good' and the role of politics in achieving it?
In your opinion, does Aristotle's argument hold true in today's context? Why or why not?
1: アリストテレスが「善」が個人と都市の両方にとって同じであると言うとき、彼は何を意味するのでしょうか?
2: アリストテレスは、個人のための「善」と都市のための「善」の違いをどのように区別していますか?
3: なぜアリストテレスは、都市のための「善」を達成し、保持することが、個人のためにそうすることよりもより大きな、そしてより完全な目標であると信じているのでしょうか?
4: アリストテレスによれば、なぜ国家や都市のための「善」を達成し、保持することが、個人のためにそうすることよりももっと高貴で神聖なのでしょうか?
5: アリストテレスは、善を追求するという観点から政治の役割をどのように定義していますか?
6: この章でアリストテレスが政治の優位性についてどのような主張をしていますか?
7: この章は、アリストテレスの全体的な議論、つまり「善」の性質とそれを達成するための政治の役割にどのように寄与していますか?
8: あなたの意見では、アリストテレスの議論は今日の文脈で真実をつかんでいますか? なぜまたはなぜないのですか?