★タイトル title★
暑中見舞い 2018年
Wishing you a healthy summer. 2018
★コンセプト concept★
I drew for the 2018 Summer Greeting Card Exhibition.
テーマは「夏」。The theme is "Summer".
Under the theme of "summer", I drew a summer tangerine tart because I wanted to encourage vitamin intake so that it would not fall into the heat.
★ストーリー story★
There is a delicious cake shop in the neighborhood. The gentle and tender taste makes people who eat it happy.
そのケーキ屋さんの夏みかんのタルトからこの絵の着想を得ました。I got the idea for this picture from the cake shop's summer tangerine tart.
果実のゼリーやスムージーなど、喉越しの良いものを摂るのも良いでしょう。It's also a good idea to have something that you feel good in your throat, such as fruit jelly or smoothies.
However, the cake is not lost. Natsu mandarin orange that occupies most of the volume boldly. A gentle mousse on a dense sponge cake. And crispy tart dough.
I think it's a good idea to have a solid cake because it's a summer with a poor appetite.
A medium that matches the texture is used to bring out the clarity of the fruit, the smoothness of the cream, and the grittyness of the sponge cake.