
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024で登壇します(12/6 14:30- G502)

2024年12月6日(金)、東京国際フォーラムで開催される世界最大のCG/インタラクティブ技術の国際会議「SIGGRAPH Asia 2024」にて、日本のCG教育の現状と未来の課題をテーマにした教育者向けフォーラムのパネルディスカッションが開催されます。こちらにパネリストとして招待されましたので告知いたします。

Educator's Forum Panel 2: Computer Graphics Education in Japan: Current Status and Future Challenges

日時: 2024年12月6日(金) 14:30 - 15:30 (JST)
場所: 東京国際フォーラム G棟5階 G502
詳細: https://asia.siggraph.org/2024/ja/presentation/?id=educur_101&sess=sess299







  • 伊藤貴之 (お茶の水女子大学)

  • 藤代一成 (慶應義塾大学)

  • 宮田一乘 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)

  • Barbara Mones (ワシントン大学)

  • 白井暁彦 (デジタルハリウッド大学 / AICU Inc.)

  • 髙橋誠史 (株式会社バンダイナムコスタジオ)


SIGGRAPH ASIAの最後を飾る「Real Time Live!」の前の講演です。日本のCG教育の未来、そして次世代のクリエイター育成について考える、絶好の機会です。ぜひ東京国際フォーラム G棟5階 G502の14:30からのセッションにご参加ください。

#SIGGRAPHAsia2024 #SIGGRAPHAsia #CG教育 #ディープラーニング #生成AI #教育

Educator's Forum Panel 2: Computer Graphics Education in Japan: Current Status and Future Challenges
TimeFriday, 6 December 2024
2:30pm - 3:30pm JST
Location: G502, G Block, Level 5

Japan has been a leader in the entertainment industry, including digital games and animation, for a long time, and computer graphics technology has developed as part of this industry. A large number of university and vocational school students studying information technology in Japan aspire to become engineers or creators who make full use of computer graphics. Japanese educational institutions have contributed greatly to the development of human resources in this field. In this session, we will invite experts who have been involved in computer graphics education in Japan for a long time, both from academia and industry, as well as from overseas, to share the current status of computer graphics education in Japan and to broadly discuss big challenges that may arise in the field of education in the future. As an example of the challenges, we will discuss how to incorporate recent rapid advances in deep learning and generative AI into computer graphics education.


Takayuki Itoh
Ochanomizu University

Issei Fujishiro
Keio University

Kazunori Miyata
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

Barbara Mones
University of Washington

Akihiko Shirai
Digital Hollywood University

Masafumi Takahashi
Bandai Namco Studios Inc.

Towards the development of future CG creators

This session will be a valuable opportunity for those involved in education as well as anyone else interested in the future of the CG industry to gather information.

This is a talk that will be held before the ‘Real Time Live!’ event that will close SIGGRAPH ASIA. It is a great opportunity to think about the future of CG education in Japan and the development of the next generation of creators. Please join us for the session at 14:30 in Tokyo International Forum, Building G, 5th Floor, Room G502.

You can participate with your Enhanced Access either with Full Conference Access! Register with 10% off code "SA24AICU10".

