①Address by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress "Toward an Alliance of Hope" (April 29, 2015)
Back in June, 1957, Nobusuke Kishi, my grandfather, standing right here, as Prime Minister of Japan, began his address, by saying, and I quote,
"It is because of our strong belief in democratic principles and ideals that Japan associates herself with the free nations of the world."
my first encounter with America goes back to my days as a student, when I spent a spell in California.
Later, I took a job at a steelmaker, and I was given the chance to work in New York. Here in the U.S. rank and hierarchy are neither here nor there. People advance based on merit. When you discuss things you don’t pay much attention to who is junior or senior. You just choose the best idea, no matter who the idea was from. This culture intoxicated me. So much so, after I got elected as a member of the House, some of the old guard in my party would say, "hey, you’re so cheeky, Abe."
のち、鉄鋼メーカーに就職した私は、ニューヨーク勤務の機会を与えられました。 上下関係にとらわれない実力主義。地位や長幼の差に関わりなく意見を戦わせ、正しい見方なら躊躇なく採用する。この文化に毒されたのか、やがて政治家になったら、先輩大物議員たちに、アベは生意気だと随分言われました。
Late Enemy, Present Friend
Ladies and gentlemen, in the gallery today is Lt. Gen. Lawrence Snowden.
Seventy years ago in February, he landed on Iōtō, or the island of Iwo Jima, as a captain in command of a company.
In recent years, General Snowden has often participated in the memorial services held jointly by Japan and the U.S. on Iōtō.
He said, and I quote, “We didn’t and don’t go to Iwo Jima to celebrate victory, but for the solemn purpose to pay tribute to and honor those who lost their lives on both sides.”
Next to General. Snowden sits Diet Member Yoshitaka Shindo, who is a former member of my Cabinet. His grandfather, General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, whose valor we remember even today, was the commander of the Japanese garrison during the Battle of Iwo Jima.
What should we call this, if not a miracle of history?
Enemies that had fought each other so fiercely have become friends bonded in spirit.
To General Snowden, I say that I pay tribute to your efforts for reconciliation. Thank you so very much.
As regards the state of Asian waters, let me underscore here my three principles. First, states shall make their claims based on international law.
Second, they shall not use force or coercion to drive their claims. And third, to settle disputes, any disputes, they shall do so by peaceful means. We must make the vast seas stretching from the Pacific to the Indian Oceans seas of peace and freedom, where all follow the rule of law.
For that very reason we must fortify the U.S.-Japan alliance. That is our responsibility.
【参照:岸信介総理大臣 米国議会演説 (昭和32年6月20日)】
More than one hundred years ago, vast colonies possessed mainly by the Western powers stretched out across the world. With their overwhelming supremacy in technology, waves of colonial rule surged toward Asia in the 19th century. There is no doubt that the resultant sense of crisis drove Japan forward to achieve modernization. Japan built a constitutional government earlier than any other nation in Asia. The country preserved its independence throughout. The Japan-Russia War gave encouragement to many people under colonial rule from Asia to Africa.
Each and every one of them had his or her life, dream, and beloved family. When I squarely contemplate this obvious fact, even now, I find myself speechless and my heart is rent with the utmost grief.
③"Confluence of the Two Seas"
Speech by H.E.Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
at the Parliament of the Republic of India
Tomorrow I will be taking a morning flight to Kolkata, where I expect to meet the son of Justice Radhabinod Pal. Justice Pal is highly respected even today by many Japanese for the noble spirit of courage he exhibited during the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.
「明日私は、朝の便でコルカタへ向かいます。ラダビノード・パール(Radhabinod Pal)判事のご子息に、お目にかかることとなるでしょう。極東国際軍事裁判で気高い勇気を示されたパール判事は、たくさんの日本人から今も変わらぬ尊敬を集めているのです。」
It was exactly 50 years ago that my grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, became the first Japanese Prime Minister ever to visit India. Then-Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru brought my grandfather to an outdoor "civic reception" at which tens of thousands of people had gathered, introducing him to a crowd energetically saying, "This is the Prime Minister of Japan, a country I hold in the greatest esteem." This is a story I heard as a little boy from my grandfather. As the leader of a defeated nation in a war, he must have been very much delighted.
Kishi was also the Prime Minister who launched Japan's first post-war ODA. Japan was then still a poor country herself, but as a matter of honour we wanted to provide ODA. At that time, the country that had accepted Japan's ODA was none other than India. My grandfather never forgot that fact either.
④広島演説 オバマ大統領との広島訪問(平成28年5月27日)
There are feelings of those who went through unimaginable tragic experiences, indeed, in this city, 71 years ago.
It is utterly unspeakable.
Through their minds, various feelings might come and go. But, of these, this must be in common.
“At any place in the world, this tragedy must not be repeated again.”
⑤パールハーバー演説 オバマ大統領とのパールハーバー訪問 平成28年12月27日
Yesterday, at the Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay, I visited the memorial marker for an Imperial Japanese Navy officer.
He was a fighter pilot by the name of Commander Fusata Iida who was hit during the attack on Pearl Harbor and gave up on returning to his aircraft carrier. He went back instead and died.
It was not Japanese who erected a marker at the site that Iida’s fighter plane crashed. It was U.S. servicemen who had been on the receiving end of his attack.
Applauding the bravery of the dead pilot, they erected this stone marker.
On the marker, his rank at that time is inscribed, “Lieutenant, Imperial Japanese Navy,” showing their respect toward a serviceman who gave his life for his country.
「戦争の惨禍は、いまだ世界から消えない。憎悪が憎悪を招く連鎖は、なくなろうとしない。 寛容の心、和解の力を、世界は今、今こそ、必要としています。
Even today, the horrors of war have not been eradicated from the surface of the world. There is no end to the spiral where hatred creates hatred.
The world needs the spirit of tolerance and the power of reconciliation now -- and especially now.
Japan and the United States, which have eradicated hatred and cultivated friendship and trust on the basis of common values, are now, and especially now, taking responsibility for appealing to the world about the importance of tolerance and the power of reconciliation.
That is precisely why the Japan-U.S. alliance is “an alliance of hope.”
The inlet gazing at us is tranquil as far as the eye can see.
Pearl Harbor.
It is precisely this beautiful inlet, shimmering like pearls, that is a symbol of tolerance and reconciliation.