【English follows Japanese.】
前回に引き続き、インターナショナルスクール「North London Collegiate School Kobe(NLCS Kobe)」の池田浩八代表と、NLCS 海外校 教育戦略ディレクターのGwen Byrom(グゥエン・バイロム)さんの対談をお届けします。今回取り上げるのは「NLCSの教育方針について」。日本の教育現場で問題視されている「詰め込み教育」と比較しながら、話をお聞きしました。
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浩八代表:「NLCS Kobe」では、NLCS本校が大切にしている生徒の意欲をかき立てる“探究型教育”をベースにした教育方針に加え、日本人としてのアイデンティティも大切に、生徒の個性を磨く六甲山の大自然を生かした独自カリキュラムを採用するなど、海外からも注目される世界基準の教育を目指していきたいと考えています。
●HP https://nlcskobe.jp/
●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nlcskobe/
●LinkedIN https://jp.linkedin.com/company/north-london-collegiate-school-kobe
‘Cram Education’ - How the educational approach from NLCS is different
Following on from our previous post, we bring you a conversation between Kohachi Ikeda, CEO, and Gwen Byrom, Director of Education Strategy for North London Collegiate School (NLCS) international schools. This time, we will be discussing "NLCS' educational policy." We asked them about it, comparing it to the "cramming education philosophy" that is considered problematic within Japanese educational.
*Click here for the previous article.
The experience of students being creative, asking questions and solving problems is key.
Kohachi Ikeda:Japan's "cramming education"approach that places emphasis on memorising and increasing knowledge is often debated in the field of education. NLCS (UK main campus) has been ranked among the top schools in the UK for GCSE, A-Level, and IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma exams for the past 20 years, and is the number one school in the UK for the 2023 IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) score. The IB education aims to foster an international perspective by encouraging children to reflect on their own perspectives, cultures, and identities through a spirit of understanding and respect for diverse cultures. What do you think about the benefits of the IB education policy?
Gwen Byrom:Of course, it is important to have knowledge, but knowledge is useless if you don't know how to use it. Assuming that students learn to gain knowledge, what we place even more importance on is for students to be creative, question everything, and learn about these things with curiosity. It is not about getting the right answer, but the experience of solving a problem by themselves when they are faced with it and the confidence they gain from it that is important. Even if a student's answer is wrong, how can they find a solution? I want them to value this perspective. I believe there is a lot to learn from making mistakes.
If we adults teach students a lot of things, they will know and learn a lot. However, the reality is that they do not know how to apply what they have learned and their own ideas to real life or the problems they face. That is why it is so important for each student to become a creative thinker and to enjoy learning on their own, and students should not expect that "teachers will always tell them the answers." In order for them to develop the ability to think for themselves, teachers should ask questions and create opportunities for them to solve problems on the spot. This is completely different from the "cramming education" where teachers give students a lot of information.
I think this is especially true in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), which places emphasis on developing both the mind and the body. Students in the PYP are structured around questions, and in first grade, for example, students are asked, "Where am I in the world and in time?", which leads them to learn about time, history, geography, and all the interconnected things to get a sense of who they are, where they are, and what time period they live in. This is a really great way to get students to learn without having them memorise huge amounts of information.
Giving students the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world
Kohachi:It's fundamentally different from the way we've been taught to study. But how did the IB's approach to studying English come about in the first place?
Gwen Byrom:After World War II, educators shared a common vision that educating young people needed to foster global understanding, respect for all people, and a sense of being creative and independent thinkers, so the world would never find itself in that situation again. The IB was developed with that aspiration in mind.
And there's plenty of research that shows that students who have acquired problem-solving skills through this well-balanced PYP curriculum have much higher employment rates and better skills than students who don't take the PYP. They're better able to handle failure, they're always willing to take on challenges, and they continue to question, learn, and grow from those challenges.
Kohachi:Interesting. Education before WWII was different from after WWII and it has had a big impact on me and probably all of us. It's a long way, but it's not adapted to the global movement like IB is.
Gwen:IB has that, and for us at NLCS, it is our interest to develop global talent. When we first opened our overseas school many years ago, one of the things we focused on was giving our students the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world. And that was one of the things that was very interesting for us and for the teachers, because we could share ideas and experiences.
Aiming for world-class education that is attracting attention from overseas
Kohachi:The differences in educational policies and thinking from country to country are influenced by various factors, such as each country's history and growth, and the power balance in the world at the time.
Gwen:In Japan, and in many Asian countries, it is said that when students disagree with their teachers, it is because they think the teacher has made a mistake. Some students remain completely silent because they believe it is not okay to express their thoughts as they are. So when I walk into a classroom and I see silence, I worry. I like classrooms that are noisy and busy, where the kids are having fun and excited. Seeing these curious kids is why I became a teacher.
It is interesting that Japan recognizes the need for change, as Kohachi said before, but the question is how to make that change happen. And I think education is the only way to make it happen.
Kohachi:At NLCS Kobe, in addition to the educational policy based on inquiry-based education that stimulates student motivation, which is a priority at the NLCS main school, we also value our Japanese identity and adopt a unique curriculum that makes use of the natural beauty of Mt. Rokko to hone the individuality of our students, aiming to provide a world-class education that will attract attention from overseas.
The next post will be the final chapter of the conversation between Kohachi Ikeda and Gwen Byrom. Together with Gwen Byrom, Kohachi Ikeda will talk about his passion for opening this school: "I want to nurture talented people who can play an active role on the world stage with a firm identity as Japanese people." Please look forward to it!
●HP https://nlcskobe.jp/
●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nlcskobe/
●LinkedIN https://jp.linkedin.com/company/north-london-collegiate-school-kobe