
子供たちがありのままの自分に自信を持つこと、そして国際的な自信を持つこと。ウィリアムズ初代校長が語る、NLCS Kobeの価値観

【English follows Japanese.】
2025年に開校予定の「North London Collegiate School Kobe(NLCS Kobe)」。今回は、NLCS Kobeの初代校長に就任したMatthew Williams(マシュー・ウィリアムズ)さんにインタビュー。英国やスイスでの教育経験も豊富なウィリアムズ校長に、どのようにして世界トップクラスの学校を目指していくのか、そして教師の持つ教育理念やNLCS Kobe開校にかける思いについてライターの片桐が聞きました。

Matthew Williams(マシュー・ウィリアムズ)/NLCS Kobe初代校長
英国とスイスでトップクラスの優秀な学校を率いた豊富な経験を持ち、教科指導、リーダーシップ、児童・生徒の育成において優れた成果をあげており、スイスのトップクラスのインターナショナルスクールからNLCS Kobeの教員チームに加わる。


―日本の文化、伝統、背景を尊重しつつ、学業の成功につながる質の高い教育を取り入れた教育プログラムを作っていくNLCS Kobe。多様な文化が混ざり合う環境こそが、グローバルな理解と尊敬を築く上で重要であると考える池田浩八代表は、「マットさんは誰にでもすごくフレンドリーで、子供のような探究心持っています。子供にも教師たちにもフラットで分け隔てなく話し、みんなから愛されています。英国とスイスの学校を率いて成功を収め、新しいことを学ぶことに熱心で前向きな姿勢を持っていることからマットさんが適任だと思いました」と話されていました。
私はNLCS Kobeを率いることができてとても嬉しく、誇りに思っています。私がこれまで勤務したすべての学校での目標は、一人ひとりの子供たちが“最高の自分”になれるよう、彼らを理解し、サポートすることでした。この理念はNLCSや浩八さんの考えと一致していました。



North London Collegiate Schoolは、卓越した評価を得ています。世界各地に新たにスクールを創設するにあたっては、新規採用の教職員、そして設置場所を慎重に選んでおり、私はずっとNLCSのスタッフたちと一緒に働きたいと思っていました。さらに今回は日本で働くことができるということで、この機会を逃すことはできないという気持ちでいっぱいでした。




自分の子供時代を思い返してみても、私たちは大好きだった先生のことはよく覚えていますよね。その先生のおかげで私たちは安心して学ぶことができ、その先生の教科で一番になりたいと思ったことでしょう。ですから、本当に優秀な教師に恵まれれば、子供たちは学び、幸せになり、成長します。それこそが、NLCS Kobeの目標です。児童・生徒たちが安心感を持ち、学びを楽しみ、成果を上げられるよう、心からインスピレーションを与えることができる教師陣を揃えたいと考えています。


― NLCS Kobeはまず、2025年8月に開校して1〜6年生が学ぶことになりますが、どんな教師を採用するのでしょうか?

現在、教員を募集しているところです。NLCS Kobeでは、3年生以上の各教科は専門の教師が教えるため、クラス担任の他に音楽、体育、科学、数学、芸術、日本語の教師を採用します。3年生から専門教員による指導を始めるのは、他の学校に比べてかなり早く、NLCSカリキュラムのユニークな特徴です。専門性の高い教員がいることで、児童・生徒たちが将来学業面で成功し、最終的には世界のトップクラスの大学に進学できると信じています。




多くの教員がNLCSで働きたいと思うのは、世界中にネットワークがあり、他校では得られないステップアップの機会に恵まれているからです。NLCS 海外校 教育戦略ディレクターのGwen Byrom(グゥエン・バイロム)さんが前回のインタビューでおっしゃっていたように、教員が学び続けることは大切で、それが子供たちに良い影響を与えていると感じています。


―それは教師のモチベーション向上にもなる素晴らしいシステムですね。NLCS Kobeの教師を採用する際には、何を重視しますか?


―NLCS Kobeでは、NLCSのポリシーである「探究型教育」を基本とし、六甲山の大自然を生かした日本独自のカリキュラムも採用されます。

「子供たちに“日本の心”を伝えること」は、NLCS Kobeの核となる理念です。インターナショナルスクールに通いながらも、自分たちのベースは日本にあるんだということを児童・生徒に感じてほしいと思っています。浩八さんの素晴らしいネットワークを活かし、アーティストや宗教指導者、日本の教育者など各分野の専門家から伝統文化や歴史を学べるカリキュラムを取り入れる予定です。


―NLCS Kobeへの入学に際し、お子さんの英語力に不安を抱く親御さんも少なくないと思います。ウィリアムズ校長から何かアドバイスはありますか?

おっしゃる通り、多くの保護者の方から不安の声をいただいています。私たちは、子供たちに英語を早く、楽しく、ワクワクしながら教えることをお約束します。子供の英語力が心配だから英語の塾に入れないといけない、と多くの親御さんが考えてしまうような状況は望んでいません。それは私たちの理念に反します。今不安に思っている親御さんには「まずはNLCS Kobeに来て、私たちに相談してください」と伝えたいです。英語をはじめ全ての教科をリラックスした雰囲気の中でしっかりと教えるのはもちろん、子供たちが自信と責任感を持った人間に成長できるよう、幅広い学びの機会を提供することをお約束します。



さらに、NLCS Kobeではすべての子供たちに、スポーツ、アート、音楽、テクノロジーなどに触れる機会を提供します。これにより、子供たちは自分の興味を発見し、それを深く理解するために学び、挑戦するようになります。実際に私がこれまで関わったすべての学校において、このような機会を提供してきましたが、子供たちは大変満足し、どんどん成果をあげていきました。







―NLCS Kobeで出会う人みんなが成長できるということですね。

そうです!私たちはみんな「学習者」であり、NLCS Kobeは暖かくて安全な学習コミュニティです。児童・生徒だけでなく保護者の方にも、わからなくても、間違えても大丈夫だと思ってもらいたいです。私も日本語の勉強をもっと頑張ります(笑)。

―ウィリアムズ校長のご経験と日本独自の文化や環境を融合することで、NLCS Kobeをウェルビーイングが実現できる世界一のスクールにしてくれるものと期待しています!


―最後に、大学進学先について教えてください。NLCS Kobeの生徒は日本の大学にも進学できるのでしょうか?


また、NLCSでは大学進学アドバイザーとカウンセラーのネットワークも活用いただけます。これを通じてNLCS Kobeは大学入学試験の準備を支援し、ご家族と協力してお子様が最適な大学を見つけることができるようサポートします。そして、NLCS Kobeの卒業生は日本の大学にも進学できます。私たちのディプロマプログラムは日本の大学でも認められており、私たちはご家族と協力してお子様の大学進学の準備に備えることができます。NLCSでは、日本国内および海外両方の大学進学に向けた教育が可能です。

NLCS Kobeは、2025年六甲アイランドのAsia One Centerにて小中学校を開校、2028年には六甲山・国立公園内にて校舎を新設し、中高一貫のボーディングスクールを開校予定です。プリスクール・小学部についても2028年から2030年までの間での校舎の移転を計画しています。六甲山の豊かな緑、瀬戸内海の美しい海岸線、そして四季折々の自然は、子供たちの学びを豊かにし、創造力と探究心を育む絶好の環境となります。



NLCS Kobeは、権威ある「ブリティッシュビジネスアワード2024(BBA)」の英国・日本パートナーシップ部門にノミネートされました。


11月8日にヒルトン東京で行われた授賞式には、マシュー・ウィリアムズ校長と池田浩八代表が出席。「私たちは受賞することはできませんでしたが、このような優れた候補者の中にノミネートされたことを光栄に思います。これは、2025年8月に1年生から6年生を対象に開校するNLCS Kobeで、グローバルな教育パートナーシップを促進し、野心的な教育を提供しようという私たちの取り組みの証です」と2人はコメントしています。

●HP https://nlcskobe.jp/
●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nlcskobe/
●LinkedIN https://jp.linkedin.com/company/north-london-collegiate-school-kobe

We want our children to continue to have confidence in themselves and have international confidence. NLCS Kobe's values ​​as told by the Founding Principal Williams

North London Collegiate School Kobe (NLCS Kobe) is scheduled to open in 2025. This time, we spent time interviewing Matthew Williams, who was appointed as the Founding Principal of NLCS Kobe. Writer Katagiri asked Principal Williams, who has extensive teaching experience in the UK and Switzerland, about how he aims to lead one of the world's best schools, his educational philosophy, and his thoughts on the opening of NLCS Kobe.

Matthew Williams/Founding Principal of NLCS Kobe
With extensive experience leading high performing schools in the UK and Switzerland, where he has demonstrated outstanding achievements in teaching, leadership and fostering student development, Mr Williams joins the NLCS Kobe teaching team from a leading international school in Switzerland.

NLCS Kobe will ensure that all students are known as the special and unique individuals they are. They will be challenged and supported to excel both in and out of the classroom.

―NLCS Kobe will create educational programs that both respect Japanese culture, traditions, and backgrounds whilst incorporating high quality teaching that leads to academic success. Representative Kohachi Ikeda believes that in an environment where such a variety of cultures mix together is important to build global understanding and respect. He said, "Matt is very friendly to everyone, is excited about learning new things and is as happy talking  to children and teachers. His success in leading schools in the UK and Switzerland as well as his positive outlook means he is loved by everyone, so I thought he was the perfect person for the job."
I am very happy and proud to be leading NLCS Kobe. My aim in all the schools I have worked at is to ensure every child is known and supported to be the best they can be and this was consistent with the ideas of both NLCS and Kohachi-san. When I first spoke to Kohachi-san, I felt that we had a lot in common. Even though we had never met, grew up thousands of kilometers apart, and had completely different life experiences, we shared the same values ​​about education and what we want the world to be like in the future. I was really excited to work with him and the NLCS team. This is such a great place to work, a great school to lead and I love working and meeting local families and their children.

―It must be wonderful to be able to work with a team of people you can trust and that share your aspirations. What led you to apply to become the Founding Principal?

The North London Collegiate School and their international schools have a reputation for excellence. They choose carefully who they want to work with and where they want to build schools. I had always wanted to work with them and the opportunity to combine this with working in Japan was an excellent opportunity that I couldn’t turn down. 

The interview process was very thorough. NLCS has a rigorous interview and headhunting process and they look around the world for the right person to lead their schools. In my case, I was interviewed a number of times before being selected for the role.  NLCS was looking for someone with international experience and a track record of not only improving academic performance, but also creating an environment where children can learn and be happy. They also wanted someone who celebrates the idea that learning exists outside the classroom. 

―What exactly does a "safe learning environment" entail?

It's not just the physical environment, like the beauty and functionality of the school building, but having adults children can talk to immediately if children have any problems. Children spend a lot of time in school, probably more with their teachers than with their parents, so it's important that they have the best teachers possible. I think the best teachers are those who are both inspirational educators but also care deeply for the children in their care. 

When we think back to our school days, I bet we all remember our favorite teacher. We probably felt safe because of that teacher and we all wanted to be the best in that teacher's subject. So, if children have truly great teachers, they will learn, be happy, and grow.That is our aim at NLCS Kobe, to find truly inspirational teachers that help our students feel safe and do well.

Even though we are an international school, we realize that our heart is in Japan.

―NLCS Kobe will initially open in August 2025 with students from grades 1 to 6. What kind of teachers will be hired?

We are currently recruiting teachers for the school. At NLCS Kobe, specialist teachers will teach some subjects from the third grade onwards, so in addition to the homeroom teachers, we will be hiring teachers for music, physical education, science, mathematics, art and Japanese. Starting subject specialist teaching from the third grade is quite early compared to other schools, which is a unique feature of the NLCS curriculum. We believe that having specialist teachers will ensure academic success for the students when they get older and ultimately lead to the best universities across the world.

―I see. It is generally said that it is difficult for international schools to maintain and replicate the quality and environment of the home school and as a result the international school’s grades tend to be lower. On the other hand, one of NLCS's features is that it has some of the best grades even at its overseas schools.

At NLCS all teachers receive training at the main school in London and all senior teachers are also interviewed there. The purpose of this is to share the educational philosophy of NLCS London as well as demonstrate the high quality teaching and learning that occurs every day. I don't know of any other international school that brings all of their teachers to the main school. I think this is why NLCS maintains such high standards across all of its schools.

Another feature is that all schools are inspected by the main school every year. In the first year of operation, inspections are conducted every semester to check whether the principal and teachers are doing their jobs properly. I think this is another advantage of NLCS compared to other schools.

I think the reason why many teachers want to work at NLCS is because they have a network all over the world and are blessed with opportunities to step up that they cannot get at other schools. As Gwen Byrom said in her previous interview, it is important for teachers to continue learning, and I feel that this has a positive impact on children.

↓Please also see【Education that fosters Japanese identity】

―That's a great system that also motivates teachers. What do you look for when hiring teachers for NLCS Kobe?

First, we look for candidates who have a track record of achieving academic success for students of a wide range of ages. We also look for experience teaching the IB curriculum, and have a good track record of student results. What is important is to have a diverse range of teachers, and I believe that this is key in an international school. We also look for people with personalities, such as how they interact with children. We want people who are open-minded, warm, energetic, and have a love for teaching.

―NLCS Kobe will be based on NLCS's "inquiry-based education" and will also adopt a uniquely Japanese curriculum that takes advantage of the natural beauty of Mt. Rokko.

"Conveying the spirit of Japan to children" is at the heart of NLCS Kobe and I want students to feel that their school home is in Japan even while attending an international school. We plan to incorporate a curriculum that allows students to learn about traditional culture and history from various Japanese experts, taking advantage of Kohachi-san’s wonderful network of artists, spiritual leaders and Japanese educators. 

It's okay for our students not to be fluent in English when they join us as long as they are keen to learn quickly and have a thirst for academic knowledge

―I think there are many parents who are worried about their children's English ability when they enroll in NLCS Kobe. Do you have any advice for them, Principal Williams?

As you say, we have heard many parents express their concerns. We will ensure that we teach the children English quickly and in fun and exciting ways. We do not want to see any parents think that they have to send their children to an English cram school because they are worried about their child's English ability. That goes against our philosophy. We would like to tell parents who are currently worried, "First, come to NLCS Kobe and talk to us" We promise to teach English and all our subjects in a relaxed atmosphere, and to provide our students with a wide range of learning opportunities so that children can grow into confident and responsible young people.

―What approach can be taken to help children develop self-confidence?

It is about creating an environment where children feel safe and can ask questions. It is about a place where children can safely say "I don't understand." In some schools children feel that they can’t say "I don't understand". But we believe that children can and should make mistakes, learn from them and ask as many questions as they want. If you have an environment where children can think, "I want to know more," they will naturally become motivated, which will lead to confidence and better academic outcomes.

In addition, by giving all NLCS Kobe children opportunities to be exposed to various subjects, sports, art, music, technology etc., children will discover their interests. In fact, in all the schools I have been involved with, gave children such opportunities and children were happy and did well. 

Presence of staff and an open dialogue with parents creates a family-like atmosphere

―Once the school opens, how will you actually interact with parents?

I am on duty almost every day at the entrance of the school. This is something I've always done at other schools. Being there at the start of the day means I can always see the students and parents and answer any questions from parents, so I can deal with them quickly before they become a big problem. It's very important for me to be present, as it gives parents peace of mind.

I believe an open dialogue between the school and parents is key. That's why we publish a newsletter every week to let parents know what's going on. We also hold parent-teacher conferences, and if there's a problem in school, the teacher will call the parents and let them know. This ensures there are no surprises and the bond between home and school is strong.

―Close communication will give parents peace of mind. However, does this mean that their English skills will also be put to the test?

I get that question a lot from parents, but the answer is no. There are always interpreters at the school, so there's no need to worry if you can't speak English. It's also very beneficial for us to communicate bilingually. I think it's important for all of us - students, teachers, and parents - to continue to learn by influencing each other.

―This means that everyone you meet at NLCS Kobe will be able to grow.

That's right! We are all "learners" and NLCS Kobe is a warm and safe learning community. I want not only students but also parents to feel that it's okay not to understand and to make mistakes. And I will also try harder to study Japanese.

―We hope that by combining Principal Williams's experience with Japan's unique culture and environment, he will make NLCS Kobe one of the best schools in the world!

Our mission is to provide a motivating, international education that unlocks the potential of every child. Children will have the opportunity to discover and pursue their passions through a wide range of extracurricular activities including arts, sports and creative projects. Through community service, we also help students understand their responsibility to others and their role in the wider world.

―What about university destinations? Where will an NLCS Education take the students? Can NLCS students go to Japanese universities?

NLCS schools are incredibly successful at getting students into the top universities across the world. The quality of our teaching means that students do exceptionally well in their examinations and the extracurricular opportunities we provide mean that students have varied experiences that they can talk about in university admissions interviews. 

We also have a network of university advisors and counsellors who can help students prepare for admissions tests and work with families to find the best university for their child. NLCS Kobe graduates can attend Japanese universities too. The Diploma Programme is recognised and accepted by Japanese universities and we can work with families to prepare students for admission to these too. An NLCS education prepares students for university education here and abroad.

Thank you, Principal Williams. NLCS Kobe will open an elementary and junior high school at Asia One Center on Rokko Island in 2025, and plans to build a new school in Mt. Rokko National Park in 2028 and open a boarding school for both junior and senior high school students. We also plan to transition the preschool and elementary school departments between 2028 and 2030. The lush greenery of Mt. Rokko, the beautiful coastline of the Seto Inland Sea, and the nature of the four seasons are the perfect environment to enrich children's learning and foster their creativity and inquisitiveness.

↓Be sure to check out the video message from Principal Williams!

「British Business Awards 2024」
Nominated in the UK-Japan Partnership category!

NLCS Kobe has been nominated for the prestigious British Business Awards 2024 (BBA) in the UK-Japan Partnership category.

The British Business Awards is the largest event held since 2008 to conclude the year of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan. It is an awards ceremony aimed at honoring the achievements of all UK-Japan business, sustainability and social contribution activities.

Principal Matthew Williams and Representative Kohachi Ikeda attended the awards ceremony held at the Hilton Tokyo on November 8th. "Although we did not win the award, we are honored to have been nominated among such outstanding candidates. This is a testament to our commitment to promoting global educational partnerships and providing ambitious education at NLCS Kobe, which will open in August 2025 for students in grades 1 to 6."

●HP https://nlcskobe.jp/
●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nlcskobe/
●LinkedIN https://jp.linkedin.com/company/north-london-collegiate-school-kobe
