niŭ 「しあわせな犬」2021-22年 冬季 インスタレーション
Eyes on the invisible(2021)
I made an installation around “Blessed Dogs”for the New Year. The image is of "things that exist but are invisible to the human eyes.
With the corona virus still not under control, I did not want to create a vague image of celebration, but rather a hope for the New Year.
Many people seem to feel now, quietly but surely, that the things our ancestors discovered in human civilization are actually only a small part of the world. Human civilization itself is the very short period of time in the long long earth’s time.
We are already aware of the existence of the things that cannot be measured with a ruler or weighed with a scale.
There are many things yet to be found that cannot be recognized by our current knowledge of human beings.
Pay attention to the "invisible" without being bound by conventional wisdom, not to what someone else has presented or discovered, but to what you feel so.
I believe this should be the hope for the future of the world.
箱根 ポーラ美術館「しあわせな犬」2021-22年 冬季 インスタレーション「見えないものに目を凝らす/ Eyes on the invisible」(2021年12/21-2022年1月末まで公開) 今年も過去の展示作品から支柱などを再利用し、球体はコンパクトに廃棄、リサイクル、もしくは保管できるよう、溶接をせずに全てパーツごとにバラせるよう制作しています。 青い布の染料も、指定有害物質を含まない染料。特に期間限定の作品というものは廃棄物が多く出るため、ささやかながら続けている取り組みです。