Alain Querciaさんインタビュー「道で出会うお互いの中にベストがある」(後編)
芸術村で滞在制作をしたフランスの彫刻家 Alain Quercia(アラン・ケルシア)さん。
西会津で“real Japan”に触れたとよく話していたAlainさんは
Q3. Do you think there will be any changes in your future creative activities? What kind of creative activities do you want to do in the future?
I want to open up my work more to Japanese culture. I want to embrace the traditional aspect of your culture, which is synonymous with excellence, particularly in the arts, but I also want to work with the fragility of your world, which is reflected in the eyes of many Japanese people I've met there and with whom I've had more in-depth discussions.
I'd like to return to the province of Fukushima, which has suffered so much, with a more ambitious project that would speak of the fragility of the world but also of the capacity of human beings to become aware of the danger and to repair living things, to change the programmed sequence!
Going further, I think Japan has a lot to teach us about a world that looks set to be complex and even dangerous! How can we become one with nature and its rebellious, implacable side, how can we thwart humanity's self-destructive side?
The world that awaits us around the corner will require us to be more compassionate and accepting of others and of the unknown!
I dream of showing this to my contemporaries in my work, with the ‘immodest’ hope of changing, even in an infinitesimal way, the space and time that awaits us.
Q4. I want to ask you anew, why do you create art? For what?
I think I answered part of this question above, but I'll try to put it more clearly since you've given me the opportunity to do so.
For me, art is, or at least should be, one of the purest intentions, the most detached from any compromise with adversity, detached from all the calculations and personal interests that too often force us to turn away from a natural impulse towards difference, towards the other, towards discovery and the marvellous.
私にとってアートは、最も純粋な意向の 1 つ(少なくともそうあるべき)であり、逆境への妥協から最も離れていて、違いや他者、発見や素晴らしいものに向かう自然な衝動から私たちを遠ざけることを頻繁に強いるすべての計算や個人的関心から最も離れています。
For thousands of years, human beings have been building a scaffolding, a ladder to see higher and further into this world. Whether you call it culture, language, tradition, it doesn't matter, it's this construction, this distancing from reality that has enabled us to create links between humans and, if we choose to remain positive, to ‘evolve’ a species within the living world.
Unfortunately, the living world is governed by rules linked to the survival of each species. The animal kingdom and its cycle describes this very well, with the notion of ‘who eats whom’ in order to survive and reproduce!
Despite all our culture and all our sophisticated tools, mankind has remained stuck in this primary model...
Art should help us to take a step to the side, to see better, further and beyond the function: predation = survival! As we know today, there is no absolute system for living together, no perfect ideology! I'm convinced that the best way to live in this world is to believe that the best is in each other, in the anonymous person I meet in the street but i have also to consider the smallest spark of life I encounter on this planet! The problem is that contemporary society instils in us rules that all too often run counter to this vision.
In a better world, we should avoid building ever-higher temples to new gods, and focus solely on the construction of Being... move towards a more horizontal vision of a world that is more concerned with the circulation of ideas than the circulation of finances!
Art has a duty to clear the ground around the first and fundamental essence that inhabits us but which we stifle in order to condition us better, to ‘adapt’ us to an increasingly monstrous urbanity where the ‘productivity’ function takes precedence over all others.
It's this elevation of the soul, sought since time immemorial by the sages of this world, that should still interest us today!
This part, which I would describe as elementary, is closer to the divine spark I mentioned earlier, the immanent flame that connects us to others.