never 7 spoilerネタバレ注意 守野三姉妹の名前について自分の解釈と名前を用いて短歌を詠む
短歌 I
a cinquain to write it out
of forgone Truth
from that place, distant, afar
繰る身(の中で) Kurumi
through undid dead coils of your fate
出ず回(を探せ) Izumi
shuttle off!
短歌 II
a tanka+english cinquain, combining all characters kanjis.
summers' early
recall turns so distant--
Samskara's samsara, unwind
mortal coils
of karmic truth, and shuttle it off
守野くるみ morino kurumi
守野いずみ morino izumi
守野はるか morino haruka
can be written with different kanjis which allow interesting reinterpretations.
morino= mori+no
no is just の
mori could be understood, given plot of the story as context as
mori もり【森/×杜】
1 樹木がこんもりと生い茂った所。「—の都」
2 神社がある神域の木立。「鎮守の—」
1 A place thickly overgrown with trees.
2 A grove of trees in a Shinto shrine.
and the names can be written as with different kanjis
遥か haruka (from afar)
繰る身 kurumi (rewinding the corporal body, or "mortal coil")
出ず回 izumi ("seeing oneself a way out", a perspective that sees through the maze of infinitely rewinding mortal lives Makoto experiences)
1 細長い物を、順に引き出して物に巻きつけたり、端から順に手元に引いてまとめたりする。
1 To wrap a long, thin object around an object by pulling it out in sequence, or to put it together by pulling it from one end to the other at hand.
To tangle.
To pull a line from one's eyebrows.
Quickly pull the fishing line.
回・み mi
-み 【回・廻・曲】
[after nouns describing topography]...
A curved place. ...
A bend...
A turn...
e.g. as in
lets add Makoto's name which means earnestness, without guile or "what the narrator of the tale actually feels (meaning you and KIDs)"
2 誠実で偽りのない心。すなおでまじめな心。
3 歌論・俳論用語。作品に現れる作者の真情・真実性。
apart from the former readings. it can also be kurumi 胡桃(walnut)・来海。izumi 泉、出海。 for walnut (北欧神話には、女神イズンがクルミの実(goddess of golden apples. scandanavian version of amrita and ambrosia)へ変えられる話が有る。クルミの実を「胡桃」と書いて、これを俳句において秋の季語として用いる場合がある[10][注釈 1]。さらに、未熟なクルミの実を「青胡桃あおぐるみ」と書いて、こちらは夏の季語として用いる場合がある[11][注釈 2]。and also くるみ割り人形 The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, about the fantasy dream of a girl becoming reality and she becomes the queen in a fairy tale. CURE)
fromクルミ .
and also from In culture
Large, symmetrically shaped, and sometimes intricately carved walnut shells (mainly from J. hopeiensis) are valued collectibles in China where they are rotated in hand as a plaything or as decoration. They are also an investment and status symbol, with some carvings having high monetary value if unique.[41] Pairs of walnuts are sometimes sold in their green husks for a form of gambling known as du qing pi.[42] . i have seen rich older businessmen collecting those. usually a pair, with colour that looks to have ruddy blush hue to be faouvred, and they rotate them it hand like passing around prayer beads but with palms in gyrations. I am not sure if the script writers are aware of this. but this is also a fun symbol where walnuts become a symbol of samsaric infinity. and "when the nut is cracked (Makoto smashed the bell with a piece of concrete), the bird is free, and the wheel of repeating time turns no more".
and speaking of Kurumi and spaghetti it always reminds me of walnut spaghetti from mister ajikko dunno if they had that in mind when they designed kurumi and wrote the scripts for makoto's spaghetti eating scenes. mister ajjiko was so much fun from 90s.