Elder Scrolls fan fic the descent of Namira Katabasis
想法1大地崇拜。 天地颠倒。
red eagle是最古老的登天人类英雄但是失败了。但是他不断通过地骨和breton萨满巫术重生。tiber是偷的red eagle的知识成的皇帝。(red eagle在eso里也给几个红卫剑圣点过招讲的是爱的剑道)
大地是daedra的领域。nirn:father of daedra。这里参考mysterium xarxes.
2 天地颠倒的本源是bal或者elf的raptio
breton的封建主义的商人,农民,领主的目的是给大地里参照的hoard of dead king加石头。这个枷锁是反而他们对精灵的抵抗意志。“用俗钱来买天赋王权”。
bal vs hircine
laissez faire
hircine 丛林适应 boethiah 烧树
借鉴的是尼采geneaology of morals里对奴隶道德通过自我发明做主的分析。
想法是主神是dagon和namira作为akatosh和alessia的反面,不是登天而是掉到地府去。然后类似robert e howard的柯南信的女主神一样和北欧神话是天地反着的,是在地府里不断轮回到地面上。地府成为了aetherius的对等。
变成石头是因为起源是bal。精灵对nede的rap的tio变成天对地的raptio。金精塔对high rock的raptio。作为对永恒的天上插下来的塔/宇宙船(goodall也不知是khulmann的而设adamantine tower是aedra宇宙船)反抗,地上竖起凡性,ephemeral的cairn和mound。直到adamantine变成全部凡人的cairn为止的道德反抗。
最早namira是因为direnni统治被raptio迫怀上精灵血的nede农民的女儿。她去山丘上去向nede的古圣灵求救但是她对auriel的痛恨和对精灵血的痛恨让她的祈祷从向上变成了向下倒转。由于shor son of shor写的“下面还不存在”所以她硬是向下求声的努力没有召唤灵或龙而是召唤了dagon。dagon不是dragon。
哲学讨论她痛恨的起源,邪恶的存在,邪恶的本源,古圣对于精灵vs nede的正义,raptio的本质,bal的本质,道德的本质。这里太多想法了慢慢想。
namira恳求dagon给自己体内受到的邪恶给个解决法。于是dagon就说了某教的mary和mary magdalene的parable。还有在南方奴隶起义和alessia的预言。
namira则看出就算是这样改了血统和道德做主了,raptio的事实和被raptio的本质是没有改变的。最后还是要怀着精灵血或者形态。她恳求dagon让自己变回没有受伤的自己,通过真实的价值而不是幻想来肯定自我的伤(sundering, mortal wound)。于是大滚就提出了问题,什么是非天也非海,非时也非空的,什么是精灵永远无法侵害的人的本质,什么才是作为古老的lorkhan的诺言?时间的本性是什么?
于是dagon承诺"namira, for as long as thou by both thine own and elven kind spited, and thy children are ill and disperse in search of wild vines bitter to chew upob to cure their ugliness, I shall call thee my liege. desire to knowing has begotten thee but the fruit is of understanding, its miscarriage. therefore their scattering too must find purposes in my razors investigation of Kings and their bowels. from the bowels of Kings I have found the antidote to sorrow and I administer to the evil in the shape of an empty chalice in thy belly which should had been joyful. so let sorrow cure the absense of all mortal joys. Namira, for as long as thy scions are weak, many and always hidden under the earth, as i hid under the waves of the ocean, this promise shall NEVER be fulfilled. the promise, that the four corners of the world shall cease their purpose, and the ruling King is the One. children of harlots and cuckolded carpenters, seek purity down below. thou art the wyrms and snakes, multiply and guard the hoard of the Secret King who is dead in the centre, but will return. thy teeth shall be judged as worthy and mined by snake tongued merchants again while they await the dreamer to dream under the red molten mantle of man. and there shall be an Tower erected through inversion by deep folk, who shall now become thy slaves and concubines, O Namira. the World-Spewer."
Namira "wherefore does this empty promise assuage my hollowed heart? does my child who will not be born claim any fortune above at all? why does your words cure O Dagon? whom I see not, not at this moment, no "
Dagon "observe the chants and rites of Elves and elf wounded Man, all is emptiness, all can change. Insignificance is the only moral judge. Hide in the void shadows of lessons of gods, O Namira. against elves and men. and thou mayst see the Beast within thee has alreafy been conquered. and it is so, for the ocean dries up and becomes the pelt of the tiger strectched out, quartered and drawn by the inverse of warrior and their charges, and the Snake. so it becomes the skirt to rejoice in the shame of Earth further. And this regalia has made the defiled daughter of an insignificant harlot and many carpenter Lords to be more than divine.
namira"what has elevated me, i do not understand?i was low, lowest, as i came to know the wyrms and was forced to drink warm snake spit."
dagon "metaphors, let me help you break it down."
"what is above is never below, and never moves. what is below drives more. let there be Fire, so burning is the pyre. let warriors lose the form, but become ashen scent and colours. in fair alcaire, there is a mound, never raised, forever sunk. let humans serve their term under elven yoke, till the ploughed field grows seeds of sulphurous smoke. let them worship unto things round and circular, and think there are Two above, but when there is only One below. let Kings drink their empty cup, red with my blood, the blood I have taken from a flower red, not yet fully blown, scatters, though the scent lingers. ponder this secret, the solution to the myth of long life is to never live a moment. I await thee to join us in thy loftiest station, Namira. King and King and King, of all things immortal, join our house, Lord, in the house of ur ae AE. the house of D, that has never been erected, is not being, and never shall. Until..."
Namira, "I see. stop there, friend. I have finally understood. though for the moment, I see Nothing, I shall serve Nothing, and serve no One. Apart from unkindled friendship, I am still wounded and never healed. but Love has no opponent in death. I know why I am no longer ill, though my scions seek medicine vines still. by shaping themselves to be my teeth, and from stolen essence i bit into the heaven that opposed me and made or begat me, and One day I shall become her own Father through the promise of the Cup. Empty Cup.
For my empty graal, be lustful! Breton children, seek Nothing in thy questing. And lie to thyself, (I seek Nothing but mortal questing for its own End, and in this i am fulfilled and healed"
Bite the dust right afterwards. Your birthright. Featherless.
Dagon, " so be it, Queen. I shall forge by carving an idolon out of my razors shape to test the Will of Mer and Power of Man. Let them erect it in prostration and cut themselves with infinite facets that extend to all fantastic spectrums till they believe dreaming is truth. and let they believe there is a dreamer and i alone await them to dream. but i have infinite time to spare. let them chase the fantasy of colours out of time which is me under the waves. let me be reinvented as hell raiser through statesmanship and knowledge. but know that there is nothing below and the echo is your own Voice. and I am eternal Emptiness under the waves, or in darkness, from the teeth of my Mother its shining sheen.
Namira: Mehr-Unes-Dag-On. if Sheor is the inspiration of the Song, thou art the contemplation in his absence. Thus all razor thinking has become me through you, my deathless legion from unlife whom I gave birth to.
Dagon: and this shall mark the inauguration of things Never to Be. We are all We to be, but never not to be.
the promise shall be broken and never be kept until it is Time. And we have all hidden ourselves awaiting thy command. All Conquerer, we humble wyrms and snakes and creeping folk are at your advice till thou hast grown to swallow us. Let fever for earth be like a Plague. let the golden wear the mask of pale yellow Sand. We are here against All Times. Let a foolish young man from Alcaire who has learnt of our converse through the rune signs of elves upon the doom-mound which he does not yet understand. and let there be an erection in inversion of thy image. Earth, Moon, Nirn. to thee we children return, till we are asunder once more but in eternal truth. where there is only perfect music with Kings eternal return.
Namira" the sword in the stone shall breed all cuckold Kings, let the eternal Isle be filled with Bretons. let their blood mingle with men and mer but return All to me. i have inversed birthright to be a weapon against the sword. there will be a wise starman among the tribes of travelling balm and incense sellers, blind and tells the motions in heaven by tasting the sand. He will find the sword of Kings and break it permanently into infinity. this is my answer for the sword in the stone, and i uphold this empty chalice for the broken sword pieces that are infinity. Man or Mer shall all return to me, this is the eternal Land with no need of King.
Dagon : I wrote this with my razor and blood in cold desert sand. It is burning like the plague of red death so let it be. until the empty Cup shall be drained unto completion.
the ending of the World is WHAT DOES NOT KILL ME MAKES ME STRONGER.