🌺I went to Tokyo for radio recording and voice training. I met Miu Sakamoto for the first time in a while. Although it was a short time, we talked about various things and my mind relaxed a little. 2023 is almost over, but it doesn't really feel like it. The older I get, the faster time seems to be passing by, but this year has been really long. There were many great moments, but it also felt like a foggy nightmare.
ラジオ収録とボイストレーニングのため東京へ行ってきました。久しぶりに坂本美雨さんに会った。短い時間でしたが、色々な話をして少し心が楽になりました。 2023年ももうすぐ終わりですが、あまり実感がありません。歳を重ねるごとに時間が経つのが早く感じますが、今年は本当に長かったです。素晴らしい瞬間もたくさんありましたが、霧がかった悪夢のようにも感じました。🌺
In a place far, far away,
We were listening to the same melody
was protected
I can't believe we've been under the same sky forever
Ah, I didn't know
we were always under the same sky,