私にとっての”豊かさ”とはーTHOREAU COLLEGEで得た人生のコンパスー
Thoreau College とは?
ソローカレッジは、Henry David Thoreau (author of Walden)、Rudolf Steiner (founder of Waldorf education)、 LL Nunn (founder of Deep Springs College)の3名をビジョンに、ホリスティック、リベラルアーツ教育を中心としている。人間として真っ直ぐに向き合ってくれる素晴らしいコミュニティのなかでお互い支え合い、人として、本当に生きるということを学び合う。また、プログラムを通して、自然の中に身を浸し、自分自身と向き合う機会がたくさんある。奥底に眠っている、真の自分を深く理解し、より自然に、より自由になることと共に、ここを卒業した人たちが世界に良い影響をもたらしてくれることを目的としている。
そんな私が、オーストラリアの大学で動物保護の勉強を始めたのは2022年。素敵な人たちに恵まれるも、オンライン、教育の仕組みに肩を落とし、大学を退学することにしました。そんなとき、旅の中で出会ったkotowariのプログラムに感化されたことや、青木光太郎氏が何か外に活動をする前にまず自分のことを大切にしてくださいと言っていたのを思い出しました。当時、自分と深く向き合うことの大切さを学び、また、さまざまな疑問を抱きました。なので、2022年、オーストラリアから帰国後に、Kotowariのプログラムのフェローシップに参加。主催者である青木光太郎氏と再び話す中で、アメリカのDeep prings Collegeの話を聞きました。その手がかりをもとに、次の行き先を決めようと、さらにリサーチを重ね、出会ったのがソローカレッジでした。ホリスティック教育、自然、哲学、コミュニティというキーワード。さらに、ソローカレッジのミッションに強く惹きつけられ、ここにいくことに決めました。
日本、世界を転々としてきて、やっと私は私のオリジナルのコンパスを手にできたような気がしています。ソローカレッジの後も、私の人生は続きます。私が次に導かれたのは、アメリカにあるwilderness awarenes schoolで、9月からこの学校に通う予定です。正直、今後どうなるかわかりません。ですが、この波に乗って、私のコンパスをを持って、心に正直に人生を歩んでいけたらなと思っています。
What is the rich life for me? -getting a compass for my life through the experience at Thoreau College-
Why did I come to Thoreau College?
Frankly speaking, the most important reason was that I felt something strongly that this was the place where I was looking for.
After graduating from high school, I continued asking myself the question, "What is the meaning of life? I was inspired by many people who I met during my traveling through Japan for 1.5 years. At that time, I was particularly attracted to the relationship between people and nature, animals, and education.
Therefore, in 2022, I began studying animal ecology at University in Australia. Even though I was blessed with wonderful people, I struggled with online lectures and had questions about the educational system. Therefore, I decided to leave the university. It was then that I remembered being inspired by the Kotowari program I had encountered during traveling in Japan. At that time, I learned the importance of knowing myself deeply and had many questions about myself. Hence, I joined the fellowship of the Kotowari program after back to Japan in 2022. During the fellowship, organizer, Kotaro Aoki, told me about deep springs college in the United States. Based on this clue, I did further research to determine my next destination. Through my research, I came across Thoreau College. The keywords are holistic education, nature, philosophy, and community. I was also strongly attracted to the mission of Thoreau College and decided to go there.
What is life at Thoreau College like?
The day at Thoreau College begins with a morning circle. We take in as much fresh morning air as possible to wake up our bodies from sleep. We all sing songs and share our dreams and observations. I find that it has become a routine that helps me to begin a new wonderful day.
Soon after, classes begin. We learned a variety of things by not only using our brains but also our five senses, hearts, and hands.
Classes this semester were various, such as cooking, reading, and discussing based on the essay of nature by Henry Thoreau, tracking, performance arts, and more. In the afternoon, we spent our time working on the farm and in the greenhouse. We learned a lot and worked with various things such as shearing sheep and pruning. we all had lunch together every Friday, followed by a meeting. We discussed the content of the program and finished the week with ownership and appreciation.
Through my time here at Thoreau College
My experience here has been full of things that have enriched my life. I also feel that I have been able to go beyond the limitations that I had unconsciously imposed on myself and become spiritually free more than before.
I learned a lot about how people can support each other in life here. It took me a while to get used to living with the community and the other five members since the language and culture is different to me. I am constantly influencing and influenced by my surroundings. This was especially evident when the five of us were constantly learning and working together. The vibes I created and the words I said influenced other members around me. Therefore, I became more aware of my actions and gestures from the way I express myself in daily life to what I buy and from whom, etc. Once I began to think about this, I became more sensitive to changes around me. I began to observe the changes in emotion and tried to be conscious as much as possible. There were days when we would think and discuss how to resolve things as peacefully as possible. There were also many occasions when I asked for things from others, telling them about my emotional changes and my ownership when I had some feedback for them. However, I think that through these experiences, I learned how we can work together to solve something in a way that is as mutually satisfactory as possible, instead of conflicting with each other.
Living with nature has let me become grounded and have roots here in Viroqua.
Many lectures and activities allowed me to immerse myself in the flow of the seasons and nature. Sometimes there was the time I observed plants and animals up close. Other times I looked at our relationship with nature from afar. These enriched my perspective.
The semester began with a five-day winter expedition. We camped together with our friends in extremely cold weather and survived the 5 days. But we encountered hardships in a row. Some nights were negative 20 F, so we ran around and ate a lot just to protect ourselves. Although these conditions let me just concentrate on living and immersing in the greatness and beauty of nature to the fullest. I also spent about five days alone in a cabin without electricity and running water. Living here gave me lots of time to look closely at things I normally didn't even pay attention to. It was inspiring to realize that "focus" has great power. By the time I had spent three days alone in this cabin, I felt more strongly empowered and motivated than usual. I was fascinated by the wonders of nature. I am grateful for nature. Wilderness always attracts my heart.
In closing
Writing this text made me realize that words do not let me express everything fully. There are many more things that I have learned here than what I have written. I could understand essential things with my heart and body rather than just my brain.
However, it was difficult for me to express these transformations in words, so I added some pictures here. I would be very happy if you could feel something from these:))