

This article is also available in English

 東北地方を旅していると、時折、都会の喧騒を離れ、静寂の中に身を置きたくなることがあります。 そんな時におすすめなのが、古くから受け継がれてきた伝統文化に触れることです。
 静かな空間の中で、お茶の香りに包まれ、繊細な所作に見とれているうちに、心が洗われるような感覚を覚えました。 その時の感動は、今でも鮮明に記憶に残っています。
 東北地方には、茶道、華道、書道、和菓子作りなど、心を豊かにする魅力的な伝統文化が息づいています。 今回は、これらの文化を体験できる場所や、東北地方ならではの特徴、歴史をご紹介します。 美しい自然の中で、五感を研ぎ澄まし、奥深い日本の文化に触れてみませんか?


茶道は、単にお茶を飲むだけでなく、茶室、茶碗、掛け軸など、周りの環境や道具、そしてお茶を点てる所作を通して、心を整え、相手をもてなす、日本の総合芸術です。 茶道の歴史は古く、室町時代初期に足利将軍家を中心に茶道具が吟味され、優美なお茶文化が発展しました。 当時は、優れた唐物の絵画や書などを鑑賞しながらお茶を楽しむ「書院の茶」が親しまれていました。 その後、村田珠光や武野紹鷗といった茶人が茶道を発展させ、千利休によって大成されました。


  • 仙台市:東北の名席と称される茶室「仙庵」で、毎月開催される一般公開茶会に参加できます。 立礼式と八畳の茶室があり、薄茶、濃茶、煎茶など、月ごとに異なるお茶席が楽しめます。 仙台市名誉市民の推戴を記念して仙台市に寄贈された「仙庵」は、精巧を極めた数寄屋造りの建物で、通常は非公開となっています。

  • 福島県会津若松市:鶴ヶ城内にある茶室「麟閣」で茶道体験ができます。 会津の茶道文化や麟閣の歴史を学びながら、抹茶と和菓子を味わえます。

  • 岩手県盛岡市:「Aime-toi.」では、オンラインでテーブル茶道体験ができます。正座が苦手な方でも気軽に体験できます。




  • 宮城県仙台市:「華道の教室 華遊」では、子供向けのコースがあり、季節の行事の花を多く取り入れた作品作りを通して、花に親しむことができます。子供たちは、自分の好きな花を選び、どのように生けたいかを考えながら、作品作りを行います。

  • 宮城県仙台市:池坊のいけばな体験プランでは、市場から仕入れた新鮮な花材を使用し、生け花と抹茶、和菓子を楽しむことができます。


  • 江戸時代後期に、仙台藩士である松本一草が「本原遠州流」を興しました。伊達藩の保護を受け、現在も仙台で受け継がれています。 本原遠州流は、武家らしいメリハリのある点前と、綺麗さびと呼ばれる優雅な茶風が特徴です。


書道は、筆と墨を使って文字を書くことで、集中力を高め、心を穏やかにする効果も期待できる日本の伝統文化です。書道には、楷書、行書、草書、隷書、篆書など、様々な書体があり、それぞれに奥深い魅力があります。 また、書道は、単に文字を書くだけでなく、文字を通して自己表現をする芸術でもあります。


  • 宮城県仙台市:「佐々木鈴優書道院」では、幼児から入会でき、個別のカリキュラムで丁寧に指導しています。

  • 宮城県仙台市:「東北書道会 一灯支部」では、褒めて伸ばす指導を重視し、JA書道展や書き初め展で毎年最高賞の入賞者を輩出しています。

  • 宮城県仙台市:「東北書道会 花風支部」では、「楽しく学ぶ」をモットーに、筆遣いだけでなく、礼儀作法や正しい姿勢も指導しています。


  • 東北書道会主催の「全国公募東北書道展」や「東北書道新春展」など、様々な展覧会が開催されています。

  • 河北新報社主催の「河北書道展」も、東北地方の書道界では重要なイベントです。




県名     和菓子     説明
青森県    昆布羊羹    昆布の旨味が凝縮された羊羹
青森県    バナナ最中   バナナの形をした最中
岩手県    岩谷堂羊羹   竹皮に包まれた伝統的な羊羹
宮城県    ずんだ餅    枝豆の餡を餅に絡めたもの
宮城県    仙台駄菓子   米や粟などを加工したお茶請け
秋田県    もろこし    米粉と砂糖で作られた、素朴な味わいのお菓子
山形県    のし梅     梅の酸味が効いた、餅菓子
福島県    柏屋薄皮饅頭  薄皮で餡を包んだ饅頭


  • 福島県二本松市:「菓子処 まつもと」では、ねこだらや芋鼓など、季節の和菓子作りを体験できます。

  • 宮城県仙台市:「仙臺菓匠庵 菓心モリヤ」では、季節の上生菓子作り体験ができます。

  • 宮城県仙台市:三瀧山不動院では、仙台・宮城観光PRキャラクター「むすび丸」など、可愛らしいデコ和菓子作り体験ができます。


  • 江戸時代から続く老舗和菓子店が数多く存在し、伝統の味を守り続けています。例えば、福島県会津若松市の「会津 長門屋」は、庶民の暮らしに寄り添う菓子作りを続けてきました。創業当時は、高価な白砂糖の代わりに、黒糖や、もち米、サツマイモのでんぷんを甘味料として使用していました。

  • 山形市の「乃し梅本舗 佐藤屋」は、出羽三山詣での参拝客に愛されてきた「のし梅」の元祖です。元々は、梅を煮詰めた気付け薬でしたが、佐藤家に伝わる製法で和菓子へと変化を遂げました。

  • 仙台駄菓子は、江戸時代初期に、高価な上白糖を使った菓子の代わりに、藩から払い下げられた米や粟などを加工して作られた、庶民のお茶請けです。


東北地方の伝統文化は、長い歴史の中で、その土地の風土や人々の暮らしと深く結びついてきました。 例えば、和菓子には、その地域で採れる食材がふんだんに使われていたり、華道の様式には、東北の豊かな自然が影響を与えていたりします。
今回ご紹介したように、東北地方には、茶道、華道、書道、和菓子作りなど、様々な伝統文化を体験できる場所があります。 これらの文化に触れることで、新しい発見があり、東北の魅力をより深く感じることができるでしょう。 ぜひ、東北地方を訪れて、豊かな自然と伝統文化に浸る旅を楽しんでください。

A trip to experience the traditional culture of Tohoku: Tea ceremony, flower arrangement, calligraphy, and Japanese sweets making

When traveling in the Tohoku region, there are times when you feel like getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city and immersing yourself in silence. A great way to do that is to experience traditional culture that has been passed down since ancient times. Surrounded by the aroma of tea in a quiet space and mesmerized by the delicate manners, I felt as if my soul was being cleansed. I still vividly remember the emotion I felt at that time. The Tohoku region is home to fascinating traditional cultures that enrich the soul, such as the tea ceremony, flower arranging, calligraphy, and Japanese confectionery making. In this article, we will introduce places where you can experience these cultures, as well as the unique characteristics and history of the Tohoku region. Why not sharpen your senses amid beautiful nature and experience the profound Japanese culture?

Tea ceremony: Put your heart into a cup of tea

Tea ceremony is not just about drinking tea, but is a comprehensive Japanese art that allows you to prepare your mind and entertain others through the surrounding environment and utensils such as the tea room, tea bowl, and hanging scroll, as well as the act of making tea. The history of tea ceremony is long, and in the early Muromachi period, tea utensils were carefully selected, centered around the Ashikaga Shogunate, and an elegant tea culture developed. At that time, "Shoin tea", where tea is enjoyed while appreciating excellent Chinese paintings and calligraphy, was popular. Later, tea masters such as Murata Juko and Takeno Joo developed tea ceremony, and it was perfected by Sen no Rikyu. In the Tohoku region, you can experience tea ceremony in various places.

Tea ceremony experience spots

Sendai City: You can participate in the public tea ceremony held every month at the tea room "Sen'an", which is known as a famous seat in Tohoku. There is a standing ceremony and an eight-tatami tea room, and you can enjoy different tea ceremonies each month, such as thin tea, thick tea, and sencha. "Sen'an," donated to the city of Sendai in commemoration of the city's nomination for honorary citizenship, is an elaborate sukiya-style building that is usually closed to the public.

Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture: Experience tea ceremony at the teahouse "Rinkaku" inside Tsuruga Castle. You can taste matcha green tea and Japanese sweets while learning about Aizu's tea ceremony culture and the history of Rinkaku.

Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture: "Aime-toi." offers an online table tea ceremony experience. Even those who are not good at sitting in seiza can easily experience it.

Ikebana: Entrust your heart to flowers

Ikebana is a traditional Japanese culture that allows you to feel the beauty of nature and soothe your heart by arranging flowers. Its origins are said to be in the ancient Japanese custom of offering flowers to the Buddha, which began with the introduction of Buddhism, and decorating evergreen trees to invite gods. During the Muromachi period, rikka was created by the samurai class, and later, chabana was born as tea ceremony developed. In the Tohoku region, there are historical schools and classes that can be enjoyed by both children and adults.

Ikebana experience spots

Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture: The "Ikebana Class Kayu" has a course for children, where they can become familiar with flowers through creating works that incorporate many flowers from seasonal events. Children choose their favorite flowers and create works while thinking about how they want to arrange them.

Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture: In the Ikenobo Ikebana experience plan, you can enjoy ikebana, matcha tea, and Japanese sweets using fresh flowers purchased from the market.

The history of Ikebana in Tohoku

In the late Edo period, Matsumoto Isso, a samurai of the Sendai domain, founded the "Honhara Enshu School." It is protected by the Date domain and is still passed down in Sendai today. The Honhara Enshu School is characterized by a sharp tea ceremony that is typical of samurai and an elegant tea style called kireisabi.

Calligraphy: Putting your feelings into the brush

Calligraphy is a traditional Japanese culture that uses a brush and ink to write characters, which can help you concentrate and calm your mind. There are various styles of calligraphy, such as regular script, semi-cursive script, cursive script, clerical script, and seal script, and each has its own profound charm. Calligraphy is not just about writing characters, but also an art of self-expression through characters. In the Tohoku region, there are calligraphy classes of various schools, and a wide range of people, from beginners to advanced students, are learning calligraphy.

Calligraphy Classes

Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture: At the "Sasaki Suzuyu Calligraphy Academy," children from young children can join, and they are carefully taught with individual curricula.

Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture: At the "Tohoku Calligraphy Association Ichito Branch," they place importance on praising and encouraging students, and they produce top prize winners every year at the JA Calligraphy Exhibition and the New Year's Calligraphy Exhibition.

Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture: The "Tohoku Calligraphy Association Hanakaze Branch" teaches not only brush strokes, but also etiquette and correct posture under the motto of "learning while having fun."

Calligraphy events in Tohoku

Various exhibitions are held here, such as the "National Open Tohoku Calligraphy Exhibition" and the "Tohoku Calligraphy New Year Exhibition," both sponsored by the Tohoku Calligraphy Association.

The "Kahoku Calligraphy Exhibition," sponsored by the Kahoku Shimpo News Agency, is also an important event in the calligraphy world of the Tohoku region.

Making Japanese sweets: Handmade traditional flavors

Japanese sweets are traditional sweets that express the atmosphere of each season of Japan and are visually beautiful. They have a long history, and are said to have originated from Tang sweets that were introduced from China during the Nara period. Later, with the development of the tea ceremony, the Japanese sweets served at tea ceremonies were refined, and the diverse Japanese sweets we see today were born. In the Tohoku region, there are traditional Japanese sweets that are passed down in various places, as well as Japanese sweets that incorporate new sensibilities.

Representative Japanese sweets from the Tohoku region

Prefecture nameJapanese sweetsExplanationAomoriKombu yokanYokan with concentrated kelp flavorAomoriBanana monakaBanana-shaped monakaIwateIwayado yokanTraditional yokan wrapped in bamboo skinMiyagiZunda mochiEdamame paste wrapped around mochiMiyagiSendai dagashiA snack made from rice, millet, etc.AkitaMorokoshiA simple-tasting sweet made from rice flour and sugarYamagataNoshiumeA mochi sweet with a sour plum tasteFukushimaKashiwaya Usukawa manjuManju with bean paste wrapped in thin skin

Spots for making Japanese sweets

Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima: At "Kashidokoro Matsumoto," you can experience making seasonal Japanese sweets such as nekodara and imotsuzumi.

Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture: At Sendai Kashoan Kashin Moriya, you can experience making seasonal jo-namagashi (freshly baked confections).

Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture: At Mitakiyama Fudoin, you can experience making cutely decorated Japanese confections, such as Musubimaru, the promotional character for Sendai and Miyagi tourism.

The history of Japanese confectionery in the Tohoku region

There are many long-established Japanese confectionery stores that have been in business since the Edo period, and they continue to preserve the traditional taste. For example, Aizu Nagatoya in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, has continued to make confectionery that is close to the lives of ordinary people. When it was founded, it used brown sugar, glutinous rice, and sweet potato starch as sweeteners instead of expensive white sugar.

Noshiume Honpo Satoya in Yamagata City is the originator of "Noshiume," which has been loved by pilgrims on the Dewa Sanzan pilgrimage. Originally, it was a smell-boiling agent made by boiling down plums, but it has been transformed into Japanese confectionery using the method handed down by the Sato family.

Sendai sweets are a tea snack for the common people that were made in the early Edo period using rice and millet that were sold off by the feudal domain, instead of sweets using expensive refined sugar.

Rediscover the charm of Tohoku through traditional cultural experiences

Throughout its long history, the traditional culture of the Tohoku region has been deeply connected to the local climate and people's lives. For example, Japanese sweets are made with an abundance of ingredients from the region, and flower arranging styles are influenced by the rich nature of Tohoku. As we have introduced here, there are places in the Tohoku region where you can experience various traditional cultures such as tea ceremony, flower arranging, calligraphy, and Japanese sweets making. By experiencing these cultures, you will make new discoveries and feel the charm of Tohoku more deeply. Please visit the Tohoku region and enjoy a trip immersed in the rich nature and traditional culture.
