資格取得の効用 Benefits of obtaining qualifications
I saw a very unusual example on TV of a company (Nabeya Bi-Tech, 450 employees, cast metal manufacturing) that increased its performance by providing monthly allowances for certifications acquired by employees, even for certifications not directly related to their work, and consequently leading to product development.
I have made this information into a VTR (6 minutes) , which you can view at the above written website.
This company provides a monthly allowance of ~5,000 yen for English-related qualifications, and a monthly allowance of 20,000 yen for a Professional Engineer (P.E.Jp).
Instead of the conventional profit-first, goal-driven approach to development dictated by instructions from the top, the company recognizes the efforts and results of employees with broad interests in acquiring qualifications with a cash allowance, and the challenging and creative power they gain in the process of acquiring qualifications enhances their development capabilities and leads to improved performance for the company as a whole.
It is a win-win relationship between employees and the company. Even if the employees leave the company, his/her re-employment will be facilitated by the acquired qualifications.
How about your case? In my case, I wish the company I worked for had given us such a benefit.