







普段はソーシャルイノベーションをつくる企業やNPOの事業開発等のサポートをしています。私の英語運用力は、英語を使って高度な仕事が出来るレベル(CEFR C1/IELTS7.0)にありますが、いかんせんネイティブではないため、細かい文法エラーやワードチョイスが不自然な箇所があるかも知れませんのでご了承下さい。


To whom it may concerns in International Olympic Committee,

 I hope you are doing well and appreciate your continuous effort to create a peaceful society through Olympism.

 My name is Motoi Kawabata, a Japanese male currently managing my own consulting business to facilitate social innovation based in Japan. Thank you very much for taking time for your consideration of my inquiry.
※この「My name~~」の段落は私の簡単な自己紹介と問い合わせ対応してくださっていることへの感謝なので、一文目を皆さん自身のものに変えて頂けたらと思います。難しかったら、My name is Taro Yamada.のように名前だけのものに変えてもいいと思います。

 I would like to take an opportunity to express my harsh feelings to the Tokyo 2020 organizing committee(TOC)’s moral fibre and governance, then to make a sincere request for an audit for them.

 As you might have already noticed, it is reported that the president of TOC, Mr.Yoshiro Mori, made humiliating comments on the dignity of women in their meeting on February 3rd, according to Japanese newspaper “Asahi Shimbun”.


 Given the article above explains his sexist remarks, I would like the IOC to investigate the fact to verify whether Mr.Mori and his team have conducted full respect on gender equality and your standards on diversity and inclusion.

 In my personal point of view as a Japanese male, it is inappropriate to have him in a position to lead organizing Olympic and Paralympic games in Japan if the report from Asahi is correct. Regardless of Mr.Mori’s intention, this news raises heated criticism amongst Japanese people and a huge humiliation to all females in this world. Therefore, in case this possible incident is true, I sincerely propose you to dismiss Mr.Mori of his post and reconsider TOC’s team and governance.

 To implement the Olympic and Paralympic games in a safer environment both physically and psychologically, it is reasonable to take some time to discuss what kind of team is appropriate and when is a considerate period to have such a global event.

 Again, thank you very much for your time. I apologize if this bothers you but I need to tell this to IOC members to support Olympic/Paralympic games to be ethically ideal.

Sincerely yours,


川端元維 Motoi Kawabata|innovate with代表 LSE修士🇬🇧
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