Today it seems that /the Earth is in danger, and one of the big problems is the loss of trees and forests.
Trees give off oxygen /which is essential to animal life. In the past few decades, the need for wood has increased dramatically. This means that /more and more trees are being cut down and, if people do not take any measures /to stop it, this process will speed up /in the future. In addition to the need for wood, people are clearing forests of tress /for agricultural land. In some areas the land is farmed /until no crops grow well. Then the farmers move on and cut down the trees /in another area /to make room for more crops. This is especially true of the rain forests of Brazil and other countries. They are /in the process of disappearing; it is said that /an area about as large as a soccer field disappears every minute. At this rate, out forests ※are to disappear completely and never to grow again.
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Today it seems that /the Earth is in danger, and one of the big problems is the loss of trees and forests.
Trees give off oxygen /which is essential to animal life. In the past few decades, the need for wood has increased dramatically
This means that /more and more trees are being cut down and, if people do not take any measures /to stop it, this process will speed up /in the future
In addition to the need for wood, people are clearing forests of tress /for agricultural land. In some areas the land is farmed /until no crops grow well.
Then the farmers move on and cut down the trees /in another area /to make room for more crops. This is especially true of the rain forests of Brazil and other countries.