
天国のバナナ-ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリBananas in heaven | Yuval Noah Harari | TEDxJaffa-1


 70,000 years ago, humans were insignificant animals. The most important thing you need to know about our prehistoric ancestors is that they were unimportant animals. Their impact on the world was not greater than that of fireflies, or jellyfish, or woodpeckers.

Today, on the other hand, we control this planet. And what I would like to talk about today is how exactly did we reach from there to here? How did we turn ourselves from insignificant apes minding their own business in a corner of Africa, into the rulers of planet Earth?

Well usually, when we try to answer this question, we look for the answer on the individual level. We want to believe, I want to believe, that there is something special about me, that there is something special about my body, about my brain, that makes me such a superior creature, to a dog, or a pig, or a chimpanzee.

But the fact is that on the individual level, I’m embarrassingly similar to a chimpanzee. If you put me and a chimpanzee together on a lone island, and we had to struggle for survival, I would definitely place my bets on the chimpanzee, not on myself. And it is not something wrong with me personally. I guess it’s true of you also that if they took anyone of you, almost anyone, and placed you on a lone island with the chimpanzee, the chimpanzee will do better.

The real advantage of humans is in their unique ability to cooperate flexibly in very large numbers. They are the only animals that can do that.

There are some other animals like the social insects, the bees, and the ants that can cooperate also in quite large numbers, but they do so in a very rigid way. They’re inflexible in the way that they cooperate. If there is a new opportunity, or a new danger, the beehive cannot change overnight its social system, the way that they cooperate, say: “Execute the Queen, and let’s have a Republic of bees.” They can’t do it, they’re rigid in the way that they function.

Though other social animals like wolves, like dolphins, like chimpanzees, are much more flexible in the way that they cooperate, but they can do so only in very small numbers. Because corporation among wolves or among chimpanzees, depends on intimate and personal knowledge, acquaintance, one of the other.

If I’m a chimpanzee, and you’re a chimpanzee, and I want to cooperate with you, I need to know who you are. Are you a good chimpanzee? Are you an evil chimpanzee? Are you reliable? Are you a cheat? If I don’t know you, how can I cooperate with you?


