
人間の進化とAI革命 ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリYuval Noah Harari on Human Evolution and the AI Revolution IMF PODCAST October 2024−2

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Bruce Edwards: So one of the basic principles that you build this history of Sapiens on is our ability to imagine things, and how that sets us apart from other species. How did our storytelling prowess allow us to prevail over much bigger and stronger creatures that were evolving alongside us?

Yuval Noah Harari: Basically, our power is cooperation. Where the chimpanzees, for instance, can cooperate only in very small numbers, maybe 20, 80 chimpanzees can cooperate, homo sapiens can cooperate in unlimited numbers. If you look at the world today, you have 8 billion people that despite many differences and despite many conflicts, at least in some areas like the economy, almost all of them are part of the same trade networks. So the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the energy we consume, it often comes from the other side of the world. And this is our superpower.


 These large networks of cooperation and cooperation is based on trust. Trust is the most important resource in the world, more important than oil or gold or data, or anything else. And how do you build trust between strangers? The answer is stories. We build trust by inventing stories that many people believe. And this is obviously true in the case of religions, but it's also true in the case of the economy and the financial system. Corporations and money are some of the most successful stories ever invented by human beings.

 When I look at the history of finance, I am amazed by the creativity of human beings. When people think about creativity, they think about poetry, about painting, about architecture, but inventing a new financial device is also an extremely creative thing. And all financial devices, what they do is simply build trust. If you ask what do bankers do in life? Bankers build trust. My resources are put in the service of some huge project with millions of other people around the world, this is what banking is all about.

Bruce Edwards: So it's through these stories that we've managed to expand our natural circles of family and local communities into these imagined communities.

Yuval Noah Harari: Yes. Imagined in the sense that, again, most of the other people in your nation or in your religion or in your corporation, if it's a big corporation, you don't know them. Nevertheless, you trust them to some extent so that you can cooperate with them. And it's easiest to understand in the case of religions that millions of people can cooperate whether on charitable enterprises like building hospitals or on waging a Holy War because all these millions of strangers, they believe in the same mythology. But the same thing is happening in the economic sphere because, again, the most successful story ever told is the story of money, because it's basically the only story that everybody believes in.
 And when I say that money is a story, is a fiction, it has no objective value. Even the old type of currencies like banknotes and coins, they have no objective value. You can't eat them, you can't drink them. But if you believe the stories told about these pieces of paper and metal that this piece of paper is worth a piece of bread, then you can go to a complete stranger you never met in your life, give him or her this worthless piece of paper and in exchange get bread that you can actually eat. It is all based on everybody believing the same stories about money. And you see it most clearly when it fails, when people stop believing in the story. And we saw these examples throughout history that suddenly people lose trust in the money and everything collapses. And we see it also today with the rise of new types of currencies, of money. If you think about Bitcoin or Ethereum and all these cryptocurrencies, what are they? They are stories. I mean their value depend on the stories that people tell about them and believe about them. And you see the rise and fall of people's trust in the story in the rise and fall of the value of the Bitcoin.

