Morning Quiz 1/27
日本人がよく間違えている英語表現をクイズ形式で出題・Let’s give it a try!
1/27 ハリポタより
A: The man robbed money of me.
B: The man robbed me of money.
A: I rid the books of the shelf.
B: I rid the shelf of the books.
rob, deprive 人 of 物 「人からモノを奪う」
He robbed me of money.
They deprived us of our privilege.
rid, strip A of B 「A から B を取り除く・引きはがす」
A: I stripped a pillow of its cover.
B: I stripped the cover of the pillow.
A: I rid the shelf of the books.
B: I rid the books of the shelf.
※答は両方 A です。
A: The shelf was rid of the books.
B: The books were rid of the shelf.
※ I rid the shelf of the books.
受動態 ➡ 目的語 the shelf を主語にして rid を was rid にすると・・
〇 B: The shelf was rid of the books.
I got rid of my cold with this medicine.
※This medicine rid me of my cold.
me が主語になった 受動態の文です。