
Forbidden use of Sick Days (使う事の許されない病休)Part2

I was even given an inhaler at one point because the cough was so bad. Even after that didn't work, one doctor had the gall to tell me that I wasn't breathing on the inhaler properly, and was kind of implying that I was stupid. ある日、咳がひどいのでは吸入器を処方された。それも効かなかったので医者は僕が適切に吸入器をつかっていないのだと言った。僕は、「お前が馬鹿だからな」と言われているような気がした。

Eventually, after three weeks of getting worse and worse, I was rapidly losing my appetite and my weight. And my cough sounded quite horrible that even the parents of the students were beginning to be worried. Well, one doctor, I went to finally decided to book an x-ray on my lung at a local hospital, as well as a few other tests.

So, I went to the hospital and the x-ray found nothing. A test they performed on me required me to take deep breaths from a tube, but I was physically incapable. The nurse seemed perplexed, but again I was sent on my way and given more medicine and told that it's just bronchitis.

One week later, four weeks in total of having this, I had lost over 15 pounds, but I had gone in to work the entire time not having missed a single day. At this point, everyone was concerned for me, even the nice Japanese man from the advertising agency who was visiting my school just for a meeting about the advertisement of our school. He looked horrified upon hearing my cough. He even went to the Circle K Sunkus and bought me some vitamin jelly drink.

Well, the weekend finally came. I was laying on my bed coughing. Having not been able to properly eat, my body had finally begun to give up. I messaged my coworker, who lived downstairs at the time.

I told him I need an ambulance. We called one. At first, they were hesitant to come. They asked me about my symptoms and sounding very dismissive of what I explained with my broken Japanese... They had initially refused. But that's when I broke down. I began to cry. After that, I remember a change in the man's tone of voice.

Not long after, the sirens were blazing and I was taken downstairs into the back of an ambulance. It felt like forever before we even started moving as apparently not many places would accept me for my symptoms. But finally, one place did. As I was wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher and brought into a room, they immediately decided to do a CT scan. That's when they discovered it covering both of my lungs. Viral pneumonia.



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