Priority Won~優先権獲得~
メル・ソーンバーグ(Melanie S. Thornburg):「全ては無限の抗原変異を伴うエプスタインボレリア症AIDSである 」)登場回。全人類刮目せよ。
Dear Stackers,
I've been doing this for 23 years, 15 of which have been in alterNOTive media.
The Little Red Hens is my informal Research and Literature Review Think Tank. We do meta-analysis on every scrap of intel out there and then form conclusions based on our diverse backgrounds, hunches (I'm seeing a chiropractor for that), and conclusions arrived at as a group.
Little Red Hensは、私の非公式な研究および文献レビューシンクタンクだ。我々は、そこらじゅうにあるありとあらゆる情報をメタ分析し、多様な背景、直感(そのためにカイロプラクティックに通っている)、そしてグループとして到達した結論に基づいて結論を導き出す。
Having been introduced to the work of Mel Thornburg (now deceased) who still has a presence on Facebook, my entire view of what (not who) The Enemy is has shifted to a single phyla of living organisms called Spirochetes. Mel was the ONLY person on the planet whose work I read but COULD FIND NO FAULT IN DATA OR REASONING WHATSOEVER. Given that I've been doing this for 23 years to the point where I can debunk anything within a sentence, paragraph, chapter, or book, that is a testament to her genius.
Early on when I started in alterNOTive media I had a suspicion that since all of the truly Evil people I knew had cold sores that the virus that lives INSIDE the nerves might be the sole purveyor of Evil. I got T-boned on that thought mid-intersection when I realized that some of the best people that ever lived happened to be Little Red Hens some of whom happened to have Herpes.
私がalterNOTiveメディアを始めた当初、私が知る限り本当に邪悪な人々は皆口唇ヘルペスを患っていたため、神経内部に存在するヘルペスウイルスこそが邪悪さの唯一の源なのではないかと疑っていた。交差点の真ん中でその考えにぶち当たったとき、歴史上最も優れた人々の何人かがたまたまLittle Red Hens であり、その何人かがたまたまヘルペスを患っていたことに気づいた。
Scrap that theory until Mel.
Mel said that Herpes viruses (my paraphrase) were basically just spirochete dandruff.
That made such perfect sense to me because until recently the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses started out the little buggers at ORDER which made NO SENSE AT ALL.
Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
How in the Hell could these things arise out of just Orders of organisms? Unless they were shedding from something higher up... Thank you Mel.
いったいどうしたら、生物の「目」だけから、このようなものが生じるというんだ? それらがより上位の何かから脱落したのでない限りは... メル、ありがとう。
You know what a spirochete is:
Syphilis (not a woman's name)
梅毒(女性の名前じゃない)(※英語読みが「シフィリス 」の為)
Borrelia (falsely called Lyme - there's 25 other organisms that make up a polymicrobial infection)
Leptospirosis (your pet got that shot into them to 'protect' them and infect you)
Here's some Boot Camp basics to get you up to speed:
Alan MacDonald fetal autopsies
Alan Macdonald: Multiple Sclerosis is a parasitosis
bayer presentation
Co infections Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment HD
共感染: 診断と治療 HD
novect Breitschwerdt
Fritter not over the involvement of luminaries like Bayer being part of what seems to be concern and research into this plague that makes the Core Anus look like a kid in diapers eating cat turds in a sandbox. The corporations are running damage control while the veterinarians are literally Scared To Death since they are catching lyme from their animal clients.
バイエル社のような著名人が、まるでコア・アヌス が砂場で猫の糞を食べるオムツ姿の子供のように見えるこの疫病に対する懸念と研究の一端を担っていることに、フリッターは驚きを隠せない。 獣医師が動物の顧客からライムに感染しているので、文字通り死ぬほど怯えている間、企業はダメージコントロールを行っている。
THEY'RE ALL IN ON IT. Witches to say that in the 1940s the Not Sees bioprospected for this darling in North Africa (do you realize that the Middle East is actually considered part of the african continent?) then Project Paperclip insured that it was developed as a We Upon and then promptly infected the entire whirled with it.
彼らは皆グルだ。1940年代にノット・シーズが北アフリカのこの可愛い子ちゃんをバイオ探索したと言っている魔女もいる(中東が実際にはアフリカ大陸の一部と見なされていることをご存知だろうか?)そして、プロジェクト・ペーパークリップがそれをWeUpon として開発したことを保証し、そしてすぐに全世界に感染させた。
Blowing the Lid off of Lyme, by Loftus.
Lyme is the Genii that got out of the bottle that they could not put back in with the chelating agent to interfere with manganese metabolism in the bug in 1974 when Roundup Glyphosate was patented as a herbicide. Could not put it back in the bottle with antibiotics. Could not get the smoke and flame back into the bottle when Glyphosate was RE-PATENTED as an... ANTIBIOTIC in 2010.
ライムは、1974年にラウンドアップ・グリホサートが除草剤として特許を取得した際に、虫のマンガン代謝を阻害するキレート剤をボトルから出してしまい、元に戻せなくなった精霊 である。抗生物質と一緒にボトルに戻すことはできなかった。グリホサートが2010年に…抗生物質として再特許された時、煙と炎をボトルに戻すことはできなかった。 。
in fact...
NO ONE SINCE RECORDED HISTORY and especially since 1900 AD has known how to kill spirochetes. And that was BEFORE DARPA turned it into nearly the most perfect buy oh logical we upon that ever existed.
有史以来、特に西暦1900年以降、誰もスピロヘータを殺す方法を知らなかった。そしてそれは、DARPA(国防高等研究計画局)がスピロヘータを、これまで存在した中で最も完璧な論理的な買い物 に変える前の話だ。
Like I said: Core Anus - cat turds.
言ったように:ケツのど真ん中 -猫の糞
I created what I called maxims until I learned the word: Meme. One of the early ones was:
ミームという言葉を知るまで、私は格言と呼ばれるものを作っていた。 初期のものはこうだった:
"If you think things are bad - don't worry - they're worse than you could possibly imagine"
What is falsely called Lyme is transmissible by ALL BODILY FLUIDS.
The weapon that just keeps on giving.
You really shouldn't be upset by this if you realize what Mattman was trying to tell you that they permanently embedded syphilis, tuberculosis and leprosy in all of us through antibiotics directly injected into the Grape Apes, by pill, or by polluting the animals that you eat with a constant titration of cell wall-removing chemical warfare agents
マットマンが何を伝えようとしていたのかが分かればこんなことで動揺する必要はない。梅毒、結核、ハンセン病を我々全員に恒久的に埋め込んだのは、Grape Apesへの抗生物質の直接投与、錠剤、あるいは細胞壁を除去する化学兵器で絶え間ない動物たちの汚染行為だ。
What this means on a scale of One to Ebola or Marburg (merely retasked confluent smallpox if you ask me but then I just saved you buying two of my books to find that out! damn... I talk too much) is that ALL other diseases that preceeded the spirochetes were amateurs.
Never forget that syphilis used to be called the Great Pretender until they made the obvious Pretender stealth with antibiotics and now Lyme has been called that because primarily Lyme is attributed as the spirochete cousin of Syphilis. So when some state-sanctioned assasssin in a white coat tells you that they don't know what is wrong with you and might even refer you to a colleague who would love to 'talk' to you about your problems and drug you out of your Mud Pellet, what it is, is the syphilis-infected husk pretending to be a physician is covering for the Bug inside his/her/its own brain so that you don't Seek and Extinct the Bug inside your own body.
抗生物質で明らかな「Pretender 」をステルス化するまでの梅毒は「Great Pretender 」と呼ばれたことを忘れてはならない。そして今ライムがそう呼ばれるのは、主に梅毒スピロヘータと同類とされているからだ。だから、白衣を着た国家公認の殺し屋が、あなたのどこが悪いのかわからないと言い、あなたの問題について「話したい」同僚を紹介し、泥ペレットから引き釣り出してあげようと言う時、その正体は医師を装う梅毒感染の抜け殻であり、自分の脳内の寄生虫を庇いつつ、あなたが体内の寄生虫を見つけて絶滅させないようにしているのだ。
Show our girl some love:
Since it is my considered opinion after 23 years that this is the most dire threat that ever confronted mankind, I have taken it on with a number of very capable people in the background, but it would help to mainstream this beyond just We Few - We UnHappy Few to get new eyes and new input on something that has stumped the chump for at least 5000 years that I can tell.
23年間に渡る熟考の末に、これこそ人類が直面する最も深刻な脅威という結論に至ったことから、これを陰で沢山の有能な人達と共に表明してきたが、 私が知る限り少なくとも5,000年もの間大衆を振り回し続けたこの問題について、~残念ながら少数派の我々が~新たな視点や意見を取り入れる為にも、我々少数者だけでなく主流化することが助けになるだろう。
Help from ya'll would include links to data with or without the commenter's analysis, however, the sign of a true Little Red Hen is that you've already evaluated it before you've sent it; along with personal stories of success or failure against the greatest demon in recorded history.
皆さんのご協力には、コメント欄での分析の有無に関わらず、データへのリンクも含まれる。だが真のLittle Red Hensとは、それを送る前に自分で既に評価する人物のことである。また、有史以来最大の悪魔に対する成功例や失敗例に関する個人的な体験談も含まれる。
Bear in mind that the single thing that got me recognition out in Cyberspace is my revelation reading a book on Chaldean Magick where the names of demons in the summoning spell were the names of diseases. By the commutative property of mathematics, therefore, the names of diseases are the names of demons. We've gone from congruency to equality (mathematics words not that You Enn boolshite).
In my upcoming posts I will show that instead of segregating thoughts and beliefs but rather by harmonizing them to a rational narrative it is the ONLY way out of this mess such as the insight above. Add to that my unashamed genius of explaining how Terrain Theory and Germ Theory are not separate denominations to fight over to the death but are INEXTRICABLY LINKED TO EACH OTHER.
今後の投稿では、思考や信念を分離するのではなく、それらを合理的な物語に調和させることが、上記の洞察のような混乱から抜け出す唯一の方法であることを示したいと思う。それに加えて、地形理論 と胚種理論 が、死闘を繰り広げる別々の宗派ではなく、切っても切り離せないほど密接に関連していることを説明する私の恥じることのない天才的な説明も付け加えよう。
Only the Master of The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth could do that.
I created my own Tongue In Cheek religion called The Church of The Mechanic where the first cannon is:
私は、The Church of The Mechanicという、皮肉を込めた独自の宗教を創設した。その第一の教義は、
Things Must Work.
Together we can break down all Spells and Illusions and get right to the exocism and extinction of what I consider to be the only priority.