
イギリス・パンケーキレースの旅 (13)〜自由への扉 The Pancake Race Trip 13-Gateway to Freedom

*English follows. これは2023年2月18日から25日まで、パンケキーレースの視察で、イギリスのオルニーという町を訪れたときのレポートです。



高校の頃、アメリカのホストファミリーから”No one is perfect."という言葉を聞いたときは衝撃でした(キリスト教の国では完全なのは神のみなのです)。今でこそみんな「ありのままでいい」なんて言っていますが、昭和の日本は誰もがミスなく完璧になることを求められていました。失敗する度に落ち込み、周りの人は立派で自分はダメだと思っていました。でも英語を通して様々な価値観を知ることで自分を肯定することができ、心が自由になっていきました。


This is a journal on a visit to the town of Olney in UK from the 18th-25th of February 2023 to do research on the Pancake Race.
I often ask myself why I am studying English. I have so many different thoughts in my mind that I can't always sum them up in one word. But when I read the description of the subject "language" at Olney Middle School (OMS), I got an answer.

"Learning a language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures." This is it. I was convinced that I was studying English to "free myself" from narrow-mindedness, stereotypes, preconceived notions, discrimination, intolerance, etc. I can't tell you how many times English has saved me when I have been in trouble or in distress in my life.

I was shocked to hear my American host family say "No one is perfect" (in Christian countries, only God is perfect) at 17 years old in my homestay. It now sounds nothing special that people say, "Just be yourself," but in Japan during the Showa period, everyone was expected to be perfect without making any mistakes. Every time I made one, I was depressed and thought that everyone around me was admirable and I was not. However, I was able to affirm myself by learning about various values through English, and my mind became freer.

Language education at OMS includes sign language as well as foreign languages. It is quite normal but, I wonder if Japanese education has reached this level.

