
イギリス・パンケーキレースの旅 (17)最終回〜焼いて、学んで、走る! The Pancake Race Trip 17, the final episode- Bake Learn Run!

*English follows. これは2023年2月18日から25日まで、パンケキーレースの視察で、イギリスのオルニーという町を訪れたときのレポートです。




さらには大人のレースがアメリカのカンザス州リベラル と競争しているように、只今オルニーのOMSに友好的な競争を申し入れています。どこの学校も年間行事が決まっている中で、新たなイベントを取り入れるには各方面へ相当な調整が必要となるのでどうなるか分かりませんが、もしこれが実現すれば子どもレースも国際競技になります。


This is a journal on a visit to the town of Olney in UK from the 18th-25th of February 2023 to do research on the Pancake Race.
Although my stay was short, I met many people in Olney, as well as many inspirations. How can we give back to both the school and CEC, which approved this visit even though it was during the semester? I talked a lot with my colleagues and staff during breaks at school and online in the evenings.

Thanks to enlightenment, I have received approval for the Pancake Race project at the school on Pancake Day next year! It is a dream collaboration of three subjects; Home Economics, P.E. and English!

Although the effectiveness of subject collaboration is well known, it is not so easy in busy school life to discuss and develop the curriculum so that each subject can function organically within a fixed annual schedule. However, due to the fruitful results of last year's collaboration with Home Economics, the schedule match with Physical Education, and above all, the openness among the teachers at our school, we decided to conduct such a miraculous three-subject collaboration.

Furthermore, we are now offering a friendly competition to OMS in Olney, just as the adult race is competing with Liberal, Kansas, USA. We are not sure how this will turn out, but if it does, the children's race will also become an international competition.

Let's pray that it will go well. >>> a few weeks later >>> OMS responded that they would accept the offer!!


