Yoga Philosophy Vo.2 Sadhana サダナ
English is the below.
実は今、バリでTeacher Trainingを受けていて、朝から晩までヨガ尽くしの生活を送っています。バリは私の大好きな場所のひとつで、ここで素敵な人たちに出会い、貴重な経験をしています。今回はヨガの哲学第二弾で、サダナについてお話しします。
Hello, this is Misa.
Thank you for reading my blogs.
I'm currently undergoing Teacher Training for yoga here in Bali, and I'm living a life filled with yoga from morning to night. Bali is one of my favourite places, where I've met wonderful people and gained valuable experiences. This time, I'll talk about Sadhana in the second instalment of yoga philosophy.
What is Sadhana
"Sadhana" in Sanskrit refers to the daily spiritual practice that encompasses utilising the mind, body, and spirit to pursue spiritual goals, thereby relinquishing ego, attaining liberation from suffering, and achieving peace. It also draws from the term "Sadhu," connoting a straight path toward a goal.
Sadhana forms the foundation of yoga, encompassing diverse methods such as physical practices like asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing exercises), as well as reflective practices like self-study and meditation, all aligned with the purpose of Sadhana.
While Sadhana revolves around the ultimate spiritual objective, the practice itself should be performed without fixating on specific outcomes. It should be upheld as a means to sustain practice and cultivate discipline.
Practice Sadhana
Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without a break and with sincerity. Sutra1.14
Discipline is undoubtedly a crucial aspect of Sadhana, and practising at the same time each day can be beneficial. Especially practising in the morning, right upon awakening, is highly effective.
Through the daily practice of Sadhana, the following growth can be anticipated:
Being present in this moment (physically, mentally, spiritually)
Meeting oneself in the current place
Rising and being present
Understanding what one is engaged in when "doing something."
Having the capacity to embrace learning
Refraining from making judgments or forcing
These aspects of daily Sadhana practice lead to personal growth and self-awareness.
I and Sadhana
I am naturally curious and willing to take on various challenges, but sometimes, my pursuits either persist for a long time or fizzle out within three days.
Continuing with the same thing often leads to boredom, and I find myself questioning whether there's significance in persisting, which leads to giving up midway. It's clear that patience is necessary to maintain consistency.
Currently, I'm participating in a training where I wake up at 5 AM, arrive at the studio by 5:50 AM, and practice yoga (including meditation, breathing exercises, sun salutations, and more) from 6 AM to 8:30 AM. As I typically wake up around 6 AM, getting up an hour earlier is a bit of a challenge. Especially since it's still dark outside when I wake up, getting out of bed is tougher than usual.
However, when I make the effort to get up and step outside, I get to see the beautiful stars and moon. During practice, I witness the sunrise and perform sun salutations with the morning sun, which brings about a sacred feeling.
Furthermore, practising pranayama (breathing exercises) makes breathing easier and rectifies any discomfort (like imbalanced breathing) that I feel when waking up.
Poses that were difficult in the past become easier to manage today, and I sometimes experience a gradual sense of growth. On some days, my overall focus is lacking, and I feel like my practice is a bit hazy.
Engaging in the same practice at the same time helps me notice changes within myself and learn valuable lessons.
Looking ahead, I want to continue with my current morning practice. I feel excited because I believe there's a world and sensations waiting to be discovered that are still unseen.
Please try practising Sadhana as well!
Om Shanti