
「知の巨人」渡部昇一〈しょういち〉2 “A Giant of Knowledge”, Shoichi Watanabe 2


(2)渡部昇一の業績・著書 (1)
 ミュンスター大学で英文法の歴史を研究し、一九五八年ドイツ語で著した学位論文は現地で出版され、英語にも翻訳されました。日本語版は『英文法史』として研究社から一九六五年に刊行(現在絶版)。授与された学位は "Dr. phil. magna cum laude"「大なる称賛を以って 博士号」でした(因みにこれはラテン語)。一九七六年(昭和五一)、『腐敗の時代』で日本エッセィスト・クラブ賞第二十四回を受賞。一九八五年(昭和六〇)に正論大賞第一回を受賞。一九九四年(平成六)に、名誉哲学博士(Dr.Phil.h.c.)をミュンスタ。学から非欧米人では初めて授与されました。二0一五年(平成二七)春、瑞宝中綬章受勲。
 特に読書に関する項で、本を自分で購入し、「あなたの古典」を持つこと、つまり、同じ作品をくり返し読むことの大切さを述べています。一度読んだだけでは本当に「わかった」ことにはならず、「わからない」ことを突き詰めて何度も何度も読んでいくことで自分の身になるのだという。「庄内学」の風土から生まれたともいうべき渡部昇一の読書観を感じることができます。そして、『続 知的生活の方法』(講談社現代新書、1979年)では、「とにかく、書き始めよ」というアドバイスが記されています。晩年の『知的余生の方法』(新潮新書 二〇一〇年)もあります。

“A Giant of Knowledge”, Shoichi Watanabe2

(2)  Shoichi Watanabe’s Achievements and Books (1)
   He studied the history of English grammar at the University of Münster, and his dissertation, written in German in 1958, was published locally and translated into English. The Japanese version was published by Kenkyusha in 1965 as ``History of English Grammar'' (currently out of print). The degree he was awarded  "Dr. Phil. magna cum laude" (which by the way is Latin). In 1976, he won the 24th Japan Essayist Club Award for ``The Age of Corruption.'' Received the first Seiron Grand Prize in 1985 (Showa 60). In 1994, he received the honorary Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.Phil.) from Münster. He was the first non-Western person to receive the award from academia. In the spring of 2015, he was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.
   The first book in Japan that pioneered the field of intellectual life theory was Eijiro Kawai's ``A Present to Students'' (Nippon Hyoronsha, 1940). After the war, new frontiers were opened in intellectual life theory with Tadao Umesao's ``Techniques of Intellectual Production'' (Iwanami Shinsho, 1969) and Shoichi Watanabe's ``Methods of Intellectual Life'' (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho), 1976). Shoichi Watanabe is my senior at Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Minami High School, and like the author, he is also an English teacher majoring in English, so I feel a sense of familiarity with him. In addition to his specialty in English, Shoichi Watanabe also writes historical theory and political and social commentary. His book ``How to Live an Intellectual Life'' (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho), which presents various hints and ideas for living in search of inner fulfillment, became a bestseller. This book consists of five chapters: ``The spirit of not fooling yourself,'' ``Creating classics,'' ``The meaning of buying books,'' ``Intellectual space and information organization,'' and ``The metaphysics of intellectual life.'' It specifically describes the methodology for living an intellectual life, how to read, how to use your time, and how to live your life.
   In particular, in the section on reading, he talks about the importance of buying your books and having ``your classics,'' that is, reading the same works over and over again. He says that just reading it once does not mean that you truly understand it, but that by reading it over and over again to find out what you don't understand, you will learn it for yourself. You can get a feel for Shoichi Watanabe's view of reading, which can be said to have been born from the culture of ‘Shonai Studying’. In ``A Sequel to How to Live an Intellectual Life'' (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho, 1979), he gives the advice, ``Just start writing.'' There is also a book written in his later years called ``How to Spend an Intellectual Life'' (Shincho Shinsho, 2010). (To be continued)
