
Let's talk about Canadian wine.06/その歴史・禁酒法

The two largest wine producing regions in Canada are Ontario (southeastern Canada) and British Columbia (along the west coast). The production ratio is 8:2, with Ontario being by far the largest.
The former is characterized by a high production of white wine. Chardonnay and Riesling are the most common grapes grown in the region, followed by Pinot Noir, Merlot and Lambrusca grapes. Producing regions include the Niagara Peninsula, Lake Erie North Shore and Prince Edward County.
The latter, in comparison, produces more red wine. The grapes planted are also predominantly Merlot, Pinot Gris, and Pinot Noir, with Chardonnay being the most common white grape. Lambrusca mixtures are rare. The Okanagan Valley and Similkameen Valley are well known for their production, which extends along the Atlantic coast.

Isn't it interesting that the difference in production between East and West is 8:2?
It's the exact opposite of the United States. On the U.S. side, it's 2 East/8 West. Most of our wine comes from the Rockies to the West. Of course, production is also vastly different, but this difference in the number of producers between East and West is the key word when considering Canadian wines.

Why? Actually, it's because of Prohibition. During Prohibition, many West Coast wine producers fled to the Canadian side of British Columbia. Just as when Washington won the Revolutionary War and tried to pay off its war bonds by placing heavy taxes on alcohol, many liquor producers fled west of the Appalachian Mountains. America is essentially a nation of immigrants, and there is little sense of belonging to the country.
On the East Coast side, by contrast, few producers fled to Canada. The reason is that there was already little or no land available to transplant to the Ontario side in the 1900s. The price of farmland on the east side of Canada was high. That's probably why.

This relationship between "Prohibition enforcement" and wine is extremely interesting. But not many people talk about it. It's interesting, but...

The United States of America was founded primarily by English Protestants. They are still overwhelmingly Protestant, the WASPs. In contrast, the majority of people who have immigrated to the new continent from the east and north of Europe are Catholic.
Protestants and Catholics are potentially hateful to each other. This is not often said outwardly, but it's true.
These Protestants, though, have a fundamental part of the idea that alcohol is bad. Light drinking is an inevitable vice, but excessive drinking is sinful. The Protestants, especially women, were highly disgusted by the fact that Catholics who came to "America, the land of the gospel given by God," without asking for help, were creating such a sinful practice and misleading their husbands, their children and their fathers. In fact, the temperance movement had been around since the 1800s. It was deeply rooted, and aversion to alcohol was being waged in many places by women and pastors. I think the root of it was the hatred of Protestant Catholics.
It was the rise of the German Weimar Empire from the beginning of the year 2000 that caused it to break out as an act. This pushed Europe into the First World War with Germany as the nucleus. In line with this, there was an anti-German movement in the United States of America, saying "Leave, German.".

Actually, the ethnicity of the liquor producers in both Canada and the US are of German descent. Beer and wine are industries run by people who have come from the east and north of Europe to the New World.
Many German immigrants were farmers with some property. They were not an abandoned people like the Italian/Irish people. So as soon as they transplanted, they bought land and ran a farmhouse. This is why many farmers who still have relatively large plantings are of German descent.
That's right. Envy of the poor for the rich. That is the essence of it. Democracy remains jealousy and hatred in the name of justice.

The boycott and harassment of products made by these German producers. The exclusionary movement of "Get out of Germany! was followed by a campaign against alcohol, the root of all evil.
Extremes have always been characteristic of the United States.

On January 16, 1919, Prohibition was enacted as a result of the thumping of World War I, which had begun. And it went into effect on January 16 of the following year. In other words, it became the "Day to Correct the Germans from Hating Germany," the day that Protestantism triumphed over Catholicism.

前者は、白ワインの生産量が多いの特徴です。したがって作付けされている葡萄も、シャルドネ、リースリングなどが多く、次いでピノ・ノワール、メルロ、ランブルスカ混成種などです。生産地としては、Niagara Peninsula、Lake Erie North Shore、Prince Edward Countyなどが挙げられます。
比して後者は、赤ワインの生産量が多い。作付けされている葡萄もメルロ、ピノ・グリ、ピノ・ノワールが中心、白ブドウはシャルドネが多い。ランブルスカ混成種は稀です。生産地としては、Okanagan Valley、Similkameen Valleyが有名で、大西洋岸に沿って広がっています。







