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Man kidnapped by fairies.
An old musician - Fiddler Rafferty was once passing the shores of Lough Eagish on his way to a friend's house - Kerry [?]. He had his violin with him. The fairies at McEntee's shore saw him and took him with them to their home there. He had a pleasant and enjoyable time with them for two days and two nights. At the end of this time they left him back at the place on the shore from which they took him. After this he had forgotten almost all his tunes. He said the fairies took them from him. (This happened about 40 years ago).
Collector: Brighid Ní Leannáin
Informant: Michael Lennon
Relation: parent
School: Láithreach
Location: Laragh, Co. Monaghan
The Schools’ Collection (collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s) http://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes
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