
[英詩]Seamus Heaney, 'Tate's Avenue' (2006)

※ 英詩が読めるようになるマガジンの本配信です。

文学の詩。文学の詩では過去二回にディキンスン、ヴェリと19世紀の米詩人を取上げたが今回は21世紀の愛蘭詩人ヒーニです。20世紀後半以降の英語で書く詩人としては間違いなく最高峰といえます。(ここ半世紀にノーベル文学賞を受けた詩人で英語で書くのはヒーニのみ。)[photo below source]

今回の詩 'Tate’s Avenue' は2006年の作品です。ヒーニ研究は多いけれども本詩に関してはまだほとんどない。独自研究を含むため、専門家でも躊躇する単品価格に設定します。21世紀の現代詩の本格的な考察です(12,000字)。



Tate’s Avenue
Seamus Heaney

Not the brown and fawn car rug, that first one
Spread on sand by the sea but breathing land-breaths,
Its vestal folds unfolded, its comfort zone
Edged with a fringe of sepia-coloured wool tails.

Not the one scraggy with crusts and eggshells         5
And olive stones and cheese and salami rinds
Laid out by the torrents of the Guadalquivir
Where we got drunk before the corrida.

Instead, again, it's locked-park Sunday Belfast,
A walled back yard, the dust-bins high and silent      10
As a page is turned, a finger twirls warm hair
And nothing gives on the rug or the ground beneath it.

I lay at my length and felt the lumpy earth,
Keen-sensed more than ever through discomfort,
But never shifted off the plaid square once.         15
When we moved I had your measure and you had mine.



この記事のみ ¥ 1,750
