The story of my mind was relaxed and at the same time my cheilitis was cured.
I have been sick my stmach for the past few weeks.
I have had a lot of problems for the past few months, and then there was the ceremony for handing over my diploma from my master in tea ceremony coming up this weekend, The change in temperature also seems to have caused my body to scream.
Early last week, my previous stomach pain worsened dramatically, and I made daughter’s lunch and sent her from home while flailing in pain.
I cancelled for today’s lunch with an old friend, I was crying.
Then I went to the doctor right away. But the doctor said it was nothing, and I also went to physical therapy. The therapist said same too.
Then I just got the stomach and mouthwash medicine.
That is.
A few days ago, line exchanges were resumed with moms who had been good friends when their kids were in kindergarten,
, and I really couldn’t do anything because the tea ceremony for granting admission letter was too close.
and the worries were gradually but surely resolved!!!
And this morning, as I was applying medicine for my sore corner of my mouth and see how I felt again, I clearly said, "Oh, I feel better. I'm fine now, I am fine now”.
At the same time, I noticed that my stomach was feeling better.
While I thought that there are still many things that humans do not understand, I realized that it is important to find something enjoyable to do every day and to live with hope.
Anyway, it is a strange thing to be able to calm down mentally and physically when human reach the extreme.
Ultimately, If I had practiced hard on a regular basis, I might not be in such a hurry.