Who am I, really? / 私は本当は誰なのか?
I completed a personality assessment at work with many of my colleagues. It was a way to understand how best to work with each other.
The output of the test was that each of us we were mapped into one quadrant of a circle, with each quadrant representing a different personality type. The further away you were from the centre of the circle, the stronger your personality was in that quadrant. So falling into quadrant 'A' means you have one particular personality type, falling into quadrant 'B' means you have a different personality type and so on. Most of my colleagues scored strongly in one of the four personality types and I was the only one who scored dead centre in the middle of the circle, overlapping all personality types.
What does this mean? I asked the practitioner and they said, I am the 'chameleon' of the company. I can change my personality to suit the environment and the people I am with.
I thought this was a normal thing to do, but seeing my colleague's scores, apparently not. They were also surprised that someone could alter their personality so easily as well. For instance my colleagues describe me as a confident extrovert and my friends and family would describe me as an introvert.
For as long as I can remember, I change my behaviour based on the situation and what it calls for. Although I would not change it in a bad way (like being mean to someone because everyone else is). I know, at work, my company prefers confident and friendly personalities so I tend to display more of those behaviours when I am at work. I like people to feel comfortable and happy around me, so I tend to alter my behaviour to suit them.
After hearing that I am a 'chameleon' I wonder, who am I really? What is my authentic self or my true personality? I don't know and I think it contributes to me feeling unhappy and lost at times; not knowing what I want from life.
Although it can be useful to change depending on my surroundings, I cannot clearly describe my true personality. How do I know what is my authentic personality versus what I am displaying in a given situation?
I am hoping that by writing these note articles I can reflect without judgement and slowly find out who my authentic self really is.
I like Note because people can share their true feelings and imperfections which is hard to find on other social media platforms; it makes me feel like I can be more honest with myself.