70. ユダヤ人の名前を変える優しい技術(The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names)
by Henry Ford
The Madansky brothers -- Max, Solomon, Benjamin, and Jacob -- have written that their names henceforth will be May. It is a good old Anglo-Saxon name, but the Madanskys are of Asiatic origin.
Madansky兄弟 -- Max、Solomon、Benjamin、Jacob -- は、これから自分たちの名前はMayになると書いた。それは古き良きアングロサクソンの名前だが、Madansky家はアジア起源だ。
Elmo Lincoln, a movie actor, comes into a Los Angeles court on the motion of his wife, and it is discovered that he is only Otto Linknhelt.
映画俳優のElmo Lincolnが妻の申し立てでロサンゼルスの裁判所に出頭し、彼がOtto Linknheltであることが発覚する。
A large department store owner was born with the name Levy. He is now known as Lytton. It is quite possible he did not like Levy as a name; but why did he not change it for another Jewish name? Or perhaps it was the Jewishness of "Levy" that displeased him.
A popular tenor star recently brough suit against his wife, who married him after allowing him to believe that she was of Spanish origin. "I understood from her misleading stage name that she was Spanish when I married her. Later I found that she was Jewish and that her real name was Bergenstein."
One of the biggest and best known stores in the United States goes under an honored Christian name, though every one of the owners is Jewish. The public still carries a mental picture of the good old merchant who established the store, which picture would speedily change if the public could get a glimpse of the real owners.
Take the name Belmont, for example, and trace its history. Prior to the nineteenth century the Jews resident in Germany did not use family names. It was "Joseph the son of Jacob," "Isaac ben Abraham," the son being designated as the son of his father. But the Napoleonic era, especially following upon the assembly of the Great Sanhedrin under Napoleon's command, caused a distinct change in Jewish customs in Europe.
Belmontという名前を例にとり、その歴史をたどってみよう。19世紀以前、ドイツに住んでいたユダヤ人は名字を使わなかった。「Jacobの子Joseph」、すなわち「Isaac ben Abraham」であって、その子は父の子とされた。しかし、ナポレオン時代、特にナポレオン指揮下の大サンヘドリンの議会に続く時代は、ヨーロッパにおけるユダヤ人の慣習に明確な変化をもたらした。
In 1808 Napoleon sent out a decree commanding all Jews to adopt family names. In Austria a list of surnames was assigned to the Jews, and if a Jew was unable to choose, the state chose for him. The names were devised from precious stones, as Rubenstein; precious metals, such as Goldstein, Silberberg; plants, trees, and animals, such as Mandelbaum, Lilienthal, Ochs, Wolf, and Loewe.
The German Jews created surnames by the simple method of affixing the syllable "son" to the father's name, thus making Jacobson, Isaacson; while others adopted the names of the localities in which they lived, the Jew resident in Berlin becoming Berliner, and the Jew resident of Oppenheim becoming Oppenheimer.
Now, in the region of Schoenberg, in the German Rhine country, a settlement of Jews had lived for several generations. When the order to adopt surnames went forth, Isaac Simon, the head of the settlement, chose the name of Schoenberg. It signifies in German, "beautiful hill." It is very easily Frenchified into Belmont, which also means beautiful hill or mountain. A Columbia University professor once tried to make it appear that the Belmonts originated in the Belmontes family of Portugal, but found it impossible to harmonize this theory with the Schoenberg facts.
さてドイツのライン地方のSchoenberg地方には数世代に渡ってユダヤ人が住んでいました。姓を名乗る命令が出たとき、居留地の長であったIsaac SimonはSchoenbergという名前を選びました。それはドイツ語で「美しい丘」という意味です。それはまた、美しい丘や山を意味するBelmontに非常に簡単にフランス語化されています。コロンビア大学のある教授は、Belmont家の起源をポルトガルのBelmontes家にあるように見せかけようとしたことがあるが、Schoenbergの事実とこの理論を調和させることは不可能であると判明した。
It is noteworthy that a Belmont became American agent of the Rothschilds, and that the name of Rothschild is derived from the red shield on a house in the Jewish quarter of Frankfort-on-the-Main. What the original family name is has never been divulged.
The Jewish habit of changing names is responsible for the immense camouflage that has concealed the true character of Russian events. When Leon Bronstein becomes Leo Trotsky, and when the Jewish Apfelbaum becomes the "Russian" Zinoviev; and when the Jewish Cohen becomes the "Russian" Volodarsky, and so on down through the list of controllers of Russia -- Goldman becoming Izgoev, and Feldman becoming Vladimirov -- it is a little difficult for people who think that names do not lie, to see just what is transpiring.
名前を変えるというユダヤ人の習慣は、ロシアの出来事の真の特徴を隠してきた巨大なカモフラージュの原因となっている。Leon BronsteinがLeo Trotskyになり、ユダヤ人のApfelbaumが「ロシアの」Zinovievになったとき;そしてユダヤ人のCohenが「ロシア人」のVolodarskyになり、という具合にロシアの支配者のリストを下っていく -- GoldmanがIzgoevになり、FeldmanがVladimirovになる -- 名前は嘘をつかないと考える人には、何が起こっているのかを分かるのは少し難しい。
Indeed, there is any amount of evidence that in numberless cases this change of names -- or adoption of "cover names," as the Jewish description is -- is for purposes of concealment. There is an immense difference in the state of mind in which a customer enters the store of Isadore Levy and the state of mind in which he enters the store of Alex May. And what would be his feeling to learn that Isadore Levy painted up the name of Alex May with that state of mind in view? When Rosenbluth and Schlesinger becomes "The American Mercantile Company," there is justification for the feeling that the name "American" is being used to conceal the Jewish character of the firm.
実際、この名前の変更 -- またはユダヤ人が言うところの「秘匿名」の採用 -- は、隠匿の目的であるという証拠は無数にある。Isadore Levyの店に客が入る心理状態と、Alex Mayの店に客が入る心理状態には、計り知れない違いがある。そして、Isadore Levyがそのような心境でAlex Mayの名前を描いたことを知ったら、客はどんな気持ちになるでしょうか?Rosenbluth and Schlesingerが「The American Mercantile Company」となったとき、「American」という名称がこの会社のユダヤ人的性格を隠すために使われていると感じるのは正当性がある。
The tendency of Jews to change their names dates back very far. There was and is a superstition that to give a sick person another name is to "change his luck," and save him from the misfortune destined upon his old name. There was also the biblical example of a change of nature being followed by a change of name, as when Abram became Abraham and Jacob became Israel.
There have been justifiable grounds, however, for Jews changing their names in Europe. The nationalism of that continent is, of course, intense, and the Jews are an international nation, scattered among all the nations, with an unenviable reputation of being ready to exploit for Jewish purposes the nationalistic intensity of the Gentiles. To mollify a suspicion held against them wherever they have lived (a suspicion so general and so persistent as to be explainable only on the assumption that it was abundantly justified) the Jews have been quick to adopt the names and colors of whatever country they may be living in. It is no trouble at all to change a flag, since none of the flags is the insignia of Judah. This was seen throughout the war zone; the Jews hoisted whatever flag was expedient at the moment, and changed it as often as the shifting tide of battle required.
しかしながら、ヨーロッパでのユダヤ人の改名には正当な理由があります。この大陸のナショナリズムは、もちろん強烈であり、ユダヤ人は、異邦人のナショナリズムの激しさをユダヤ人の目的のために利用する準備ができているといううらやましくない評判をもって、あらゆる国に散らばっている国際的な国家である。ユダヤ人は、自分たちがどこに住んでいようと、自分たちに対する疑い (この疑いはあまりにも一般的でしつこいので、十分に正当化されているという前提でしか説明できない) を和らげるために、自分たちが住んでる国がどこであろうと、その国の名前と色をすぐに採用した。旗を変えるのは、何も問題ありません、どの旗もユダの記章ではないからである。これは戦闘地域の至る所で見られました;ユダヤ人たちは、そのとき都合のいい旗を何でも掲げ、戦況の変化に応じて何度でも変えました。
A Polish Jew named Zuckermandle, emigrating to Hungary, would be anxious to show hat he had shuffled off the Polish allegiance which his name proclaimed; and the only way he could do this would be to change his name, which would very likely become Zukor, a perfectly good Hungarian name. Origina0lly the Zukors were not Jews; now the usual guess would be that they are. In the United States it would be almost a certainty. Such a change as Mr. Zuckermandle would make, however, would not be for the purpose of concealing the fact that he was a Jew, but only to conceal the fact that he was a foreign Jew.
In the United States it has been found that Jews change their names for three reasons: first, for the same reason that many other foreigners change their names, namely, to minimize as much as possible the "foreign look" and the difficulty of pronunciation which many of those names carry with them; second, for business reasons, to prevent the knowledge becoming current that So-and-So is "a Jew store"; third, for social reasons.
The desire not to appear singular among one's neighbors, when stated in just these words, very easily passes muster a being a natural desire, until you apply it to yourself. If you were going abroad to Italy, Germany, Russia, there to live and engage in business, would you cast about for a changed name immediately? Of course not. Your name is part of you, and you have your own opinion of an alias. The Jew, however, has his own name among his own people, regardless of what "cover name" the world may know him by, and, therefore, he changes his outside name quite coolly. The only likeness we have to that in America is the changing of men's pay numbers as they move their employment from place to place. John Smith may be No. 49 in Black's shop and No. 375 in White's shop, but he is always John Smith. So the Jew may be Simon son of Benjamin in the privacy of the Jewish circle, while to the world he may be Mortimer Alexander.
隣人の間で特異に思われたくないという欲求は、たったこれだけの言葉で述べられると、自分自身に当てはめるまでは、ごく簡単に自然な欲求であることを忘れてしまいます。もしあなたがイタリアやドイツやロシアに行って、そこで生活してビジネスに従事するとしたら、あなたはすぐに改名を求めますか?もちろん、そんなことはありません。あなたの名前はあなたの一部であり、あなたは別名について独自の意見を持っています。しかしながら、ユダヤ人は、世界が彼をどんな「秘匿名」で知っているかに関係なく、彼自身の民の間では彼自身の名前を持っており、したがって彼は外の名前を非常に冷静に変更する。アメリカに似ているのは、雇用先を転々と移動する人の給与番号の変化だけです。John Smith はブラックの店では49番、ホワイトの店では375番かもしれないが、いつもJohn Smithである。ですから、ユダヤ人は、ユダヤ人の仲間内ではベBenjaminの子Simoかもしれませんが、世間ではMortimer Alexanderかもしれません。
In the United States it is hardly to be doubted that business and social reasons are mostly responsible for the changes in Jewish names. The designation "American" is itself much coveted, as may be gathered by its frequent use in firm names, the members of which are not American in any sense that entitles them to blazon the name throughout the world.
When Moses is changed to Mortimer, and Nathan to Norton, and Isadore to Irving (as for example Irving Berlin, whose relatives, however, still know him as "Izzy"), the concealment of Jewishness in a country where so much is done by print, must be regarded as a probable motive.
MosesがMortimerに、NathanがNortonに、IsadoreがIrvingに変わったとき(例としてIrving Berlin、けれども、彼の親戚は今でも彼を「Izzy」と呼んでいる)、印刷によって多くのことが行われている国でユダヤ人であることを隠すことは、可能性の高い動機とみなされなければなりません。
When "Mr. Lee Jackson" is proposed for the club there would seem to be no reason, as far as reading goes, why anything unusual about Mr. Jackson should be surmised, until you know that Mr. Jackson is really Mr. Jacobs. Jackson happens to be the name of a President of the United States, which names are quite in favor with the name-changers, but in this case it happens also to be one of the "derivatives" of an old Jewish name.
「Mr. Lee Jackson」がクラブに提案されたとき、読んだ限りでは、Jackson氏が本当にJacobs氏であることがわからない限り、Jackson氏について何か変わったことが推測される理由はないように思われる。Jacksonは偶然にも合衆国の大統領の名前であり、これらの名前は改名者に非常に好まれるが、この場合はたまたま古いユダヤ人の名前の「派生」の1個でもある。
The Jewish Encyclopedia contains interesting information on this matter of derivatives.
Asher is shaded off into Archer, Ansell, Asherson.
Asherは Archer、Ansell、Ashersonへと少しずつ変えられた。
Baruch is touched up into Benedict, Beniton, Berthold.
Benjamin becomes lopez, seef, wolf (this is translation).
David becomes Davis, Davison, Davies, Davidson.
Isaac becomes Sachs, Saxe, Sace, Seckel.
Jacob becomes Jackson, Jacobi, Jacobus, Jacof, Kaplan, Kauffmann, Marchant, Merchant.
Jonah becomes by quite simple changes, Jones and Joseph, Jonas.
Judah (the true Jewish name) becomes Jewell, Leo, Leon, Lionel, Lyon, Leoni, Judith.
Levi becomes Leopold, Levine, Lewis, Loewe, Low, Lowy.
Moses becomes Moritz, Moss, Mortimer, Max, Mack, Moskin, Mosse.
Solomon becomes Salmon, Salome, Sloman, Salmuth.
And so on through the list of Jewish "changelings" -- Barnett, Barnard, Beer, Hirschel, Mann, Mendel, Mandell, Mendelsohn, with various others which are not even adaptations but sheer appropriations.
そしてユダヤ人の「取り替え子」のリストをたどっていった -- Barnett、Barnard、Beer、Hirschel、Mann、Mendel、Mandell、Mendelsohn、その他もろもろは改作というよりも純粋な横領である。
The millinery business, which is one of the principal Jewish grafts off American women, shows, the liking of the Jews for names which do not name, but which stand as impressive insignia -- "Lucile," "Mme. Grande," and the like. Reuben Abraham Cohen is a perfectly good name, and a good citizen could make it immensely respected in his neighborhood, but Reuben thinks that the first round in the battle of minds should be his, and he does not scruple at a little deceit to obtain it, so he painted on a window of his store, R. A. Le Cán, which, when set off with a borrowed coat of arms, looks sufficiently Frenchified for even observant boobs among the Gentiles. Similarly a Mr. Barondesky may blossom out as Barondes or La Baron.
主要なユダヤ人のアメリカ人女性からの不正利得の1個である婦人帽製造業は、ユダヤ人が名前ではないが印象的な記章として立つ名前を好むことを示している --「Lucile」、「Mme. Grande」など。Reuben Abraham Cohenは完全に良い名前で、善良な市民なら近所で非常に尊敬されるようにすることができたが、Reubenは知性の戦いの第1ラウンドは自分のものであるべきだと考えており、それを手に入れるためには少々の詐欺もためらわない、だから彼は自分の店の窓にR. A. Le Cánと描いた、借りた紋章をつけて飾ると、異邦人の間でも目ざとい間抜けにとってさえ十分フランス風に見える。同様に、Barondesky氏はBarondesやLa Baronとして開花するかもしれません。
Commonly, Mr. Abraham becomes Miller. Why Miller should have been picked on for Judaization is not clear, but the Millers of the white race may yet be compelled to adopt some method of indicating that their name is not Jewish. It is conceivable that a Yiddish and an American form of the same name may some time be deemed necessary. Aarons becomes Arnold -- there are a number of Jewish Arnolds. Aarons became Allingham. One Cohen became Druce, another Cohen became Freeman. Still another Cohen became a Montagu; a fourth Cohen became a Rothbury and a fifth Cohen became a Cooke.
一般的に、Abraham氏はMillerになります。なぜMillerがユダヤ化のために選ばれたのかは明らかではないが、白人のMillerは自分たちの名前がユダヤ人ではないことを示す何らかの方法を採用せざるを得ないかもしれません。同じ名前のイディッシュ語の形式とアメリカ語の形式がいずれ必要と考えられるかもしれません。AaronsはArnoldになります -- ユダヤ人のArnoldはたくさんいます。AaronsはAllinghamになった。あるCohenはDruceになり、別のCohenはFreemanになった。さらにもう1人のCohenはMontaguになった;4人目のCohenはRothburyになり、5人目のCohenはCookeになった。
The Cohens have an excuse, however. In one ghetto there are so many Cohens that some distinction must be observed. There is Cohen the rag gatherer, and Cohen the schacet (ritual meat killer), and Cohen the rising lawyer, as well as Cohen the physician. To make the matter more difficult their first names (otherwise their "Christian" names) are Louis. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that the young lawyer should become Attorney Cohane (which does all the better if thereby certain Irish clients are attracted, and that the young doctor should become Doctor Kahn, or Kohn. These are some of the many forms that the priestly name of Cohen takes.
しかし、Cohen家には言い訳がある。あるゲットーには非常に多くのCohenがいるので、いくつかの区別を遵守しなければなりません。ボロ布集めのCohen、schacet(儀式的な肉殺し)のCohen、新進の弁護士のCohen、そして医師のCohenがいます。問題をさらに難しくしているのは、彼らのファーストネーム (さもなければ彼らの「クリスチャン」ネーム) がLouisだということだ。だから、若い弁護士が弁護士Cohaneになっても不思議ではない(アイルランド人の依頼人が集まればなおさら良い)し、若い医者がドクターKahnかKohnになっても不思議ではない。これらは、Cohenという聖職者の名前が取る多くの形態の一部です。
The same may be said with reference to Kaplan, a very common name. Charlie Chaplin's name was, in all probability, Caplan, or Kaplan. At any rate, this is what the Jews believe about their great "star." Non-Jews have read of Charlie as a "poor English boy."
非常にありふれた名前であるKaplanについても同じことが言える。Charlie Chaplinの名前は、おそらくCaplanかKaplanだった。いずれにしても、これがユダヤ人が自分たちの偉大な「スター」について信じていることである。非ユダヤ人はCharlieのことを「貧しいイギリス人の少年」と読んでいます。
There is the Rev. Stephen S. Wise, for another example. He booms his way across the country from one platform to the other, a wonder in his way, that such pomposity of sound should convey such paucity of sense. He is an actor, the less effective because he essays a part in which sincerity is requisite. This Rabbi, whose vocal exercise exhausts his other powers, was born in Hungary, his family name being Weisz. Sometimes this name is Germanized to Weiss. When S. S. Weisz became S. S. Wise, we do not know. If he had merely Americanized his Hungarian name it would have given him the name of White. Apparently "Wise" looked better. Truly it is better to be white than to be wise, but Dr. Stephen S. is a fresh point in the query of "what's in a name?"
別の例として、Stephen S. Wise牧師がいます。彼は国中をある演壇から他の演壇へと人気を沸かせているが、このような音の尊大さがこのような分別のなさを伝えるとは、彼のやり方では不思議である。彼は俳優であり、誠実さが必要な部分を試しにやってみるので、あまり効果的ではない。このラビは、発声練習で他の力を使い果たしてしまうが、ハンガリーで生まれ、姓はWeiszである。この名前はドイツ語化されてWeissと呼ばれることもあります。S. S. WeiszがいつS. S. Wiseになったかは、私たちはわかりません。もし彼が単に彼のハンガリー名をアメリカ化していたら、Whiteという名前になっていただろう。どうやら「Wise」の方が良く似合っていたようだった。真に白人であることは賢明であることよりも望ましいが、Stephen S.博士は「名前の中に何があるか?」という問いに対する新鮮な指摘である。
The list of Jews in public life whose names are not Jewish would be a long one. Louis Marshall, head of the American Jewish Committee, for example -- what could his old family name have been before it was changed for the name of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States?
公の生活の中で名前がユダヤ人ではないユダヤ人のリストは長いものになるだろう。例えば、アメリカユダヤ人委員会の委員長であるLouis Marshall -- 合衆国の最高裁判所の裁判長の名前に変わる前の彼の旧姓は何だったのでしょうか?
Mr. Selwyn's name, now so widely known in motion pictures, was originally Schlesinger. Some of the Schlesingers become Sinclairs, but Selwyn made a really good choice for a man in the show business. A rabbi whose real name was Posnansky became Posner. The name Kalen is usually an abbreviation of Kalensky. A true story is told of an East Side tinsmith whose name was very decidedly foreign-Jewish. It is withheld here, because The Dearborn Independent prefers in this connection to mention only the names of those who can take care of themselves. But the tinsmith moved to a non-Jewish section and opened a new shop under the name of Perkins, and his luck really did change! He is doing well and, being an industrious, honest workman, deserves his prosperity.
今では映画で広く知られているSelwyn氏の名前は、もとはSchlesingerだった。Schlesingerの何人かはSinclairになるが、Selwynはショービジネスの男として本当に良い選択をしました。本名PosnanskyのラビがPosnerとなった。Kalenという名前は通常Kalenskyの略である。イーストサイドのブリキ職人の実話が語られていますが、その名前は明らかに外国系ユダヤ人でした。Dearborn Independent紙は、これに関連して、自分の面倒を見ることができる人の名前だけを言及することを好むので、ここでは差し控えています。しかし、ブリキ職人は非ユダヤ人地区に移り、Perkinsという名前で新しい店を開いたところ、彼の運は本当に変わりました!彼はよくやっているし、勤勉で正直な労働者なので、彼の繁栄に値します。
Of course, there are lower uses of the name-changing practice, as every employer of labor knows. A man contracts a debt under one name, and to avoid a garnishee, quits his job, collects his pay, and in a day or two attempts to hire out under another name. This was once quite a successful trick, and is not wholly unknown now.
There is also much complaint among the stricter observers of the Jewish ritual requirements that the word "Kosher" is greatly misused, that indeed it covers a multitude of sins. "Kosher" has come to signify, in some places, little more than a commercial advertisement designed to attract Jewish trade. For all it means of what it says, it might just as well be "The Best Place in Town to Eat" -- which it isn't, of course; and neither is it always "strictly" Kosher.
また、ユダヤ教の儀式要件のより厳格な遵守者の間では、「コーシャ」という言葉が非常に誤用されており、実際には多くの罪を隠蔽しているという不満が多い。「コーシャ」は、いくつかの場所では、ユダヤ人の貿易を誘致するために設計された商業広告以上のものを意味するようになった。それが言うことの全ての意味にとって、「The Best Place in Town to Eat (街で食べる最高の場所) 」と言ってもいいかもしれません -- もちろんそうではありません;また、常に「厳密に」コーシャであるとも限りません。
It must be conceded, however, that the tendency to mislabel men and things is deep set in Jewish character. Jews are great coiners of catchwords that are not true, inventors of slogans that do not move. There is a considerable decrease in the power they wielded by such methods; their brilliancy in this respect is running to seed. This may be explained by the fact that there are so many song titles to write for the Jewish jazz factories, and so much "snappy" matter for screen descriptions. Their come-back is painfully thin and forced. Without peers in dealing with a superficial situation like a dispute over the beauty of two rival "stars," or the amount and method of distributing confetti, they are the veriest dubs in dealing with a situation like that which has arisen in this country.
Immediately upon the appearance of the Jewish Question in the United States the Jews reverted naturally to their habit of mislabeling. They were going to fool the people once more with a pat phrase. They are still seeking for that phrase. Slowly they are recognizing that they are up against the Truth, and truth is neither a jazzy jade nor a movie motto, which can be recostumed and changed at will.
This passion for misleading people by names is deep and varied in its expression. Chiefly due to Jewish influences, we are giving the name of "liberalism" to looseness. We are dignifying with names that do not correctly name, many subversive movements. We are living in an era of false labels, whose danger is recognized by all who observe the various underground currents which move through all sections of society. Socialism itself is no longer what its name signifies; the name has been seized and used to label anarchy. Judaistic influence creeping into the Christian church has kept the apostolic labels, but thoroughly destroyed the apostolic content; the disruptive work has gone on quietly and unhindered, because often as the people looked, the same label was there -- as the same old merchant's name stays on the store the Jews have bought and cheapened. Thus there are "reverends" who are both unreverend and irreverent, and there are shepherds who flock with the wolves.
名前で人を惑わすこの情熱は表現において深く、多様である。主にユダヤ人の影響で、私たちは緩さに「リベラリズム」という名前をつけている。私たちは、多くの破壊的な運動を正しく名付けていない名前で威厳をつけています。私たちは虚偽のレッテルの時代に生きており、その危険性は、社会のあらゆる部門を流れる様々な地下の流れを観察するすべての人によって認識されています。社会主義自体はもはやその名が意味するものではありません;その名前が没収され、無政府状態をラベル付けするために使用されています。キリスト教会に忍び込んだユダヤ教の影響は、使徒的なラベルを維持したが、使徒的な内容を徹底的に破壊しました;破壊的な仕事は静かに、妨害されることなく続けられてきました、なぜなら、人々が見るたびに、同じラベルがそこにあるからです -- ユダヤ人が買って安くした店に、同じ古い商人の名前が残っているように。このように、不敬で不遜な「牧師」がおり、狼と群れをなす羊飼いがいます。
Zionism is another misnomer. Modern Zionism is not what its label would indicate it to be. The managers of the new money collection -- millions of it, badly used, badly accounted for -- are about as much interested in Zionism as an Ohio Baptist is in Meccaism. For the leading so-called "Zionists," Mt. Zion and all that it stands for has next to no meaning; they see only the political and real estate aspects of Palestine, another people's country just at present. The present movement is not religious, although it plays upon the religious sentiments of the lower class of Jews; it is certainly not what Judaized orators among the Christians want the Christians to think it is; Zionism is at present a most mischievous thing, potentially a most dangerous thing, as several governments could confidentially tell you.
シオニズムも間違った名称である。現代のシオニズムは、そのラベルが示すようなものではありません。新たな資金集め -- 何百万ドルもの資金が、不当に使われ、不当な支出報告される -- の責任者たちはオハイオ州のバプテスト信者がメッカ教に関心があるのと同じくらいシオニズムに関心があります。指導的ないわゆる「シオニスト」にとって、シオン山とそれが象徴するものはほとんど何の意味も持たない;彼らは、現在の他の人々の国家であるパレスチナの政治的と不動産的な側面だけを見ます;現在の運動は、ユダヤ人の下層階級の宗教的感情を利用しているとはいえ、宗教的ではありません;それは確かに、キリスト教徒の中のユダヤ化した雄弁家が、キリスト教徒にそれがそうであると思わせたいものではありません;シオニズムは、いくつかの政府が内密に言うように、現在、最も有害なものであり、潜在的に最も危険なものである。
But it is all a part of the Jewish practice of setting up a label pretending one thing, while quite another thing really exists.
Take anti-Semitism. That is a label which the Jews have industriously pasted up everywhere. If ever it was an effective label its uses are over now. It doesn't mean anything. Anti-Semitism does not exist, since the thing so named is found among the Semites, too. Semites cannot be anti-Semitic. When the world holds up a warning finger against a race that is the moving spirit of the corruptive, subversive, and destructive influences abroad in the world today, that race cannot nullify the warning by sticking up a false label of "Anti-Semitism," anymore than it can justify the sign of gold on a $1.50 watch or the sign of "pure wool" on a $11.50 suit of clothes.
So with the whole group of labels which the Jews have trotted out like talismen to work some magic spell upon the aroused mind of America. They are lies. And when one lie fails, how quickly they hitch their hopes to another. If "Anti-Semitism" fails, then try "Anti-Catholic" -- that might do something. If that fails, try "Anti-American" -- get the biggest talent that can be hired for a night on the B'nai B'rith platform to shout it. And when that fails, as it has -- ?
したがって、ユダヤ人たちがアメリカの興奮した心に魔法をかけるためにお守りのように持ち出すラベルの一群全体と一緒に。それらは嘘である。そして、1つの嘘が失敗したとき、彼らはどれだけ早く別の嘘に望みをつなぐのか。もし「反ユダヤ主義」が失敗したら、次に「反カトリック」を試してみましょう -- それは何かできるかもしれません。もしそれが失敗したら、「反アメリカ」を試しましょう -- B'nai B'rithの演壇で一晩雇うことができる最大の芸能人にそれを叫んでもらいましょう。そして、それが失敗したとき、これまでのように…?
The American Jewish Committee is itself a misnomer. The committee is not exclusively American and its work is not to Americanize the Jews nor even to encourage real Americanization among them. It is a committee composed of Jews representing that class which profits most by keeping the mass of the Jews segregated from Americans and in bondage to the "higher ups" among the Jews. They are the "big Jews," as Norman Hapgood used to call them, who say to the "little Jews," "You hang closely together; we will be your representatives to these foreign peoples, the Americans and others." If the American Jewish Committee would change its name to this: "The Jewish Commission for America," it might be nearer the truth. It has dealt with America in the recent past very much as the Allied Commissions deal with Germany. There are certain things we may do, and certain things we may not do, and the Jewish Commission for America tells us what we may and may not do. One of the things we may not do is to declare that this is a Christian country.
アメリカユダヤ人委員会はそれ自体が誤った名称である。委員会はもっぱらアメリカ人ではなく、その仕事はユダヤ人をアメリカ化することでもなければ、彼らの間で真のアメリカ化を奨励することでさえありません。それは、大多数のユダヤ人をアメリカ人から隔離し、ユダヤ人の間の「上層部」に束縛することによって最も利益を得る階級を代表するユダヤ人で構成される委員会である。Norman Hapgoodが彼らを「大ユダヤ人」と呼んでいたように、彼らは「小ユダヤ人」にこう言うのです。「あなた方は密接に付きあっています;我々は、これらの外国人、アメリカ人、その他の人々に対するあなた方の代表となるでしょう。」もしアメリカユダヤ人委員会がこれ(「アメリカのためのユダヤ人委員会」)に名前を変えれば、もっと真実に近づくかもしれません。連合国委員会がドイツを扱うように、それは最近の過去にアメリカを扱ってきました。私たちがしてもいいことと、してはいけないことがあります、そして、アメリカのためのユダヤ人委員会は、私たちがしてもいいことと、してはいけないことを教えます。私たちがしてはいけないことの1個は、この国がキリスト教国であると宣言することです。
There is one absolutely safe rule in dealing with anything emanating from the American Jewish Commitee. Don't rely on the label, open the matter up. You will find that the Kehillah is not what it pretends to be; that the Jewish labor union is not what it pretends to be; that Zionism is a camouflage for something entirely different; that the name and the nature are nearly always different, which is the reason for a particular name being chosen. It runs all the way through Jewish practice, and presents another little job for the Jewish reformer.
[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 12 November 1921]