
47. ユダヤ人のジャズが私たちの国民音楽になる(Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music)

by Henry Ford

About a year ago the following article appeared in the New York Times, a newspaper that has never been accused of anti-Semitism, and whose proprietor is one of the best-known Jews in the United States:

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"Irving Berlin, Leo Feist and other officers of seven music publishing corporations in this city were charged with violating the Sherman anti-trust law in an equity suit begun yesterday in Federal District Court by the United States Government. The defendants, it was alleged, controlled 80 percent of the available copyrighted songs used by manufacturers of phonographs, player piano rolls and other musical reproducing instruments, and fixed prices at which the records or rolls were to be sold to the public ...

「Irving Berlin、Leo Feist、そしてこの都市の7社の音楽出版社の他の役員は、昨日連邦地裁で始まった合衆国政府による株式訴訟で、シャーマン反トラスト法違反で起訴された。被告は、蓄音機、自動ピアノの巻き取り譜、その他の音楽再生楽器のメーカーが使用する利用可能な著作権付き楽曲の80%を管理し、レコードまたはロールが一般に販売される固定価格を管理していたと主張された…

"The corporations involved in the action were the Consolidated Music Corporation, 144 West Thirty-seventh street; Irving Berlin, Inc., 1567 Broadway; Leo Feist, Inc., 231 West Fortieth street; T. B. Harms, Francis, Day and Hunter, Inc., 62 West Forty-fifth street; Shapiro, Bernstein & Company, 218 West Forty-seventh street; Watterson, Berlin & Snyder, Inc., 1571 Broadway, and M. Witmark & Sons, Inc., 144 West Thirty-seventh street.

「行為に関与した企業は、西144の37番街路にあるConsolidated Music Corporation;1567ブロードウェイにあるIrving Berlin社, ;西231の40番街路にあるLeo Feist社;西62の45番街路にあるT. B. Harms, Francis, Day and Hunter社;西218の47番街路にあるShapiro, Bernstein & Company;1571ブロードウェイにあるWatterson, Berlin&Snyder社、そして西144の37番街路にあるM. Witmark & Sons社。

"The agreement which the government seeks to dissolve is alleged to provide that the defendant would make contracts only through the Consolidated Music Corporation which they had organized ..."


Many people have wondered whence come the waves upon waves of musical slush that invade decent parlors and set the young people of this generation imitating the drivel of morons. A clue to the answer is in the above clipping. Popular Music is a Jewish monopoly. Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, the slush, the sly suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin.


Monkey talk, jungle squeals, grunts and squeaks and gasps suggestive of cave love are camouflaged by a few feverish notes and admitted to homes where the thing itself, unaided by the piano, would be stamped out in horror. Girls and boys a little while ago were inquiring who paid Mrs. Rip Van Winkle's rent while Mr. Rip Van Winkle was away. In decent parlors the fluttering music sheets disclosed expressions taken directly from the cesspools of modern capitals, to be made the daily slang, the thoughtlessly hummed remarks of high school boys and girls.

猿の話、ジャングルの鳴き声、うなり声、洞窟の愛を思わせる鳴き声や喘ぎ声は、いくつかの熱っぽい音でカモフラージュされ、ピアノの助けを借りずに、それ自体が恐怖で踏み潰されるような家に受け入れられます。少し前、少年少女たちは、Rip Van Winkleさんが留守の間、誰がRip Van Winkleさんの家賃を払ったのか尋ねていました。きちんとした応接室では、ひらひらとした楽譜が、現代の首都の肥溜めから直接取り入れられた表現を開示し、日常のスラングとして、高校生の少年少女が軽率に口ずさんだ批評にされた。

The United States Government alleged, in the above complaint, that 80 percent of these popular songs was under the control of the seven Jewish houses named above; and the other 20 percent controlled by other Jewish music houses not included in that special group.


It is rather surprising, is it not, that whichever way you turn to trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you come upon a group of Jews? In baseball corruption -- a group of Jews. In exploitative finance -- a group of Jews. In theatrical degeneracy -- a group of Jews. In liquor propaganda -- a group of Jews. In control of national war policies -- a group of Jews. Absolutely dominating the wireless communications of the world -- a group of Jews. In the menace of the Movies -- a group of Jews. In control of the Press through business and financial pressure -- a group of Jews. War profiteers, 80 per cent of them -- Jews. Organizers of active opposition of Christian laws and customs -- Jews. And now, in this miasma of so-called popular music, which combines weak-mindedness with every suggestion of lewdness -- again Jews.

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社会を流れる有害な影響力の流れを辿ろうとしてどちらの方向に進んでも、ユダヤ人グループに出くわすというのは、かなり驚くべきことではないでしょうか?野球の汚職の中には -- ユダヤ人グループが。搾取的な金融の中には -- ユダヤ人グループが。演劇的な退化の中には -- ユダヤ人グループが。酒の宣伝には -- ユダヤ人グループが。国の戦争政策を支配の中には -- ユダヤ人グループが。世界の無線通信を絶対的に支配しているのは -- ユダヤ人グループが。映画の脅威の中には -- ユダヤ人グループが。ビジネスと経済的圧力を通じた報道機関の支配の中には -- ユダヤ人グループが。戦争で利益を得た者たちの80% -- ユダヤ人。キリスト教の法律と慣習に積極的に反対する主催者たち -- ユダヤ人。そして今、弱気さにあらゆる淫らさの暗示と組み合わせた、いわゆる人気音楽のこの瘴気の中には -- これもまたユダヤ人。

The Jewish influence on American music is, without doubt, regarded as serious by those who know anything about it. Not only is there a growing protest against the Judaization of our few great orchestras, but there is a strong reaction from the racial collusion which fills the concert stage and popular platform with Jewish artists to the exclusion of all others.

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The American people have been urged and chided and shamed into the beginning of a rather generous popular support of music in this country, and the first thing they see for their money is that Jewish artists supplant the non-Jewish artists, and use the prestige of their membership in symphony orchestras to work various small business schemes of their own. If they were superior artists, nothing against it could be said, but they are not superior artists; they are only better known and racially favored in Jewish musical circles.

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That, however, is a big subject. It will receive attention in its turn. Just now it is the "popular song" that is being considered. However, as something that true lovers and knowers of music may meditate upon in view of future studies of Jewish influence in music, this observation is offered (the italics are ours):

しかしながら、それは大きな主題です。その順番で注目されるでしょう。ちょうど今、検討されているのは「流行歌」です。しかし、音楽におけるユダヤ人の影響の将来の研究の観点から、音楽の真の愛好家や知識人が熟考するかもしれないこととして、この見解が提示されている (イタリック体は私たちのものである):

"Meanwhile the Oriental, especially the Jewish, infection in our music, seemingly less widespread than the German was or the French is, may prove even more virulent. Those not temperamentally immune to it catch it less severely, like Mr. Leo Ornstein; and if they ever throw it off, as he has given some signs of doing, seem to be left devoid of energy and, as it were, permanently anemic.

一方、私たちの音楽における東方の、特にユダヤ人の感染は、ドイツ人やフランス人よりも広まっていないように見えますが、さらに毒性が強いことが証明されるかもしれません。Leo Ornstein氏のように、気質的にそれに免疫のない人はそれほど重症ではありません;もし彼らがそれを投げ捨ててしまったら、彼がいくらかの兆候を示していたように、気力がなく、いわば永久に貧血状態になってしまうようです。

"The insidiousness of the Jewish menace to our artistic integrity is due partly to the speciousness, the superficial charm and persuasiveness of Hebrew art, its brilliance, its violently juxtaposed extremes of passion, its poignant eroticism and pessimism, and partly to the fact that the strain in us that might make head against it, the deepest, most fundamental strain perhaps in our mixed nature, is diluted and confused by a hundred other tendencies.




"The Anglo-Saxon group of qualities, the Anglo Saxon point of view, even though they are so thoroughly disguised, in a people descended from every race, that we easily forget them, and it is not safe to predicate them of any individual American, are nevertheless the vital nucleus of the American temper. And the Jewish domination of our music, even more than the Teutonic and the Gallic, threatens to submerge and stultify them at every point."


"Let me make a nation's songs and I care not who makes the laws," said one; in this country the Jews have had a very large hand in making both.


It is the purpose of this and the succeeding article to put Americans in full possession of the truth concerning the moron music that they habitually hum and sing and shout day by day, and if possible to help them to see the invisible Jewish baton which is waved above them for financial and propaganda purposes.


Just as the American stage and the American motion picture have fallen under the influence and control of the Jews and their art-destroying commercialism, so the business of handling "popular songs" has become a Yiddish industry.


Its leaders are for the most part Russian-born Jews, some of whom have personal pasts which are just as unsavory as The Dearborn Independent has shown the pasts of certain Jewish theatrical and movie leaders to be.

その指導者たちの大部分はロシア生まれのユダヤ人であり、その中には、Dearborn Independent紙が特定のユダヤ人の演劇や映画の指導者たちの過去を明らかにしたのと同じように不道徳である個人的な過去を持つ者もいる。

The country does not sing what it likes, but what the vaudeville "song pluggers" popularize by repeated renditions on the stage, until the flabby mind of the "ten-twent'-thirt'" audiences begin to repeat it on the streets. These "song pluggers" are the paid agents of the Yiddish song agencies. Money, and not merit, dominates the spread of the moron music which is styled "Jewish Jazz." Of the business details, however, more later.

この国では、自分の好きな歌を歌うのではなく、寄席演芸の「ソングプラガー」が舞台上で何度も繰り返して世に広めたものを、 「ten-twent'-thirt'」 聴衆のたるんだ心が路上で繰り返し始めるまで歌うのだ。これらの「ソングプラガー」は、イディッシュ語の歌代理店の有料代理人です。「ユダヤジャズ」というスタイルの愚かな音楽の広がりを支配しているのは、功績ではなく金銭である。しかしながら、ビジネスの詳細については、後ほど詳しく説明します。


Tin Pan Alley, so-called because it constitutes a group of "song shops," is populated by the "Abies" and "Izzies" and "Moes" who make up the composing staffs of the various institutions.

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Tin Pan Alleyは、「歌曲店」の集合体であることからそう呼ばれ、「Abies」や「Izzies」、「Moes」といった様々な施設の作曲スタッフが住んでいる。

In this business of making the people's songs, the Jews have shown, as usual, no originality but very much adaptability -- which is a charitable term used to cover plagiarism, which in turn politely covers the crime of mental pocket-picking. The Jews do not create; they take what others have done, give it a clever twist, and exploit it. They have bought up all the old hymn books, opera scores and collections of folk songs, and if you stop to analyze some of the biggest "hits" of the Yiddish song manufacturers, you will find they are woven on the motif and the melody of clean songs of the last generation; the music jazzed a little, the sentiment sensualized very much, and set upon their smutty road, across the country.

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民衆の歌を作るというこの仕事で、ユダヤ人はいつものように、独創性はないが、非常に適応力があることを示した -- これは盗作を覆うために使われる慈善的な言葉で、今度は精神的なスリの犯罪を丁寧覆っている。ユダヤ人は創造しません;彼らは他の人がやったことを巧妙にひねり、利用するのです。彼らは古い賛美歌の本、オペラの楽譜、民謡集を全て買い漁り、もしあなたがイディッシュ語の歌謡曲メーカーの最大の「ヒット曲」のいくつかを分析するために立ち止まると、それらが先代のクリーンな歌のモチーフとメロディーで紡がれていることがわかります;音楽はかすかにジャズ風に演奏し、感情は非常に官能的になり、国中を彼らの卑劣な道を歩み始めた。

Because of absolute Jewish control of the song market, both in publishing and in theatrical performance, it is next to impossible for anything but a Jewish song to be published in the United States or, if published, to get a hearing. The proof of this is in the fact that the Yiddish trust owns the business and the so-called "song hits" all bear Jewish names.


A typical incident occurred in New York recently. A non-Jewish song composer had produced work of such commanding merit that musical sentiment demanded its public rendition. Jewish manager after Jewish manager was approached, but the combination was unbreakable. Finally, one New Yorker talked out and said something about "Jewish combine," which had its effect. A Jewish manager protested that he would be glad to give the work to the public. Rehearsals were held and the night of presentation arrived. The first number was a solo and a Jew appeared to sing it. He could not pronounce English words. He sang through his nose. He was most Yiddish in appearance, the long nose, with narrow, sloping forehead, curly hair. The second number was a duet, and behold two Jews appeared whose pronunciations differed between themselves. The performance was a most hilarious tragedy. The purpose was to kill a non-Jewish product by a poor Jewish rendition. But -- the Jewish manager overdid it. It needed just that to bring non-Jewish musical consciousness to the surface and to explode the advertised and money-bought notion that the Jew has predominant artistic genius. Say that he predominates in music -- yes; he has paid for and organized that predominance; do not, however, say anything about his predominance in musical genius or art.

典型的な事件が最近ニューヨークで起こった。非ユダヤ人の作曲家は、音楽的感情がその大衆演奏を要求するほどの圧倒的な価値のある作品を生み出した。ユダヤ人マネージャーに次ぐユダヤ人マネージャーがアプローチされましたが、その組み合わせは崩れませんでした。最後に、あるニューヨーカーが「ユダヤ人の組み合わせ」について発言し、その効果があった。あるユダヤ人マネージャーは、喜んでその作品を公開すると抗議した。リハーサルが行われ、発表の夜がやってきた。最初の曲はソロで、ユダヤ人が出てきて歌っていました。彼は英単語を発音できなかった。彼は鼻で歌った。彼の外見は最もイディッシュ人で、長い鼻、細く傾斜した額、縮れた髪をしていた。第2の曲は二重奏であったが、見よ、発音の異なる二人のユダヤ人が現われた。その公演は実に愉快な悲劇だった。目的は、ユダヤ人の下手な演出によって非ユダヤ人作品を殺すことだった。しかし -- ユダヤ人マネージャーはやりすぎた。それは、非ユダヤ人の音楽意識を表面化させ、ユダヤ人は卓越した芸術的才能を持っているという宣伝されお金で買われた概念を爆発させるために必要だった。彼は音楽で優位に立っていると言ってください -- はい;彼はその優位性のために支払い、組織化した;しかし、彼の音楽の天才性や芸術の卓越性については何も言わないでください。

Non-Jewish music has been stigmatized as "high brow." It is purveyable only in expensively good society. The people, the masses, are fed from day to day on the moron suggestiveness that flows in a hurtful flood out of Tin Pan Alley.

非ユダヤ人の音楽は「高尚」という烙印を押されてきた。それは高価で善良な社会でのみ購入できます。人々は、大衆は、Tin Pan Alleyからの有害な洪水の中で流れてくる能なしな思わせぶり上で日々養われている。


Tin Pan Alley is the name given to the region in Twenty-eighth street, between Broadway and Sixth avenue, where the first Yiddish song manufacturers began business. Flocks of young girls who thought they could sing, and others who thought they could write song poems, came to the neighborhood allured by dishonest advertisements that promised more than the budding Yiddish exploiters were able to fulfill. Needless to say, scandal became rampant, as it always does where so-called "Gentile" girls are reduced to the necessity of seeking favors from the eastern type of Jew. It was the constant shouting of voices, the hilarity of "parties," the banging of pianos and the blatting of trombones that gave the district the name of Tin Pan Alley.

Tin Pan Alleyは、ブロードウェイと6番大通りの間の28番街路にある地域に与えられた名前で、最初のイディッシュ語の歌謡曲メーカーが事業を始めた場所です。歌うことができると思った若い女の子や、歌詩を書くことができると思った他の人たちの群れは、新進のイディッシュ人搾取者たちが果たすことができる以上のことを約束する不正な広告に誘惑されて近所にやってきた。言うまでもなく、いわゆる「異邦人」の少女たちが東方系のユダヤ人からの高位を求めることの必要に駆られるのと同じように、スキャンダルが蔓延した。この地区がTin Pan Alleyと呼ばれるようになったのは、絶え間ない叫び声、「パーティー」の陽気さ、ピアノの音、トロンボーンの爆音だった。

The first attempt to popularize and commercialize the so-called "popular" type of music was made by Julius Witmark, who had been a ballad singer on the minstrel stage. He ceased performing to become a publisher, and was soon followed by East Side Jews, many of whom have become wealthy through their success in pandering to a public taste which they first debased.

いわゆる「ポピュラー」タイプの音楽を普及させ、商業化しようとした最初の試みは、吟遊詩人の舞台でバラード歌手をしていたJulius Witmarkによってなされた。彼は出版社になるために芸能活動をやめ、すぐにイーストサイドのユダヤ人が後を追いました、彼らの多くは、最初に貶めた大衆の趣味に迎合することに成功して裕福になりました。

Irving Berlin, whose real name is Ignatz or Isadore Baline, is one of the most successful of these Jewish song controllers. He was born in Russia and early became a singer and entertainer. With the rise of "rag-time," which was the predecessor of "jazz," he found a new field for his nimble talents and his first big success was "Alexander's Rag-Time Band" -- a popular piece which by comparison with what has followed it, is a blushing, modest thing.

本名はIgnatzまたはIsadore BalineであるIrving Berlinは、これらユダヤ人の歌の支配者の中で最も成功した1人です。彼はロシアで生まれ、早くから歌手兼エンターテイナーになった。「ジャズ」の前身である「ラグタイム」の興隆とともに、彼はその機敏な才能に新天地を見出し、最初の大成功を収めたのは「Alexander's Rag-Time Band」でした -- その後の作品と比べると赤面するほど地味な人気曲だった。

It was worth noting, in view of the organized eagerness of the Jew to make an alliance with the Negro, that it was Jewish "jazz" that rode in upon the wave of Negro "rag-time" popularity, and eventually displaced the "rag-time."



Berlin has steadily gone the road from mere interestingness to unashamed erotic suggestion. He is the "headliner" in homes as well as in the not-too-particular music halls, but his stuff without its music sometimes savors of vile suggestion.

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The motif of this business can be clearly seen in the "Berlin Big Hits." There are the so-called "vamp" songs, such as "Harem Life," and "You Cannot Make Your Shimmy Shake on Tea."

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このビジネスのモチーフは「Berlin Big Hits」によく表れている。「Harem Life」や「You Cannot Make Your Shimmy Shake on Tea」など、いわゆる「即興伴奏(vamp)」と呼ばれる曲があります。

Among the "successes" is the song entitled, "I Like It." It is a "vamp" song which has been sung everywhere, even by myriads of children who could not appreciate the full suggestion of the words, but were hypnotized by the atmosphere which the words created when sung; and by older folks who would not under any circumstances speak the words of the song, but who are victims of the modern delusion that a little flashy music covers a multitude of sins. "I Like It" deals with a girl, "Mary Green, seventeen," whose mother reproves her for flirting with the boys. (In the writing of this paragraph it was debated whether The Dearborn Independent should print what Mary replies to her mother. It was argued that printing the words might give a salutary shock to skeptical readers. It was also argued that the pages of this paper never yet had been defiled by obscenity. Mary's words, sung broadcast through the country, are therefore not given here.)

「成功」の中に「I Like It」というタイトルの曲がある。それはどこでも歌われてきた「即興伴奏」の歌であり、歌詞の示唆を十分に理解することはできなかったが、歌ったときに歌詞が醸し出す雰囲気に催眠術をかけられた無数の子供たちによってさえ歌われてきた;そして、どんな状況でも歌の歌詞を話そうとはしないが、少し派手な音楽が多くの罪を覆っているという現代の妄想の犠牲者である年配の人々によって。「I Like It」は、少年たちといちゃついていることを母親に叱られている少女、「Mary Green、17歳 」を扱っている。(この段落の執筆では、Dearborn Independent紙がMaryが母親に返信した内容を掲載すべきかどうかが議論された。その言葉を印刷することは、懐疑的な読者に有益なショックを与えるかもしれないと論じられた。また、この新聞のページが猥褻物によって汚されたことは決してなかったと主張された。国中に放送されて歌われたMaryの言葉は、したがってここには書かれていない。)

Readers should reserve comment until they search the piles of moron music rubbish in their own parlors. Readers have listened to much worse stuff than Mary's words, but covered by Yiddish "jazz." It takes cold type to show what a song really is. A good test for a song is to try to read it aloud. Few normal people can.


"O-Hi-O," as sung by Yiddish comedians, has a stench of its own. It may be commented on more extensively later as an example of the Yiddish practice of having three grades of the same song, to suit different degrees of degenerate appetites.


Such songs are not the worst, by any means. Jewish purveyors to degenerate appetites have a peculiarly devilish system of presenting the same song in two or three grades. There will be the song as it is sold at the music store to addle-pated young men and women who fill their leisure with hearing or humming this syncopated senility -- young men and women who pitiably imagine they are keeping up with the times. The songs thus sold and sung are rotten enough. But there is the same song, Class 2. The theme and the melody are the same, but it goes "a little further." There is a line or two in each stanza which dips below even the low standard which Jewish "jazz" has permitted in some of our parlors. And there is Class 3 -- same theme, same melody -- but "going the limit."

そのような歌は決して最悪ではない。退化した食欲のためのユダヤ人御用達は、同じ歌を2段階または3段階の等級に分けて上演するという独特の悪魔のようなシステムを持っている。暇を持て余してこのシンコペーションされたボケ(老衰)を聞いたり口ずさんだりしている頭の働きがにぶい男女に向けて、音楽店で販売されるるような歌があるでしょう -- 哀れにも時代について行っていると思い込んでいる若い男女だ。こうして売られ、歌われた曲は十分に腐っている。しかし、同じ曲で、2級があります。テーマとメロディーは同じですが、「もうちょっと」進んでいます。各スタンザには、ユダヤ人の「ジャズ」が私たちのいくつかの客間で許容している低い基準をも下回る行が1~2行あります。3級があります -- 同じテーマで同じメロディー -- しかし「徹底的にやります」。

Young men about town usually know Class 2 and Class 3. The instance has been known that young women have become acquainted with these lower grades also. Forgetfulness by young men while singing at the piano evenings has given hints of the filthier version. And even where version 1 has been strictly adhered to, the mutual knowledge, politely concealed, has created an atmosphere far from wholesome.


The diabolical cunning with which an unclean atmosphere is created and sustained through all classes of society and by the same influence, will not be overlooked by any observer. There is something Satanic about it, something calculated with demonic shrewdness. And the stream flows on and on, growing worse and worse, to the degradation of the non-Jewish public and the increase of Jewish fortunes.


If The Dearborn Independent were to print on this page the bare words of the popular songs that are to be found in the parlors of the most respectable section of every city, the reader's sense of decency would cry out against it. The same words, when drawn out by numerous hyphens and covered up with nervous music, insinuate their way into the hummed tones of age and into the lilts of innocent childhood. Between the movies and the popular songs the Jewish groups dictate the intellectual life of the masses.

もしDearborn Independent紙がこのページに、あらゆる都市の最も立派な地区の客間にある流行歌のありのままの歌詞を掲載したら、読者の良識はそれに反対するだろう。同じ言葉が、たくさんのハイフンによって引き出され、神経質な音楽に覆われると、彼らは年齢の鼻歌のような音色と、無邪気な子供時代の陽気さの中に入り込む。映画と流行歌の間で、ユダヤ人集団は大衆の知的生活を決定づけます

Among the latest Jewish "song hits" may be included these titles: "I'll Say She Does"; "You Cannot Shake That Shimmy Here"; "Sugar Baby"; "In Room 202"; "Can You Tame Wild Wimmen?" and an almost endless list of the same nature, some of which titles are too suggestive for print. Yet they have free course everywhere -- as everything Jewish does, in this country.

最近のユダヤ人の「ヒット曲」には、次のようなタイトルが含まれているかもしれません。「I'll Say She Does」;「You Cannot Shake That Shimmy Here」;「Sugar Baby」;「202号室」;「Can You Tame Wild Wimmen?」と同じ性質のほとんど無限のリストがあり、その中には印刷するにはあまりにも暗示的なタイトルもあります。しかし、彼らはどこでも自由なコースを持っています -- この国ではユダヤ人がやるすべてのことと同じように。

Ministers, educators, reformers, parents, citizens who are amazed at the growth of looseness among the people, rail at the evil results. They see the evil product and they attack the product. They rail at the young people who go in for all this eroticism and suggestiveness.

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But all this has a source! Why not attack the source? When a population is bathed in sights, sounds and ideas of a certain character, drenched in them and drowned in them, by systematic, deliberate, organized intent, the point of attack should be the cause, not the effect. Yet, that is precisely where the point of attack has not been made, presumably because of lack of knowledge.

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It is of little use blaming the people. The people are what they are made. Give the liquor business full sway and you have a population that drinks and carouses. After preaching abstinence to the victims for a century, the country turned its attention to the victimizers, and the abuse was greatly curtailed. The traffic is still illicitly carried on, but even so, the best way to abolish the illicit traffic is to identify the groups that carry it on.


The entire population of the United States could be turned into narcotic addicts if the same freedom was given the illicit narcotic ring as is now given the Yiddish popular song manufacturers. But in such a condition it would be stupid to attack the addicts; common sense would urge the exposure of the panderers.


A dreadful narcotizing of moral modesty and the application of powerful aphrodisiacs have been involved in the present craze for popular songs -- a stimulated craze. The victims are everywhere. But ministers, educators, reformers, parents, and public-spirited citizens are beginning to see the futility of scolding the young people thus diseased. Common sense dictates a cleaning out of the source of the disease. The source is in the Yiddish group of song manufacturers who control the whole output and who are responsible for the whole matter from poetry to profits.

道徳的謙遜の恐ろしい麻薬化と強力な媚薬の適用は、現在の流行歌の流行に関与している -- 刺激された流行。犠牲者はどこにでもいます。しかし、大臣、教育者、改革者、親、公共心のある市民は、このように病気になった若者を叱ることが無駄であることを分かり始めている。常識的に考えて、病気の原因を取り除くべきだ。その源は、制作物全体を管理し、詩から利益までのすべての問題に責任を持つ歌謡曲メーカーのイディッシュ語グループにある。

Next to the moral indictment against the so-called "popular" song is the indictment that it is not popular. Everybody hears it, perhaps the majority sing it; it makes its way from coast to coast; it is flung into the people's minds at every movie and from every stage; it is advertised in flaring posters; phonograph records shriek it forth day and night, dance orchestras seem enamored with it, player pianos roll it out by the yard. And by sheer dint of repetition and suggestion the song catches on -- as a burr thistle catches on; until it is displaced by another. There is no spontaneous popularity.

いわゆる「人気のある」曲に対する道徳的な非難の次が、それは人気がないという非難である。誰もがそれを聞いて、おそらく大多数がそれを歌います;それは海岸から海岸へと進む;どの映画でも、どの舞台でも、人々の心に飛び込んでくる;それは派手なポスターで宣伝されている;蓄音機のレコードは昼夜を問わずそれを叫び、ダンスオーケストラはそれに夢中になっているように見え、演奏者のピアノは庭でそれを広げています。そして、繰り返しと暗示のほんのわずかなことで、歌が引っかかる -- いがアザミが引っかかるように;それが別のものに置き換えられるまで。自然発生的な人気はありません。

It is a mere mechanical drumming on the minds of the public. There is often not a single atom of sentiment or spiritual appeal in the whole loudly trumpeted "success"; men and women, boys and girls have simply taken to humming words and tunes which they cannot escape, night or day.


The deadly anxiety of "keeping up with the times" drives the army of piano-owners to the music stores to see what is "going" now, and of course it is the Yiddish moron music that is going, and so another home and eventually another neighborhood is inoculated.


But there is no popularity. Take any moron music addict you know and ask him what was the "popular" song three weeks ago, and he will not be able to tell. These songs are so lacking in all that the term "popular" means as regards their acceptableness, that they die overnight, unregretted. Directly the Yiddish manufacturers have another "hit" to make (it is always the public that is "hit") a new song is crammed down the public gullet, and because it is the "latest," and because the Yiddish advertisements say that it is a "hit," and because the hired "pluggers" say that everybody is singing it, that song too becomes "popular" for its brief period, and so on through the year. It is the old game of "changing the styles" to speed up business and make the people buy. Nothing lasts in the Yiddish game -- styles of clothing, movies nor songs; it is always something new, to stimulate the flow of money from the popular pocket into the moron music makers' coffers.

しかし、人気はありません。あなたの知っている能無しな音楽中毒者を連れて行って、3週間前に 「人気のある」 曲は何だったかと尋ねても、彼は答えられないだろう。これらの歌は、「人気がある」という用語が彼らの受け入れられることに関して意味するように、すべてが欠けているので、それらは後悔することなく一夜にして死ぬ。直接には、イディッシュ語メーカーは別の「ヒット」を作らなければならず (「ヒット」するのは常に大衆である) 、新曲は大衆の食道に詰め込まれます、そしてなぜならそれが「最新」であるため、そしてなぜならイディッシュ語の広告がそれを「ヒット」と言うから、そしてなぜなら雇われた「プラガー」が誰もがそれを歌っていると言うから、そしてなぜならその曲もまた、その短期間だけ「人気」になり、そして1年中同じようになる。ビジネスを加速させ、人々に買わせるために「スタイルを変える」という古いゲームである。イディッシュ語のゲームでは何も続きません -- 服のスタイル、映画、歌;大衆のポケットから能無しな音楽制作者の金庫への資金の流れを刺激することは、常に新しい何かである。

There hasn't been a real "popular" song of Yiddish origin since the Jewish whistlers and back-alley songsters of New York's East Side undertook to handle musical America -- not one, unless we except in genuine gratitude George Cohan's "Over There," a song which came out of a period of strain and went straight to the people's heart.

ニューヨークのイーストサイドに住むユダヤ人の口笛吹きや路地裏の歌い手たちがミュージカルアメリカを担当するようになって以来、イディッシュ語由来の本当の「人気」な歌はありませんでした -- George Cohanの「Over There」が緊張の中から生まれ、人々の心にまっすぐに届いたことに心から感謝しない限り、1曲もありません。

Two facts about the "popular song" are known to all: first, that for the most part it is indecent and the most active agent of moral miasma in the country, or if not the most active, then neck and neck with the "movies"; second, that the "popular song" industry is an exclusively Jewish industry. But the inside story of the operation of this control of the people's music presents other facts which the people ought to know, and these additional facts will appear in another article.

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[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 6 August 1921]

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