English follows at the end of the note.
他人のために行動することで、私たちの心も解放され、リラックスできると言われています。 こうした行動が習慣になると、たとえ小さな行いであっても、人や社会に少しでも役立てているという実感が心に響くようになります。
たとえ自分に得がなくても「これでよし」と思えるため、何か悪いことが起こったとしても、過去の自分を責める必要がありません。 日常生活で、こうしてさりげなく善行を積み重ねることは、私たちの気持ちをすっきりさせ、穏やかで安心感のある生き方へと導いてくれる一つの方法です。
When I pick up litter on the street, it’s not “for myself” but rather with the thought, “I hope this makes the world a little better.” Even though there might be no direct benefit to me, I still feel refreshed and calm.
Buddhist teachings include the concepts of altruism and compassion, which suggest that doing good for others naturally soothes one’s own heart. In Buddhism, there is a parable about “Dana” (generosity), where giving isn’t just about offering material things but also about small acts of kindness and caring for nature. It is believed that by doing things for others, we liberate our own hearts and find inner peace.
When actions like this become a habit, even the smallest efforts can resonate within us, making us feel that we are helping people or society in some small way. And because we’re not seeking any personal gain, it becomes easier to say, “That’s fine as it is.” Even if something unfortunate happens, there’s no need to blame ourselves for the past.
In our daily lives, quietly accumulating such simple, good actions can help us feel refreshed, leading to a calm and reassuring way of living.