
東京近郊 南多摩 黒湯 日帰り温泉と図書館Minami-Tama in the suburbs of Tokyo Kuroyu day trip hot springs and libraries

温泉入り口。JR南武線 南多摩駅からゆるやかな坂上にある。歩いて7分くらい。
Entrance to the hot spring. It is located on a gentle slope from Minami-Tama Station on the JR Nanbu Line. About 7 minutes on foot.

道路挟んで向かいが図書館。Across the road is the library.

図書館内にカフェあり。There is a cafe in the library
図書館内で焼いているというパンを購入。メロンパンおいしい。I bought bread that was baked in the library. Melon bread is delicious.

Minami Tama Station on the Nambu Line was an interesting town. It is a relaxing town by the river, which is hard to believe it is in Tokyo. It was a residential area surrounded by nature. The library and local learning center are located across the road from a day spa. It was wonderful. The library is located on a slightly elevated hill, so the view from the library was great. The study space at the study center is available for individual use. The library has a large collection of books.
