













痛みランキングでは、生きたまま燃やされることに次いで2番目に痛いそう。しかし、自然分娩時に皆が通る道だ。(その最中、「なんで陣痛に耐えて分娩するの?」と聞いたら、妊婦さんに頭を噛みちぎられそう。)けど、分娩直後に我が子を抱くお母さんに「どうですか?」と尋ねると、世界で一番幸せそうな表情で、「今は大丈夫。全てが報われた」(i’m okay now. it was worth it.)となる人が多い。



This is when Matias asked me how I can type on my smartphone. i think I was communicating with typed messages, cause I needed to get messages throu accurately. Alao, I couldn’t necessarily talk, cause I was spasming so much, with trismus, intermittent ‘apnoea’ and perhaps my voice was too hoarse and soft for others to hear. Yes. I tapped the touch screen with a closed fist. even then, these motions triggered a spasm and I had apnoea during whole body spasms, which resulted in O2 SAT declines. Still, I could type a couple letters, spas, rest, recover, type a few letters, spas, rest and continue this till I completed a message. With convening, if I couldn’t breathe, thus couldn’t make a single sound when the staff came, I could never convey a message. I could never communicate. And, I could never convince the necessity of anything. And, I could never ask for the medication I knew I needed, but wasn’t common knowledge for other conditions (I’m usually the first case at the hospital any staff sees, so there’s no “common sense” or widely accepted consensus or a protocol of the hospital, till everyone reads up, creates a flow/ protocol for me. This is how I lay down the foundation for other patients with my condition to be treated. I’m usually the first case. I am special. People learn through me and they learn on me. Then, with trial and error, and importing of past successes (based on what I tell the staff about my PMH) we figure things out.

I’m so used to being the first patient/ case a specialist sees, because it’s such a rare consition. I’m so used to presenting evidence and building a foundation of EBM from scratch. I’m so used to people being initially baffled by the peculiar nature of the pathomechanism and symptomatology, then learn, then become nice and understanding after learning the facts and through my ‘behavior?’

I’m also quite used to many staff who couldn’t care less about a rare disease. Although, the majority do take interest and try to understand and help…… I don’t know where my sinicism comes from, as it doesn’t actually have a strong ground to have developed or be built…… huh…… anyway, I’m really happy when staff take an interest in my condition. I’m genuinely happy that people want to know and learn about a rare disease like mine. I suppose it is also hope that things will improve. (things could be just my condition improving from immunotherapy, or getting symptomatic relief from less triggers or medications. In any case, people taking interest is really a positive. It really makes my day. It’s lime sharing my academic work or research with others. It’s really fun to talk about research. I guess, it’s a little bit like that. Alzo, I truly believe I’m here due to a countless number of miracles and the tremendous effort of medical staff. I’m happy to cheer then
m on for their hard work, and I’m proud to show off being a miracle myself. I guess, over the years as a patient, I acquired a strange social tendancy. Or, I forgot the norm and became weird 🤣. Eh, whatever the case, I’m happy to be at their service, when people want to learn more about my rare disease. I guess I like helping. I like helping, want to do volunteer work, but if Ikm not well enough, then I enjoy advancing someone’s career or knowledge of medicine. a strange way to contribute to science and society.


ぜひサポートよろしくお願いします。 ・治療費 ・学費 等 に使用し、より良い未来の構築に全力で取り組みます。