
エルメス主催の馬術競技 Saut Hermès/ ソー・エルメス 2018〜パリ旅行記⑴


こんにちは Lulu.です。
念願かなって観てきました!Saut Hermès 2018。

Hello this is Lulu.
I’ve finally got the chance to visit Saut Hermès this year. Since it began in 2010, this is the 9th equestrian completion organized by Hermès. Held in Grand Palais every year, the world’s best riders and horses gathered, on March 1st. 

ショー ジャンピングと呼ばれる障害飛越競技は、決められた順番通りに障害を飛越、走行しスピードを競うもの。バーを落下させたり、馬が障害の前で止まってしまったりなどの反抗は失点、落馬してしまうと失権となります。大障害となると高さが160cm以上あり、大迫力の「人馬一体」を体感することができます。

In “Jumping” , competitors jump and run over obstacles in a predetermined order and compete for speed. Dropping the bar or having the horse stop in front of the obstacle will result in penalties, while falling off the horse will result in elimination.
A major obstacles can be more than 160cm high, and you can really feel the energy of horse and the rider being one (Jinba-ittai : unity of rider and horse).

The Hermès obstacles

人と馬との調和をテーマにデザインされた今年のコース。コースデザイナーは、スペインのSantiago Varela Ullastresとフランスの Grégory Bodo。

This year’s course was designed around the theme of harmony between people and horses. Course designers are Santiago Varela Ullastres from Spain and Grégory Bodo from France.

Each class will have different course designs.


Once the course is complete and the obstacles are set, the riders walk around the course, taking into account their stride and timing of their jumping. For example, the course looks like this.


It was truly a happy experience for me to be embody and feel the energy of the world’s top level riders and their horses.


Saut Hermès is held on a weekend every year between Mach and April.
For a while I couldn’t adjust my plan to make reservations and when I finally did, it was the year of the terrorist attack, so I had no choice but to cancel my trip to Paris. And finally this year, on a cold day with sprinkling of snow, I got the chance to visit.


I had been a horse lover since I was a child. I'd choose horses for all my drawing and toys, but it was not until I was in elementary school that I learned about “jumping.” It was also around that time that I got to know about this harness merchant Hermès, from a equestrian magazine.

I read Kimiko Uehara’s “Lolly’s Youth” (which is a manga (comic) about a girl who loves horses) until it was torn into pieces, and I have always though how I, who grew up in a very ordinary family, could enter this world and how I could one day experience a glimpse of this world. (Unlike Europe or the states, equestrian is not common in Japan and is considered a very expensive hobby.)
And when I was in high school, I started jumping myself and was obsessed with this sport, to jump while feeling the horse’s body heat .


So for me, Hermès is not a fashion brand but a harness merchant. Hermès is a special Maison that recreates the feeling of equestrian attire and makes me
feel like I'm with a horse, whether I'm holding a bag hand stitched with saddle stitching or wearing a bracelet.


Even for silver, I always put the horse and harness motifs, such as reins and mouthpiece, together.

独自の年間テーマに沿って展開されるエルメスのアイテム。チェスの駒をモチーフにした障害にも、自由に遊べるように至る所に置かれた小さなゲームにもその“Let’s play!”の精神が貫かれていたように感じました。

This year’s theme is Game. Hermès items are designed according to a unique annual theme. The spirit of “let’s play” seems to have been carried through in the obstacles with motifs of chess pieces, and small games placed everywhere so that people can play freely.


Ponies and horse-drawn carriages were available for the little ones, and their happy voices echoed in the Grand Palais.

ソー・エルメスでのもう一つの楽しみがバルタバス氏演出のエキシビション。バルタバス氏は、1984年に騎馬スペクタクル「Zingaro ジンガロ」を立ち上げ、馬の調教から制作、演出を全てこなす「現代のシャーマン」と呼ばれる馬術家。
氏はヴェルサイユの大厩舎も再生し、2003年ヴェルサイユ馬術アカデミー(Académie équestre nationale du Domaine de Versailles)をも立ち上げています。

Another fun part of Saut Hermès is the Baltavas staging exhibition. Mr. Baltavas founded the equestrians spectacle, “Zingaro” in 1984, and is know as a “modern shaman” who handles everything from horsemanship to production and staging.
He has also revitalized the Grand stables of Versailles and founded the Academy of Equestrian Art of Versailles in 2003.

今年はウェールズ産のポニー70頭が出演した"WILD PONIES"。一見無秩序で混沌とした流れの中に美しい旋律が感じられ〜バルタバス独特の美意識が伝わってきました。

This year, 70 Welsh ponies performed “WILD PONIES.”
I could feel the beautiful melody in this seemingly chaotic and disorderly flow, and I was moved by Baltavas’s unique sense of beauty.

そしてもうひとつ、Saut Hermèsファンが楽しみにしているのが、毎年馬にまつわるチャームが変わる愛らしいブレスレット。このブレスレットは会場であるグラン・パレと、フォーブル サントノレの本店でのみ購入出来ます。

Another thing I look forward to is the adorable bracelet with horse related charms that change every year. These bracelets are available at the venue and Faubourg Saint Honoré main store. (And sometimes at other equestrian competitions. )


Tried it on, right after I got it.

Demonstrations by saddle craft-men are also available.


I don’t think I’ll be waking up from this dream any time soon.
