伝統的影絵芝居にスター・ウォーズをのせて。 「FUSION WAYANG KULIT」 / KL④
今回は伝統的な影絵芝居 ワヤン・クリ(wayang kulit)の世界に、新風を吹き込んだ「FUSION WAYANG KULIT」をご紹介します。
Let me introduce you to "FUSION WAYANG KULIT", a new style brought to the world of traditional shadow play, wayang kulit.
2012年にTintoy Chuo氏とTake Huat氏 (共同創設者) によって設立された「FUSION WAYANG KULIT」。
13代目の公認影絵人形師である Pak Dain氏と緊密に協力し、伝統的な影絵芸術をデジタル/マルチメディア領域と融合させ、母国の大切な伝統を守りながら、その文化的認識をさらに広めることに取り組んでいます。
FUSION WAYANG KULIT (Fusion WK) is an award-winning team from Malaysia, founded by Tintoy Chuo and Take Huat (co-founder) in 2012, where the duo works closely with Mr. Pak Dain who is the 13th accredited Master Puppeteer to revive the traditional shadow puppetry art by merging it with the digital/multimedia realm, and to spread its cultural awareness further afield while preserving the tradition in the roots of its home nation.
Shadow puppetry originated in India over 2000 years ago and was bought to Malaysia about 500 years ago. Each region has their own style and identity.
マルチメディアデザインを専攻したTintoy Chuo氏は2012年、友人からアート展へ参加するよう誘われ、温めていたアイディアを実践することにしました。それは、影絵人形を非常に異なる、そして現代的なものと組み合わせること。「FUSION WAYANG KULIT」の誕生です。
Tintoy Chuo, who has majored in Multi-media design, was invited to join an art exhibition by a friend to realize his ideas. This was the beginning of his creation to combine shadow puppet with something “very different, very modern”.
スター・ウォーズの大ファンであったTintoy Chuo氏は、迷わず彼らと影絵をコラボレーションすることに。
Mr. Tintoy Chuo was a big fan of Star Wars and started his collaboration with Star Wars.
Star Wars was the beginning of his creation with characters.
伝統芸術のルーツに忠実でありたいと考えたTintoy Chuo氏は、ワヤン・クリの分野で30年以上の経験を持つマスター、クラタン伝統マレー影絵芸術学校の13代目公認影絵人形師である Pak Dain氏と密接に協力し、新しい世界を作り上げています。
Wanting to stay true to the roots of the traditional art, Tintoy Chuo worked closely with Pak Dain, who is the 13th accredited Tok Dalang ("Master Puppeteer") of the Kelantan Traditional Malay Shadow Play art school with more than 30 years of experience in the field of wayang kulit.
Meaning that, while being avant-garde, it follows the principles of Malaysian wayang kulit.
the main character stands on a dragon (or naga).
So Luke is a Landspeeder turned creature.
ハン・ソロの場合は、翼が生えたミレニアム・ファルコン(Millennium Falcon)!
And Han Solo is a Millennium Falcon with wings.
All the other characters have their feet on the ground.
warrior have claws (a hand with long nails).
And R2-D2's mechanic hands look traditional.
Tools and weapon are held with inner arm.
And Darth Vader has been devised to have more traditional look by having demon eyes and long teeth.
Sarong, a traditional cousume, is also described.
The puppets are made from cowhide or goat hide.
Craftsmen cut the pieces by hand.
Remove paper (by washing)
And color with translucent inks and markers.
And last add the wooden stick on the body and hands.
In Wayang Kulit, a puppeteer called "Dalang" narrates the lines of each character to navigate the story.
As wayang kulit derived from India, Hindu pantheon and animist beliefs are inherited. The Malaysian Islamic Party, which controls the Kelantan State government, has banned on wayang kulit , along with other traditional Malay performance arts, for its “un-islamic elements”.
約500年前、マレーシアに伝わったという影絵芝居 ワヤン・クリ。この地に住むすべての人が楽しめるよう、この伝統芸能を保存するのが「FUSION WAYANG KULIT」の目的。
Malaysia, where Islam is the state religion, is also a multi-ethnic country. The purpose of "FUSION WAYANG KULIT" is to preserve this traditional performing art which was introduced to Malaysia about 500 years ago to make sure everyone can enjoy it.
2013年10月18日に初公演した'Peperangan Bintang' (Star Wars inspired wayang kulit) は、「新たなる希望」の第1幕に基づいています。
'Peperangan Bintang' (Star Wars inspired wayang kulit) was first performed on October 18, 2013. And this section of performance is based on the act 1 of the Star Wars movie Episode IV ‒ A New Hope.
The reason we pick A NEW HOPE to start with is because we feel that this performance could be a NEW hope for us to save the traditional art.
このショーはマレー語で語られ、ダース・ベイダーはSangkala Vedeh、ルーク・スカイウォーカーはPerantau Langitとして登場します。
The show is spoken in, the national language of Malaysia, with the name of each character localized: Sangkala Vedeh as Darth Vader, and Perantau Langit as Luke Skywalker.
マンダリン オリエンタル クアラルンプールの20周年記念に作られたロイヤル セランゴールのピューター製の扇に。
As I was heading back to my room, this caught my attention: Royal Selangor pewter fan made to commemorate Mandarin Oriental Kuala Lumpur's 20th anniversary.
マンダリンオリエンタルの象徴である扇には、FUSION WAYANG KULIT の創設者 Tintoy Chuo氏のスケッチから彫られた美しいパペットが静かに佇んでいました。
A beautiful puppet carved from a sketch by Tintoy Chuo, founder of FUSION WAYANG KULIT, was standing quietly on the fan, the symbol of Mandarin Oriental.
And the Hermès boutique in The Gardens Mall in Kuala Lumpur. It was newly renovated and extended in March 2024 to reveal a bespoke design that celebrates local architecture and craft.
ウィンドウを飾ったのは、エルメスの2024年のテーマ「フォーブールの魂」を表現したFUSION WAYANG KULIT 手掛けるワヤン・クリ。
To mark the reopening, a window display of hand-made puppets reimagines the traditional Malaysian puppet theatre play ‘Wayang Kulit’ with a modern twist to illuminate the 2024 theme of the year, ‘The Spirit of Faubourg’.
マレーシアに500年前に伝わったワヤン・クリ。この伝統芸能の存続に繋がるきっかけを創り出し、活動を続けているFUSION WAYANG KULIT。
Wayang Kulit was introduced to Malaysia 500 years ago. I respect the FUSION WAYANG KULIT as they continues its activities by creating opportunities for the continuation of this traditional performing art.
A must-visit place in Kuala Lumpur.
Location: GMBB KL, M-3-29 (3rd floor), No, 2, Jalan Robertson 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Operation hours: 11am — 8pm daily